
Sex and Gender

Miller, Shaeleya and Verta Taylor. 2015. 
"Beneath the Sequins: Drag Identity in the LGBT Community."
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition.  Edited by James D. Wright and Don Barrett.  Oxford:  Elsevier.
Research Themes:
Ellis, Corrie. 2015
"Solidarity for Feminist Climate Justice"
The Feminist Wire, April 27
Snipes SA, Hayes-Constant TK, Trumble BC, Goodreau SM, Morrison DM, Shell-Duncan B, Pelman RS, O’Connor KA.  (2015). 
"Masculine perspectives about family and work concurrently promote and inhibit men's health behaviors."
International Journal of Men's Health.
Huang CE, Cassels S, Winer RL. 2015. 
"Self-reported sex partner dates for use in measuring concurrent partnerships: Correspondence between two assessment methods."
Archives of Sexual Behavior44(4): 873-883. (PMCID: PMC4382421).
Rios, V.M. 2015
"Race and Deviance: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys."
In Goode, Erich Wiley Handbook on Deviance. 
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2015. 
"Stronger Work-Family Policies Help Women Build Better Businesses."
The Conversation. November 19. 
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah, with Patricia Greene. 2015. 
"State of the Field: Gender."
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. February 19. 
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M. and Guzman, Melissa. 2015.
"Latino Youth and Criminal Justice."
In Morin, Jose Luis Latinas/os and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
Research Themes:
Brady, L.M., Kaiser, C., Major, B. & Kirby, T. (2015)
"It's fair for us: Diversity structures cause women to legitimize discrimination."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.57, 100-110.
Thébaud, Sarah. 2015. 
"Business as Plan B? Institutional Foundations of Gender Inequality in Entrepreneurship across 24 Industrialized Countries."
Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4):671-711.
Research Themes:
Charles, Maria, Corrie Ellis Grosse and Paula England. 2015.
"Is There a Caring Class? Intergenerational Transmission of Care Work."
Sociological Science. 2:527-43.
Research Themes:
Jenness SM, Biney AAE, Ampofo WK, Dodoo FN, Cassels S. 2015.
"Minimal Coital Dilution in Accra, Ghana."
JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 69(1): 85-91.  (PMCID: PMC4424052).
Rios, V.M. and Sarabia, Rachel. 2015. 
"Synthesized Masculinities: The Mechanics of Manhood among Delinquent Boys."
In Pascoe, CJ and Bridges, Tristan Exploring Masculinities: Identity, Inequality, Continuity and Change. Oxford University Press. 
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2015. 
"What Helps Women Entrepreneurs Flourish?"
Briefing paper prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families. November 5. 
Research Themes:
David S. Pedulla and Sarah Thébaud. 2015. 
"Leaning in at Work and at Home: Why Workplace Policies Matter."
The Conversation. January 29. 
Research Themes:
Pedulla, David S. and Sarah Thébaud (equal authorship). 2015.
"Can We Finish the Revolution? Gender, Work-Family Ideals, and Institutional Constraint."
American Sociological Review.
Research Themes:
Wuff, Stephen, Mary Bernstein, and Verta Taylor. 2015. 
"New Theoretical Directions from the Study of Gender and Sexuality Movements: Collective Identity, Multi-institutional Politics, and Emotions."
Pp. 108-130 in The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements, edited by Donatella della Porta and Mario Diani.  New York/Oxford:  Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
Hendley, Alexandra and Maria Charles. 2015.
"Gender Segregation in Higher Education"
In Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn, eds. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2015. 
"Status Beliefs and the Spirit of Capitalism: Accounting for Gender Biases in Entrepreneurship and Innovation."
Social Forces 94: 61-86.
Research Themes:
Grosse, Corrie Ellis. 2016. 
"Fair Care? How Ecuadorian Women Negotiate Childcare in Fair Trade Flower Production."
Women's Studies International Forum57:30-37.
Research Themes:
Khanna A, Roberts ST, Cassels S, Ying R, John-Stewart G, Goodreau SM, Baeten JM, Murnane P, Celum C, Barnabas RV. 2015.
"Estimating PMTCT's Impact on Heterosexual HIV Transmission: A Mathematical Modeling Analysis."
PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134271. (PMCID: PMC4532442).
Mehta, Aashish and Alison Brysk. Forthcoming. 
"Do rights at home boost rights abroad? Sexual equality and humanitarian foreign policy."
Journal of Peace Research. 
Research Themes:
Stets, Jan, Peter Burke, Kay Deux, Jill Keilcolt, Bert Klandermans, Richard Sherpe, Sheldon Stryker, Verta Taylor, and Nancy Whittier. 2014.
"Identity Module of the 2014 General Social Survey."
National Opinion Research Center.
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2014. 
"Can we pull back the curtain on old-fashioned assumptions?"
Gender & Society blog posting. 
Research Themes:
Katz DA, Cassels S, Stekler JD. 2014. 
"Replacing Clinic-based Tests with Home-use Tests May Increase HIV Prevalence among Seattle Men Who Have Sex with Men: Evidence from a Mathematical Model."
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 41(1): 2-9. (PMCID: PMC3955208)
Cassels S, Jenness SM, Biney AAE, Ampofo WK, Dodoo FN. Forthcoming. 
"Migration, sexual networks, and HIV in Agbogbloshie, Ghana."
Demographic Research. 
Hopkins, Jason J. 2014. 
"Sacralizing Queerness: LGBT Faith Movements and Identity Deployment"
Pp. 159-177 In Queering Religion, Religious Queers, edited by Yvette Taylor and Ria Snowdon. London: Routledge.
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M. and Galicia, Mario. 2014.
"Smoking Guns or Smoke & Mirrors?: Schools and the Policing of Latino Boys."
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal. 
Research Themes:
Taylor, Verta and Leila J. Rupp. 2014. 
"Are we still queer even though we're married?"
Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds 13 (2): 83-87.
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2014. Review of
"Into the fire: Disaster and the Remaking of Gender"
American Journal of Sociology 119 (6). 
Research Themes:
Katz DA, Cassels S, Stekler JD. 2014. 
"Response to the modelling analysis by Katz et al on the impact of replacing clinic-based HIV tests with home testing among men who have sex with men in Seattle: Authors' reply."
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 41(5):320.
Trumble BC, Stieglitz J, Emery Thompson M, Fuerstenberg E, Kaplan H, Gurven M.  (2014). 
"Testosterone and male cognitive performance in Tsimane forager-horticulturalists."
American Journal of Human Biology. 
Major, B., Hunger, J., Bunyan, D & Miller, C.T. 2014.
"The ironic effects of weight stigma."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 74-80.
Charles, Maria, Bridget Harr, Erin Cech and Alexandra Hendley. 2014. 
"Who Likes Math Where?"
Gender Differences in Eighth-graders' Attitudes around the World. International Studies in Sociology of Education 24:85-112. 
Research Themes:
Taylor, Verta.  2014.  
"Preface to Sexual Fields: Toward a Sociology of Collective Sexual Life"
edited by Adam Isaiah Green. Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, pp. xiii-xv.
Research Themes:
Rupp, Leila J., Verta Taylor, Shiri Regev-Messalem, Alison Fogarty and Paula England. 2014. 
"Queer Women in the Hookup Scene: Beyond the Closet?"
Gender &Society 2 (2): 212-235.
Research Themes:
Winant, Howard. Forthcoming. 
"The Dark Matter: Race and Racism in the 21st-Century."
Critical Sociology.
Pearson CR, Cassels S. 2014. 
"Place and sexual partnership transition among young American Indian and Alaska Native Women."
AIDS & Behavior. 18(8): 1443-1453. NIMHMS 544384.
Research Themes:
Ellis, Corrie. 2014.
"Women Working on a Fair Flower Farm in Ecuador: An Ethnographic Study."
In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd. doi:
Kuhn, Peter and Kaling Shen.
"Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China"
Quarterly Journal of Economics 128(1) (February 2013).
Research Themes:
Rossin-Slater, Maya, Christopher Ruhm and Jane Waldfogel.
"Effects of California's Paid Family Leave Program on Mothers' Leave-Taking and Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes"
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 32(2): 224-245, Spring 2013.
Verta Taylor and Alison Dahl Crossley. 2013.
Pp. 1-3 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Research Themes:
Hopkins, Jason, Anna Sorensen, and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Same-Sex Couples, Families, and Marriage: Embracing and Resisting Heteronormativity"
Sociology Compass 7(2): 97-110.
Charles, Maria. 2013. 
"Review of Conflict and Concord"
in Work and Family: Family Policies and Individuals' Subjective Experiences, by Ida Öun. Sociologisk Forskning. 
Taylor, Verta. 2013.  
"Social Movement Participation in the Global Society: Identity, Networks, and Emotions."
In The Future of Social Movement Research: Dynamics, Mechanisms, and Processes, eds. Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Conny Roggeband, and Bert Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 37-57.
Research Themes:
Cassels S, Jenness SM, Khanna A. 2013. 
"Conceptual Framework and Research Methods for Migration and HIV Transmission Dynamics."
AIDS & Behavior: Nov 21. NIMHMS 543091.
Earl, Jennifer, Heather McKee Huwitz, Analicia Mejia Mesinas, Margaret Tolan and Ashley Arlotti.
"This Protest Will Be Tweeted: Twitter and protest policing during the Pittsburgh G20."
Information Communication and Society, 16(4): 459-478. 2013.
Research Themes:
Lundberg, Shelly, Katrine Løken and Kjell Erik.
"Your Place or Mine? On the Location Decisions of Married Couples"
Demography, February 2013, 50(1), 285-310.
Verta Taylor and Alison Dahl Crossley. 2013.
"Abeyance Cycles in Social Movements"
In Movements in Times of Demographic Transition, eds. Bert Klandermans and Cornelius van Stralen. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Research Themes:
Leila Rupp and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Feminism and Social Movements"
Pp. 459-463 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Research Themes:
Charles, Maria.
"The Local Joneses: Household Consumption and Income Inequality in Large Metropolitan Areas"
Forthcoming. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
Rupp, Leila J. and Verta Taylor. 2013. 
"Queer Girls on Campus: New Intimacies and Sexual Identities."
In Intimacies: A New World of Relational Life, eds. Alan Frank, Patricia Clough and Steven Seidman.  New York:  Routledge ), pp. 82-97.
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2013. Review of
"Women at Work: Tupperware, Passion Parties, and Beyond"
Social Forces.
Research Themes:
Bernstein, Mary and Verta Taylor.
"The Marrying Kind? Debating Same-Sex Marriage within the Gay and Lesbian Movement"
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2013.
Eliezer, D. & Major, B.
"It's not your fault: The social costs of claiming discrimination on behalf of someone else"
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Vol 15, no 4. 487-502. 2013.
Research Themes:
Verta Taylor and Mayer Zald. 2013.
"Health Movements"
Pp. 555-558 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Identity Politics"
Pp. 580-584 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Charles, Maria. 2013. 
"Sex Typing."
In Vicki Smith and J. Geoffrey Golson, eds. Sociology of Work. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications. 
Research Themes:
Bernstein, Mary and Verta Taylor. 2013. 
"Marital Discord: Understanding the Contested Place of Marriage in the Lesbian and Gay Movement."
In The Marrying Kind? Debating Same-Sex Marriage Within the Lesbian and Gay Movement, edited by Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor. (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press), pp. 1-35.
Research Themes:
Cassels S and Katz DA. 2013. 
"Seroadaptation among men who have sex with men: emerging research themes."
Current HIV/AIDS Reports10(4): 305-313. (PMCID: PMC3946930).
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M.
"Stealing a Bag of Potato Chips and Other Crimes of Resistance"
Contexts. American Sociological Association. Vol. 11, N. 2. 2012.
Heather McKee Hurwitz and Verta Taylor.
"Women's Cultures and Social Movements in Global Contexts."
Sociology Compass. 6/10: 808-822. 2012.
Research Themes:
McAllister, L., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Stieglitz, J.
"Why Do Women Have More Children Than They Want? Understanding Differences in Women's Ideal and Actual Family Size in a Natural Fertility Population"
American Journal of Human Biology 24: 786-799 (2012).
Gurven, Michael, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan, Jeffrey Winking
"Infidelity, jealousy, and wife abuse among Tsimane forager-farmers: testing evolutionary hypotheses of marital conflict"
Evolution and Human Behavior, 33: 438-448. 2012.
Charles, Maria.
"Global Sex Segregation"
In George Ritzer, ed. Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2012.
Research Themes:
Lundberg, Shelly.
"Personality and Marital Surplus"
IZA Journal of Labor Economics, October 2012, 1:3.
Rios, V.M.
"Gunfire as Conflict Resolution."
Room for Debate. The Opinion Pages. New York Times. March 21, 2012.
John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate.
"Introduction: What is the youth bulge and why does it matter?"
Chapter 1 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Gurven, Michael, Stacey L. Rucas, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan
"Social Aggression and Resource Conflict Across the Female Life-Course in the Bolivian Amazon"
Aggressive Behavior. Volume 38, pages 194-207 (2012)
Charles, Maria.
"Review of Framed by Gender: Why Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World, by Cecilia Ridgeway."
European Sociological Review. 2012.
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M. and Lopez-Aguado.
"Performance of Cholo Style as Identity of Resistance In Aldama, Arturo"
Performing the U.S. Latina and Latino Borderlands. Indiana: Indiana University Press. 2012.
Research Themes:
Rossin-Slater, Maya and Christel Brellochs.
"Preconception Health and Health Care and Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Opportunities for Collaboration"
National Center for Children in Poverty at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Report, May 2012.
Stieglitz, J., Blackwell, A.D., Quispe Gutierrez, R., Cortez Linares, E., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H.
"Modernization, sexual-risk taking and gynecological morbidity among Bolivian forager-horticulturalists."
PLOS One, December 2012, Volume 7, Issue 12.
O'Brien, L. T., Major, B. N., & Gilbert, P. N.
"Gender differences in entitlement: The role of system-justifying beliefs"
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 34(2), 136-145. 2012.
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary and Uri Gneezy.
"Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk-taking"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83, June 2012, 50-58.
Research Themes:
Charles, Maria
"What Gender is Science?"
Contexts 22-28. 2011
Research Themes:
Kathryn Grace
"Against Abstinence-Only Education Abroad: Viewing Internet use During Study Abroad as a Possible Experience Enhancement"
Journal of Studies in International Education published online 18 October 2011.
Research Themes:
Rupp, Leila J. and Verta Taylor 
"Verta Taylor and Leila J. Rupp"
Pp. 217-230 in Sociologists Backstage:  Answers to 10 Questions About What They Do, eds. Sarah Fenstermaker and Nikki Jones.  New York:  Routledge. 2011
Eliezer, D., Townsend, S. S. M., Sawyer, P. J., Major, B. & Mendes, W. B.
"System justifying beliefs moderate the relationship between perceived discrimination and resting blood pressure"
Social Cognition.29, 303-321.
Gurven, Michael, Christopher von Rueden and Hillard Kaplan
"Why do men seek status? Fitness payoffs to dominance and prestige"
Proceedings of Royal Society B 278: 2223-2232. 2011
Jacobson, Mireille, Heather Royer
"Aftershocks: The Impact of Clinic Violence on Abortion Services"
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2011, 3(1): 189-223.
Verta Taylor, Leila J. Rupp
"Going Back and Giving Back: The Ethics of Staying in the Field"
Qualitative Sociology: Special Issue: Ethics: Beyond the IRB. 34(3): 483-496. 2011.
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary, and Aldo Rustichini 
"Gender Differences in Cooperation with Group Membership"
Games and Economic Behavior, 72, May, 2011, 77-85
Research Themes:
Charles, Maria
"A World of Difference: International Trends in Women's Economic Status"
Annual Review of Sociology 37:355-72. 2011
Catherine Weinberger
"In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Gender and Earnings Growth among U.S. College Graduates in the 1990s"
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64(5), October 2011.
Research Themes:
McCrary, Justin, Heather Royer
"The Effect Of Female Education On Fertility And Infant Health: Evidence From School Entry Policies Using Exact Date Of Birth"
American Economic Review, 2011, 101(1): 158-195.
Rupp, Leila, Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, and Eds
"Feminist Frontiers (ninth edition)"
New York: McGraw-Hill. 2011
Research Themes:
Garratt, Rodney, Catherine Weinberger and Nick Johnson
"The State Street Mile: Age and Gender Differences in Competition Aversion in the Field"
Economic Inquiry. Volume 51, Issue 1, pages 806-815.
Research Themes: