Education and Health

Previous Health and Education

Alex Franks

Alex Franks
research associates
Statistics and Applied Probability
University of California, Santa Barbara
Associate Professor

Alex Franks is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests include causal inference and sensitivity analysis, with recent applications in demographic panel data. His methodological work relates to latent variable modeling and covariance estimation, missing data and measurement error, and Bayesian statistics.

Matías Strehl-Pessina

graduate student associates
Department of Economics
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Matías Strehl-Pessina is a fourth-year PhD student in Economics at UCSB. He obtained his BA and Master’s degree in Economics from Universidad de la República, in Uruguay, as well as a Master’s degree in Economics at UCSB. His research focuses primarily on Public Economics, Labor economics, and Political Economy, with special focus on inequality. His current research focuses on the effect of tax policies on different aspects of the economy--such as income inequality and the wage distribution-- and on individuals and firms’ behavior. His research also focuses on trying to understand what shapes people's preferences for redistribution. Finally, he is interested in economic mobility, opportunity, and its main determinants. He has also a keen interest in sports, particularly in futbol(soccer), tennis, and table tennis.

Selective social tolerance drives differentiated relationships among wild female chimpanzees


Fox, S. A., Muller, M. N., Camargo Peña, N., Thompson González, N., Machanda, Z., Otali, E., 

Wrangham, R., & Emery Thompson, M. 2024.


Animal Behaviour, 217, 21–38.


Aging, Race, and Health Disparities: Recommendations from the Research Centers Collaborative Network.


Jain, S., Bey, G. S., Forrester, S. N., Rahman-Filipiak, A., Thompson Gonzalez, N., Petrovsky, D. V., Kritchevsky, S. B., & Brinkley, T. E. 2024.


The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, gbae028.

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