2024/25 Schedule
Seminars are held on Mondays 1:00 - 2:15 pm in North Hall 2111, unless otherwise specified. For regular email updates on Seminar access, click on the "subscribe" button on this page.
Monday, September 30
Monday, October 7:
Monday, October 14: Martha Bailey (UCLA, Economics) "The Costs of Contraception Limit Reproductive Autonomy: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial" Host: Shelly Lundberg
Thursday, October 17: Interdiscipinary Conference: “Socioecology of Social Aging” Mosher Alumni Hall, 9:00 - 5:00
Monday, October 21: Courtney Tobin (UCLA, Community Health Sciences) "Black across the Life Course: Exploring Racial Identity Development and Health among Middle-Aged and Older Black Americans" Host: Susie Cassels
Monday, October 28:
Monday, November 4: Sarah Miller (University of Michigan, Economics) Maternal and Infant Health Inequality: New Evidence from Linked Administrative Data Host: Heather Royer
Monday, November 18: Amanda Lea (Vanderbilt University, Biological Sciences) "Understanding Lifestyle Effects on Health in Contemporary, Non-industrial Populations" Host: Amy Boddy
Friday Nov 11 is a university holiday.
Thanksgiving is Thurs Nov 28.
Monday, January 13: Mehtabul Azam (Oklahoma State, Economics) "ICT Skills and Labor Market Outcomes in India: Evidence from Cell Tower Expansion" Host: Aashish Mehta
Monday, January 27:
Monday, February 3: Graduate Student Lab Lunch
Lunch: 12:15 in the Broom Lab
Presentations: 1:00-2:00 NH 2111
Sean Reid (Geography)
“Does destination matter? Exploring the dynamic between HIV and Latinx migration destinations in the United States”
Reetika Sindhi (Economics)
“The Intergenerational Effect of Birth Order: Evidence from the NLSYs”
Monday, February 24: Rebecca Stebbins (Columbia University, Associate Research Scientist, Columbia Aging Center) "Occupational Cognitive Stimulation and Cognitive Functioning in Young Adulthood: Insights from Add Health and New Data Collection Efforts" Host: Nic Thompson Gonzáles
Monday, March 3: Niall Newsham (UCSB, Geography) "Population Decline in the 21st Century: Spatiotemporal Analyses from subnational Europe & the USA"
Host: Susie Cassels
Monday, March 10: Ying Huang (University of Texas, San Antonio, Sociology and Demography) "Parental Socioeconomic Status and Offspring Neighborhood Attainment: Pathways through Middle Adulthood" Host: Liz Ackert
Notes: Mon Jan 20 and Mon Feb 17 are university holidays
Monday, April 14: Sabino Kornrich (NYU, Social Science) "Parental Investments and Son Preference in a Diverse High-Inequality Gulf Country" Host: Sarah Thébaud
Monday, May 5: Graduate Student Lab Lunch
Lunch: 12:15 in the Broom Lab
Presentations: 1:00-2:00 NH 2111
Sigrid Van Abbeele (Geography)
Brianna Chan (Geography)
Monday, May 12: Susan Cutter (University of South Carolina, Geography) Host: Alan Murray
Monday, May 19: Pilar Gonalons-Pons (University of Pennsylvania, Sociology)) Host: Maria Charles
Monday, June 2:
Notes: Mon May 26 is a university holiday