graduate student research and travel grants


Each year, the Broom Center awards funds to support graduate student attendance at training programs in demographic methods, and for small dissertation-related research projects on demographic topics.  Research topics related to the Broom Center’s six research areas are of special interest.  All Broom Center Graduate Associates are eligible to apply.   For further details and application procedures, please see this year’s Call for Applications.  Every submission must contain a completed cover sheet as its first page. 

Attendance at any training program in demographic research methods will be considered; proposals will be evaluated in part on the quality and reputation of the training program and its relevance to the student’s ongoing or proposed dissertation research. Click here for examples of training programs would qualify under this program.  These are only examples of possible programs that could qualify for a Broom GST grant.  Proposals for research support will be evaluated on their merit, relevance to demography and the Center's themes, and contribution to the applicant's thesis research.