Sex and Gender
"The Social Psychology of Gender: Theoretical Approaches and Contemporary Developments."
In Handbook of Social Psychology Micro, Meso, and Macro Perspectives. Vol. 2: Meso and Macro Perspectives, edited by J. E. Stets, K. A. Hegtvedt, and L. Doan.
Research Themes:
"The China trade shock and the gender wage gap in India: A District-level analysis."
Indian Economic Review, 1-32.
Research Themes:
"Abortion and Women’s Future Socioeconomic Attainment. "
American Sociological Review.
Research Themes:
"Overlooked Consequences. "
Contexts 23(2): 62-65.
Research Themes:
"Toward a Sociological Perspective on the Gender and Sexuality of Friendship. "
Sociology Compass.
Research Themes:
"Misperception of peer beliefs reinforces inequitable gender norms among Tanzanian men. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences.
Research Themes:
"Masculinity and Friendship. "
The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ+ Studies, edited by A. E. Goldberg. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE
Research Themes:
"Gendered conflict in the human family. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences, 5, e12. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 5, e12.
Research Themes:
"Implementation and Validation of Location-Based Survey to Assess Geographic Network and Hotspots of Sex and Drug Use in Los Angeles County. "
JMIR Formative Research 7:e45188 (PMCID: PMC10337421)
Research Themes:
"What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads? "
American Economic Review 113(4) pp. 1013-48. PDF AER
Research Themes:
"What Is Friendship? Learning from Asexual and Aromantic Perspectives. "
Pp. 293–294 in Families as They Really Are, edited by V. E. Rutter, K. Williams, and B. J. Risman. 3rd Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Research Themes:
"New perspectives on the evolution of women's cooperation. "
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1868), 20210424.
Research Themes:
"Weak, but not strong, ties support coalition formation among wild female chimpanzees"
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1868), 20210427
Research Themes:
"Review of "How Social Movements Matter""
by David S. Meyer. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2021 in American Journal of Sociology 129: 297-299.
Research Themes:
"Complicating Patriarchy: Gender Beliefs of Muslim Facebook Users in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. "
Gender & Society 37:91-123,
Research Themes:
"The Gendering of Tech Selves: Aspirations for Computing Jobs among Jewish and Arab/Palestinian Adolescents in Israel."
Technology in Society 73:102245.
Research Themes:
"Are More Educated States More Gay-Friendly? How the Increase in College Attainment Promotes Acceptance of Gay Men and Lesbians."
The Sociological Quarterly.
Research Themes:
"Geographic mobility and its impact on sexual health and ongoing HIV transmission among migrant latinx men who have sex with men."
Social Science & Medicine, 320, 115635.
Research Themes:
"Novel Location-Based Survey Using Cognitive Interviews to Assess Geographic Networks and Hotspots of Sex and Drug Use: Implementation and Validation Study."
JMIR Formative Research, 7(1), e45188.
Research Themes:
"Gender Economics: Dead-Ends and New Opportunities."
Research in Labor Economics 50th Celebratory Volume, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023, 50: 151-189
Research Themes:
"The end of Roe creates new challenges in higher education"
Brown Center Chalkboard, Brookings Institution, August 9, 2022.
Research Themes:
"Time and Gender Measurement Invariance in the Modified Calderon Depression Scale, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes"
20, 100.
Research Themes:
"Gender Economics and the Meaning of Discrimination."
In American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2022, 112(5): 588-591.
Research Themes:
"Creativity and Ambiguity Tolerance. "
Economics Letters, September, 2022, 110720.
Research Themes:
" A Survey on Attitudes Towards Deception in Experimental Economics. "
Experimental Economics, 385, April, 2022, 385-412.
Research Themes:
"Can targeted messages reduce COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy? Results from a survey experiment. "
Preventive Medicine Reports.
Research Themes:
"Which social categories matter to people: An experiment. "
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 193, January, 2022, 125-145.
Research Themes:
"Competing Now and Then: Experimental Evidence. "
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Research Themes:
"Patriarchical Sources of Male Abuse in Seven Muslim Majority Countries. "
#MeToo Movement in Iran: Reporting Sexual Violence and Harassment. London: IB Tauris/Bloomsbury Press
Research Themes:
"Learning to be Queer: College Women’s Sexual Fluidity. "
Introducing the New Sexuality Studies, 4th edition, edited by Nancy Fischer, Steven Seidman, and Laurel Westbrook. New York: Routledge.
Research Themes:
"Context Matters: The Gendering of Physics Coursework in Arabic-speaking, Hebrew-speaking, and Single-sex School Sectors in Israel. "
Sex Roles 86:620-33.
Research Themes:
"Who’s a Good Fit? Segregation, Stereotypes and STEM. "
Social Stratification: Class Race and Gender in Sociological Perspective, David Grusky, Nima Dahir and Claire Daviss, Editors. Routlege.
Research Themes:
"Using Longitudinal Data to Explore the Gender Gap for Academic Economists"
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings.
Research Themes:
"The Specter of Motherhood: Culture and the Production of Gendered Career Aspirations in Science and Engineering."
Gender & Society 35(3): 395-421.
Research Themes:
"Gender, family separation, and negative emotional well-being among recent Mexican migrants"
The Journal of Marriage and Family
Research Themes:
"Gender and Social Movements. "
Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology, edited by Lynette Spillman. New York: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Gender-Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process:Evidence from China. "
Journal of Development Economics.
Research Themes:
"Experimental Methods: Eliciting Beliefs. "
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 189, September, 2021, 234-256.
Research Themes:
"Traditional Asians? Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Policy Attitudes in the United States. "
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 7:130–53. Special issue on Asian Americans and the Immigrant Integration Agenda.
Research Themes:
"Are Men Animals? How modern masculinity sells men short. Men and Masculinities. "
Book Review.
Research Themes:
"He for She? Variation and exaggeration in men’s support for women’s empowerment in northern Tanzania. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences. 3: E27.
Research Themes:
"Straight Girls Kissing: Heteroflexibility in the College Party Scene."
Routledge International Handbook of Heterosexualities Studies, edited by James J. Dean and Nancy L. Fischer. New York/Routledge.
Research Themes:
"Mother’s social status is associated with child health in a horticulturalist population. "
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1922). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.2783.
Research Themes:
"The Age Twist in Employers’ Gender Preferences: Evidence from Four Job Boards. "
Journal of Human Resources 55(2): 428-469.
Research Themes:
"Gender Attitudes in Africa: Liberal Egalitarianism across 34 Countries. "
Social Forces
Research Themes:
"Gender and Occupational Segregation. "
Pp. 305-325 in Companion to Women’s & Gender Studies, Nancy A. Naples, ed. Hoboken, NJ: W
Research Themes:
"An Inegalitarian Paradox: On the Uneven Gendering of Computing Occupations around the World."
In Cracking the Digital Ceiling. Carol Frieze and Jeria Quesenberry, eds. Cambridge University Press.
Research Themes:
"Varieties of Feminisms in Contemporary China: Local Reception and Reinvention of Liberal Feminism in Ford Foundation Projects. "
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society.
Research Themes:
"Trends in Support for Stay-at-Home Mothering. "
Contexts 19(2): 71-73.
Research Themes:
"Women in the economics profession: Challenges and opportunities along the pipeline. "
Introduction to Women in Economics, CEPR Press.
Research Themes:
"How to Close the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship.”"
Pp. 69-72 in New Visions for Gender Equality. Edited by Niall Crowley and Silvia Sansonetti. Brussels: European Commission.
Research Themes:
"Crossing the racial line: The fluidity vs. fixedness of racial identity. "
Self and Identity, 1-26. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2019.1662839.
Research Themes:
"One Step Forward? Advances and Setbacks on the Path Toward Gender Equality in Families and Work. "
Sociology Compass.
Research Themes:
"Complexity in Risk Elicitation May Affect the Conclusions: A Demonstration Using Gender Differences. "
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.
Research Themes:
"Good Housekeeping, Great Expectations: Gender and Housework Norms. "
Sociological Methods and Research
Research Themes:
"Cultural Outcomes of Social Movements. "
Pp. 482-498 in Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, 2nd Edition, edited by David Snow, Sarah Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi and Holly McCammon. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Research Themes:
"Tactical Repertoires of Contention. "
Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd edition, edited by George Ritzer and Wendy Wiedenhoft. New York: Wiley Blackwell.
Research Themes:
"Drag Queens and Kings."
Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd edition, edited by George Ritzer and Wendy Wiedenhoft. New York: Wiley Blackwell.
Research Themes:
"Women in Economics: Stalled Progress"
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2019, 33(1): 3-22
Research Themes:
"Complexity in Risk Elicitation May Affect the Conclusions: A Demonstration Using Gender Differences."
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.
Research Themes:
"Understanding ‘Harmful Cultural Practices.’ "
Anthropology News 59: 3; e219-e222.
Research Themes:
"The Age Twist in Employers’ Gender Preferences: Evidence from Four Job Boards. "
Journal of Human Resources.
Research Themes:
"A Suitable Boy? Gendered Roles and Hierarchies in Family Business Succession"
European Management Review.
Research Themes:
"Gender Ideology."
Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, Pp. 217-226, Barbara J. Risman, Carissa Froyum, and William Scarborough, eds. NY: Springer.
Research Themes:
"Gender and STEM: Understanding Segregation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics."
Basel: MDPI Press.
Research Themes:
"Women Occupying Wall Street: Gender Conflict and Feminist Mobilization."
Pp. 334-355. 100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment: An Appraisal of Women's Political Activism. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Polygynous marriage and child health in Sub-Saharan Africa: What is the evidence for harm?"
Demographic Research 39: 177-208.
Research Themes:
"The consequences of the criminal justice pipeline on Black and Latino masculinity."
(Reprint) In Routledge Major Works Collection: Critical Criminology
Research Themes:
"The Oxford Handbook of U. S. Women's Social Movement Activism."
Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Division of Labor, Gender."
Bryan S. Turner, Chang Kyung-Sup, Cynthia Epstein, Peter Kivisto, William Outhwaite, and J. Michael Ryan, eds. Encyclopedia of Sociological Theory. Wiley-Blackwell.
Research Themes:
"The Effects of Gendered Occupational Roles on Men's and Women's Workplace Authority: Evidence from Microfinance."
American Sociological Review 82(3):542-567.
Research Themes:
In The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Women's Social Movement Activism, edited by Holly J. McCammon, Verta Taylor, Jo Reger, and Rachel Einwohner. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Why household inefficiency? An experimental approach to assess spousal resource distribution preferences in a subsistence population undergoing socioeconomic change."
Evolution and Human Behavior 38(1):71-81. + SUPPLEMENT
Research Themes:
"Degrees of Difference: Gender Segregation of US Doctorates by Field and Institutional Prestige."
Sociological Science 4:123-150.
Research Themes:
"Gender in Engineering Departments: Are there Gender Differences in Interruptions of Academic Job Talks?"
Social Sciences 6(1), 29.
Research Themes:
"Venus, Mars, and Math: Gender, Societal Affluence and Eighth Graders' Aspirations for STEM"
Research Themes:
"Women in LGBT Movements."
In The Oxford Handbook of U. S. Women's Social Movement Activism, edited by Holly J. McCammon, Verta Taylor, Jo Reger, and Rachel Einwohner. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Marital status and sleeping arrangements predict salivary testosterone levels in rural Gambian men."
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 3:221-240.
Research Themes:
"When Beauty Doesn't Pay: Gender and Beauty Biases among Entrepreneurs in a Peer-to-peer Loan Market."
Social Forces 95(4): 1371-1398.
Research Themes:
"Passing up the Job: The Role of Gendered Organizations and Families in the Entrepreneurial Career Process."
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Research Themes:
"Reply to Rieger and Wagner: Context matters when studying purportedly harmful cultural practices."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Research Themes:
"Gender Inequality in Education."
In Nancy Naples, ed. Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Wiley-Blackwell.
Research Themes:
"Costs of reproduction and maternal depletion in a high fertility and mortality population."
Nature Scientific Reports 6:30056.
Research Themes:
"Effectiveness of Combination Packages for HIV-1 Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa Depends on Partnership Network Structure: A Mathematical Modeling Study."
Sexually Transmitted Infections. Published Online First: 9 June 2016.
Research Themes:
"Unequal Hard Times: The Influence of The Great Recession on Gender Bias in Entrepreneurial Investment Markets."
Sociological Science3:1-31.
Research Themes:
"Masculinity and the Stalled Revolution: How Gender Ideologies and Norms Shape Young Men's Responses to Work-Family Policies."
Gender & Society 30(4):590-617.
Research Themes:
"Cycles of Sameness and Difference in LGBT Social Movements."
Annual Review of Sociology 42:165-183.
Research Themes:
"The Power of Affirming Group Values: Group Affirmation Buffers the Self-Esteem of Women Exposed to Blatant Sexism."
Self and Identity. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2016.1145593.
Research Themes:
"Time from HIV diagnosis to viral load suppression: 2007-2013."
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 43(1): 34-40. (PMCID: PMC4902572).
Research Themes:
"Geographical mobility and heterogeneity of the HIV epidemic."
Published online first July 8 2016. The Lancet HIV.
Research Themes:
"In Countries with Little Work-Family Support, Many Women Opt for Self-Employment."
London School of Economics Business Review. January 12.
Research Themes:
"Learning to be Queer: College Women's Sexual Fluidity."
Introducing the New Sexuality Studies, 3rd edition, edited by Nancy Fischer and Steven Seidman. New York: Routledge.
Research Themes:
"Social Movements and the Construction of Queer Identity."
Pp. 443-470 in Advances in Identity Theory and Research, Volume II, edited by Jan E. Stets and Richard Serpe. New York: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Estimating the impact of universal antiretroviral therapy for HIV serodiscordant couples through home HIV testing: Insights from mathematical models."
JIAS: Journal of the International AIDS Society 19:20864. (PMCID: PMC4865806).
Research Themes:
"Latino Youth and Criminal Justice."
In Morin, Jose Luis Latinas/os and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
Research Themes:
"It's fair for us: Diversity structures cause women to legitimize discrimination."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.57, 100-110.
Research Themes:
"Business as Plan B? Institutional Foundations of Gender Inequality in Entrepreneurship across 24 Industrialized Countries."
Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4):671-711.
Research Themes: