
Race and Ethnicity area

Saldívar, E., Arenas, E., Binmoeller, C. 2024.
"Unpacking the "fluidity" of Mestizaje: How anti-indigenous and anti-black racism determine social relations and economic destinations of Mestizos."
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-20.
Ackert, Elizabeth, and Stephanie Potochnick. In Press
"Latino/a Destinations and Health Access among Children in Latino/a Familie"
Population Research and Policy Review.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Sigrid Van Den Abbeele, and Hannah Malak. In Press.
"Resources for Health within Latinx Communities: A Sociall-Spatial Determinants of Health Perspective"
Place and the Social-Spatial Determinants of Health, eds. Imelda Moise and Marynia Kolak. Springer Geography.
Sum, Sandy. 2024
"Impact of Droughts on Served Drinking Water Disparities in California, 2007–2020. "
Am. J. Public Health, 7 Aug. 2024,
Kuehn, Steven R., Rebecca K. Albert, and Emily S. Johnson. 2024. 
"Ancient Foodways: Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany."
In Traces: An Open Introduction to Archaeology, edited by J. Donahue, I. Ray, I. Scarborough, and J. Zovar.
John R. Weeks. 2024. 
"The Future is a Foreign Country: We'll Do Things Differently There. "
Chapter 7 in T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Alexandra Délano Alonso (editors), New Narratives on the Peopling of America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
Hsiao-chen Shih, Xiaoxiao Wei, Li An, John R. Weeks, and Douglas Stow. 2024. 
"Urban and Rural BMI Trajectories in Southeastern Ghana: A Space-Time Modeling Perspective on Spatial Autocorrelation. "
International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, Volume 11, Number 1, Article 3, 2024.
Cove, C., Chua, K. J., Martin, M., Hubble, & Boddy, A., 2024. 
" Variation in breastfeeding behavior associated with changes in diurnal maternal inflammation. "
Scientific Reports. 14(1), 4376.
Lanuza, Yader R. 2024. 
"Immigrant Selectivity at School Entry. "
Sociological Forum, 39:48-65. Petersen, Nick, Yader R. Lanuza, and Marisa Omori. 2024 “Cumulative Colorism in Criminal Courts.” Social Science Research, 117:102946.
Dawit, Rahela; Goedel, William C.b; Reid, Sean C.c; Doshi, Jalpa A.d; Nunn, Amy S.e; Chan, Philip A.f; Dean, Lorraine T.a. 2024
"Geographic variations of pre-exposure prophylaxis reversal and abandonment among United States counties. "
AIDS 38(4):p 557-566, March 15, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003790 
Zhao, Yuan, Ronak Paul, Reid SC, Carolina Coimbra Vieira, Chris Wolfe, Yan Zhang, and Rumi Chunara. 2024. 
"Constructing Social Vulnerability Indexes with Increased Data and Machine Learning Highlight the Importance of Wealth Across Global Contexts. "
textitSocial Indicators Research. doi:10.1007/s11205-024-03386-9
†Chua, K. J., †Knorr, D., *Jimenez, J., *Rojas, V., *Francia, A., *Garcia, J. I., & Fox, M. 2023.
"What do your neighbors think about you? How perceived neighborhood attitudes towards Latinos influence mental health among a pregnant Latina cohort."
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. 1-12. †both authors contributed equally.
Wiley, K.S., Knorr, K., Chua, K. J., Garcia, S. & Fox, M. 2023.
"Sociopolitical stressors are associated with psychological distress in a cohort of Latina women during early pregnancy."
Journal of Community Psychology, 51(7), 3044-3059.
Rey, S. J., & Vieyra, E. C. 2023. 
"Spatial inequality and place mobility in Mexico: 2000–2015. "
Applied geography, 152, 102871.
VanDerwarker, Amber, Emily S. Johnson, and Joseph Patrick. 2023. 
"Analysis of Plant Remains from 22TA622: "
Report Submitted to Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc.
Kuhn, Peter and Kailing Shen.  2023. 
"What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads? "
American Economic Review 113(4) pp. 1013-48.  PDF  AER 
Budge, Jason, Maria Charles, Yariv Feniger, and Halleli Pinson. 2023
"The Gendering of Tech Selves: Aspirations for Computing Jobs among Jewish and Arab/Palestinian Adolescents in Israel."
Technology in Society 73:102245.
Cassels, S., Cerezo, A., Reid, S. C., Rivera, D. B., Loustalot, C., & Meltzer, D. (2023)
"Geographic mobility and its impact on sexual health and ongoing HIV transmission among migrant latinx men who have sex with men."
Social Science & Medicine, 320, 115635. 
Wikle, Jocelyn, and Ackert, Elizabeth. 2022. 
"Child Citizenship Status in Immigrant Families and Differential Parental Time Investments in Siblings. "
Social Sciences (Special Issue: “Rethinking the Mobilities of Migrant Children and Youth Across the Americas”). 11(11):507.
Ackert, Elizabeth, and Jocelyn Wikle. 2022. 
"Familism among Latino/a Adolescents: Evidence from Time-Use Data. "
Journal of Marriage and Family. 84(3):879-899.
Carmel Blank, Maria Charles, Yariv Feniger, Halleli Pinson. 2022. 
"Context Matters: The Gendering of Physics Coursework in Arabic-speaking, Hebrew-speaking, and Single-sex School Sectors in Israel. "
Sex Roles 86:620-33.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Matthew Snidal, and Robert Crosnoe. 2021.
"The Development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Identity among Mexican-Origin Youth across Latino/a Destinations."
Developmental Psychology. 57(11):1910-1925.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Matthew Snidal, and Robert Crosnoe. 2021. 
"The Development of STEM Efficacy and Identity among Mexican-Origin Youth across Latino/a Destinations. "
Developmental Psychology. 
Ackert, Elizabeth, Sung Hee Hong, Jessica Martinez, Gabriel Van Praag, Pedro Aristizabal, and Robert Crosnoe. 2021. 
"Understanding the Health Landscapes where Latinx Immigrants Establish Residence in the United States.”"
Health Affairs. 40(7): 1108-1116.
Arenas, E. 2021. 
"Gender, family separation, and negative emotional well-being among recent Mexican migrants"
The Journal of Marriage and Family
Saldívar, Emiko, PatricioSolís, Erika Arenas. 2020. 
"Consideraciones metodólogicas para el conteo de la población afromexicana en el Censo 2020"
Coyuntura Demográfica, 14, 49-56. 
Dover, T. L., Kaiser, C. R., & Major, B. 2020. 
"Mixed signals: The unintended effects of diversity initiatives. "
Social Issues and Policy Review, 14. (1), 152-181. doi: 10.1111/sipr.12059. 
Rios, Victor M, Greg Prieto, Jonathan M Ibarra. 2020. 
"Mano Suave–Mano Dura: Legitimacy Policing and Latino Stop-and-Frisk."
American Sociological Review. 
Gordon, A. M., Prather, A. A., Dover, T., Espino-Perez, K., Small, P., & Major, B. 2020.
"Anticipated and experienced ethnic/racial discrimination and sleep: A longitudinal study. "
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/014616722C928859. 
Dover, T. L., Major, B., & Kaiser, C. R. 2020. 
"Cardiovascular, behavioral and psychological responses to organizational prodiversity messages among racial/ethnic minorities. "
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 1-21. doi: 10.1177/1368430220944222.  
Johnson, Emily S. and John M. Marston. 2020.
"The Experimental Identification of Starch Spherulites Recovered from Nixtamalized Maize Residue."
Journal of Archaeological Science 113:105056. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2019.105056.
D. Ervin, D. López-Carr,, F. Riosmena, S.J. Ryan. 2020. 
"Examining the relationship between migration and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001 to 2010."
Land Use Policy.  91: 104334
Winant, Howard. 2020. 
"Black and Indigenous Resistance in the Americas: From Multiculturalism to Racist Backlash. "
Pan-Americanism and Anti-Racism. In Hooker, Juliet, ed. Lanham MD: Lexington Books. 
Ressler, Robert W., Elizabeth Ackert, Arya Ansari, and Robert Crosnoe. 2020. 
"Race/ethnicity, human capital, and the selection of young children into early childhood education. "
Social Science Research 85: 102364. 
Ackert, Elizabeth, Robert Ressler, Arya Ansari, and Robert Crosnoe. 2020. 
"Community Contexts, Supply of Early Childhood Programs, and Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment among Mexican- Origin Children."
Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 52(A):4-14. 
Dover, T. L., Hunger, J. M. & Major, B. 2019.
"Health consequences of prejudice and discrimination. "
In K. Sweeny & M. Robins (Eds.), The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology. 
Bashi Treitler, Vilna and Aldon Morris. 2019. 
"The Racial State of the Union: Racial Inequality and Struggle in the USA. "
The journal Caderno CRH: (Journal of the Center for Human Resources); in a special issue on “Social inequalities: new agenda for contemporary social theory”, n. 85.
Paola Bacchetta, Sunaina Maira, and Howard Winant, editors. 2019. 
"Global Raciality: Empire, Postcoloniality, Decoloniality. "
New Racial Studies series book. New York: Routledge. 
Ackert, Elizabeth, Robert Crosnoe, and Tama Leventhal. 2019. 
"New Destinations and the Early Childhood Education of Mexican-Origin Children. "
Demography 56, no. 5: 1607-1634.  
Ackert, Elizabeth, Amy Spring, Kyle Crowder, and Scott J. South. 2019. 
"Kin location and racial disparities in exiting and entering poor neighborhoods. "
Social science research 84: 102346. 
Telles, Edward and Albert Esteve. 2019. 
"Racial Intermarriage in the Americas."
Sociological Science 6: 293-320.
Telles, Edward and Christina Sue. 2019.
"Durable Ethnicity: Mexican Americans and the Ethnic Core. "
New York: Oxford University Press.
Saldívar, Emiko, Patricio Solís, and Erika Arenas. 2018. 
"Consideraciones metodológicas para el conteo de la población afromexicana en el Censo 2020."
Conyuntura Demográfica.
Telles, Edward. 2018. 
"Race, Latinos and the U.S. Census."
The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science.  677(1): 153 - 164.
Yahirun, Jenjira, and Erika Arenas. 2018. 
"Offspring Migration and Parents' Emotional and Psychological Well-being in Mexico."
Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4) 975-991.
Telles, Edward and Vilma Ortiz. Forthcoming. 
"La Integracion de Mexico-Americanos en Estados Unidos."
Nexos (Mexico).
Howard Winant. Forthcoming 2018. 
"Global Raciality: Empire, PostColoniality, DeColoniality."
New York: Routledge, "A New Racial Studies Book."
Telles, Edward and Florencia Torche. Forthcoming.
"Varieties of Indigeneity in Latin America."
Social Forces.
Rios, V.M. 2017.
"Human Targets: Schools, Police, and the Culture of Control."
University of Chicago Press.
Howard Winant. 2017.
"Foreword: New Racial Studies, Race, and Empire."
Paola Bacchetta & Sunaina Maira, eds. 
Erika Arenas, Hector Conroy, Jenna Nobles. Forthcoming.
"Recent Trends in Internal and International Mexican Migration: Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey, edited by Universidad Iberoamericana."
Ortiz, Vilma and Edward Telles. 2017. 
"Third Generation Disadvantage among Mexican Americans."
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 3(3). October.
Hamilton, Erin, Daniel Ervin, and David López-Carr, eds. In press.
"Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies."
Edited Volume.
Howard Winant. Forthcoming 2017. 
"Charles Mills for and against Black Liberalism."
Ethnic and Racial Studies Review. 
Arenas, Erika. 2017. 
"Abuelos at home: Differential impact on children's education by family structure."
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 52, 36-48.
Dixon, Angela and Edward Telles. 2017. 
"Skin Color and Colorism: Global Research, Concepts, and Measurement."
Annual Review of Sociology 43(1):405-24.
López-Carr, David, Aracely Martinez, Richard E. Bilsborrow and Thomas M. Whitmore. 2017.
"Geographical and individual determinants of rural out-migration to a tropical forest protected area: the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala."
European Journal of Geography. (8)2.
Howard Winant. 2017. 
"World-Historical Du Bois."
Ethnic and Racial Studies Review,  Vol. 40, no. 3.
Telles, Edward. 2017. 
"Multiple Measures of Ethnoracial Classification in Latin America."
Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(13): (Special Issue on International Perspectives on the Measurement of Race and Ethnicity).
Sweeney, S. and M. Gomez-Antonio. 2016. 
"Localization and industry clustering econometrics: An assessment of Gibbs models for spatial point processes."
Journal of Regional Science. 
Hsiao-chien Shih, Douglas A. Stow, John R. Weeks, and Lloyd Coulter. 2016.
"Determining the Type and Starting Time of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Ghana Based on Discrete Analysis of Dense Landsat Image Time Series."
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), .
A.T. Murray. 2016.
"Maximal coverage location problem: impacts, significance and evolution."
International Regional Science Review 39, 5-27. 
Jose Vicente Tavares dos Santos and Edward Telles (eds.) 
"Global Frontiers in Social Control and Deviance."
Under Contract with Springer Press. 
Erika Arenas, Bongoh Kye, Graciela Teruel and Luis Rubalcava. 2016.
"The impact of education and health heterogeneity on Generational Support Ratios in Mexico"
Ageing and Society, 1-38, doi:10.1017/S0144686X16000751
Ervin, Daniel and David López-Carr. Forthcoming.
"Feeding the World: Population, Resources and Food"
in The International Handbook of Food and Environment: Towards Sustainable Food Systems, edited by Colin Sage. London:  Routledge.
Cassels S, Camlin CS. 2016. 
"Geographical mobility and heterogeneity of the HIV epidemic."
Published online first July 8 2016. The Lancet HIV.
R. Wei and A.T. Murray. 2016. 
"Spatial uncertainty challenges in location modeling with dispersion requirements."
Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling in Urban and Regional Systems, edited by J.-C. Thill (New York: Springer). 
Telles, Edward, René D. Flores and Fernando Urrea-Giraldo, 2015. 
"Pigmentocracies: Skin Color, Census Ethnoracial Categories and Educational Inequality in Eight Latin American Countries."
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 40: 39-58. 
Davenport, F., D. Steigerwald, and S. Sweeney. 2016. 
"Open trade, price supports, and regional price behavior in Mexican maize markets."
Economic Geography. 
Peter Kuhn and Kailing Shen. 2015.
"Do Employers Prefer Migrant Workers? Evidence from China's Hukou System"
IZA Journal of Labor Economics. 2015, 4:22 DOI: 10.1186/s40172-015-0038-0
I. Hong, A.T. Murray and L.J. Wolf. Forthcoming 2016. 
"Spatial filtering for identifying a shortest path around obstacles."
Geographical Analysis.
T.H. Grubesic, R. Wei, A.T. Murray and F. Wei. 2016. 
"Essential Air Service in the United States: exploring strategies to enhance spatial and operational efficiencies."
International Regional Science Review 39, 108-130. 
Grace, K. and S. Sweeney. 2016. 
"Ethnic dimensions of Guatemala's stalled transition: A parity- specific analysis of Ladino and indigenous fertility regimes."
Demography 53(1), 117-138.
Weeks, John R. Demography is an Inherently Spatial Science, in Frank M. Howell, Jeremy R. Porter, and Stephen A. Matthews. In press. 
"Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory In Spatial Demography."
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer
S. Toure, D. Stow, L. Coulter, A. Sanborn, D. López-Carr (2015).
"Land Cover/Land Use Change analysis using multi-spatial resolution data and object-based image analysis."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Vol 7, No 15: Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-5.
Ryan Engstrom, Avery Sandborn, Yu Qin, Jason Burgdorfer, Douglas Stow, John Weeks, and Jordan Graesser. 2015. 
"Mapping slums using spatial features in Accra, Ghana."
Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015:
Niblett, M., S. Sweeney, R. Church, and K. Barber. 2015. 
"Structure of fisher (Martes pennanti) habitat in a managed forest in an interior Northern California coast range."
Forest Science 61(3), 481-493. 
Shannon Gleeson, David López-Carr, (2015). 
"What are the determinants of immigrant health?: Introduction to Special Issue on Migration and Health."
Field Actions Science Reports. The journal of field actions. Issue 13, Pages 1-4.
A. Lopez-Carr, D. López-Carr, L. Grant, J. Weeks (2015).
"Using Spatial, Hierarchical, and Econometric Models in Urban Data-poor Areas to Examine Food Security."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-8.  
Gregory B. Weeks and John R. Weeks. 2015. 
"The Train Has Left the Station: Latino Aging in the New South."
Chapter 4 in W.A. Vega, K.S. Markides, J.L. Angel, and F.M. Torres-Gil, F.M., editors, Challenges of Latino Aging in the Americas (Dordrecht: Springer).
Ervin, Daniel and David López-Carr.
"Agricultural Inputs, Outputs, and Population Density at the Country-Level in Latin America: Decadal Changes Augur Challenges for Sustained Food Production and Forest Conservation."
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review (IER) 16(1): 63-76. 2015.
David López-Carr, Kevin M. Mwenda, Narcisa G. Pricope, Phaedon C. Kyriakidis, Marta M. Jankowska, John Weeks, Chris Funk, Gregory Husak, and Joel Michaelsen. 2015.  
"A spatial statistical analysis of climate-related child malnutrition in the lake victoria basin."
Proceedings of the 2015 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS) Conference. Milan, Italy. pp. 2564-25-67.
Hobden, Deborah.
"Your Mall With it All: Luxury Development in a Globalizing African City"
Perspectives in Global Development and Technology. 13: 129-147. 2014.
Grace, K., M. Brown and A. McNally. 2014. 
"Examining the link between food price and food insecurity: A multi-level analysis of maize price and birthweight in Kenya."
Food Policy, 46: 56-65.
Lerner, A., S. Sweeney, and H. Eakin (2014). 
"Growing buildings in corn fields: Urban expansion and the persistence of maize in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico."
Urban Studies51(10), 2185-2201.
Weeks, John R. 2014. 
"History and Future of World Population"
Chapter 2 in Deborah McFarlane, Editor, Global Population and Reproductive Health (Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning).
Winant, Howard. Forthcoming. 
"Foreword to John S.W. Park and Shannon Gleeson, eds."
The Nation and Its Peoples: Citizens, Denizens, Migrants,a New Racial Studies series book. New York: Routledge.
Yongjin Li, David López-Carr, Wenjiang Chen. (2014) 
"Factors Affecting Migration Intentions in Ecological Restoration Areas and Their Implications for the Sustainability of Ecological Migration Policy in Arid Northwest China"
Sustainability. Volume 6, Issue 12, Pages 8639-8660, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Ervin, Daniel, 
"Complex Human 'Transitions' that Shape Our World."
Global-e, 8(10): 1. 2014
A.E. Larsen, A. J. MacDonald, &  Andrew J.
"Lyme Disease Risk Influences Human Settlement in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Evidence from a Longitudinal Analysis of Counties in the Northeastern United States"
Am J Trop Med Hyg Published online July 21, 2014; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.14-0181
López-Carr, D., N.G. Pricope, J. Aukema, C. Funk, M. Jankowska, G. Husak, and J. Michaelsen. 
"A spatial analysis of population dynamics and climate change in Africa: Potential vulnerability hot spots emerge where precipitation declines and demographic pressures coincide."
Population and Environment. 35 (3), 323-339.
Eakin, H., C. Bausch, and S. Sweeney (2014). 
"Agrarian Winners of Neoliberal Reform: The 'Maize Boom' of Sinaloa, Mexico."
Journal of Agrarian Change14 (1), 26-51.
Weeks, John R. 2014. 
"Population Theories and Dynamics"
Chapter 5 in Deborah McFarlane, Editor, Global Population and Reproductive Health (Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning).
Cassels S, Jenness SM, Biney AAE, Ampofo WK, Dodoo FN. Forthcoming. 
"Migration, sexual networks, and HIV in Agbogbloshie, Ghana."
Demographic Research. 
Chen, C., & Lopez-Carr, D. (2014). 
"The importance of place: Unraveling the vulnerability of fisherman livelihoods to the impact of marine protected areas"
Applied Geography.
Grace, Kathryn and Stuart Sweeney. 2014.
"Pathways to marriage and cohabitation in Central America."
Demographic Research, 30: 6 (187-226). 
Engeman, Cassandra. 
"Social Movement Unionism in Practice: Organizational Dimensions of Union Mobilization in the Los Angeles Immigrant Rights Marches."
Work, Employment and Society. Forthcoming.
Eakin, H., H. Perales, K. Appendini, and S. Sweeney (2014). 
"Selling Maize in Mexico: The Persistence of Peasant Farming in an Era of Global Markets."
Development and Change. 45(1), 133-155.
Weeks, John R. Demography is an Inherently Spatial Science, in Frank M. Howell, Jeremy R. Porter, and Stephen A. Matthews. 2014. 
"Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory"
In Spatial Demography (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer).
Weeks, John R. In press. 
"Population: Introduction to Concepts and Issues"
Twelfth Edition (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning).