
Environment Population

R. Wei and A.T. Murray. 2016.
"A parallel algorithm for coverage optimization on multi-core architectures."
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30, 432-450.
Deschenes, Olivier. 2016. 
"Children and Climate Change: Introducing the Issue (with J. Currie)."
Future of Children, Spring 2016, Volume 26, Number 1, pp. 3-9
John Foran, Summer Gray, and Corrie Ellis Grosse. Forthcoming. 
"The New Political Cultures of Opposition and Creation in the Global Youth Climate Justice Movement."
Ecological Resistance Movements in the 21st Century: The Continuing Global Struggle for Biocultural Survival and Multispecies Justice, edited by Bron Taylor, Ursula Münster, and Joseph Witt. *equal authorship 
Magdalena Benza, John R. Weeks, Douglas A. Stow, David López-Carr, Keith C. Clarke. 2016. 
"A pattern-based definition of urban context using remote sensing and GIS."
Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 183: 250-264
Douglas Stow, John R. Weeks, Hsiao-chien Shih, Lloyd Coulter, Yu-Hsin Tsai, Andrew Kerr, and Foster Mensah. 2016.
"Inter-regional pattern of urbanization in southern Ghana in the first decade of the new millennium."
Journal of Applied Geography.
Hsiao-chien Shih, Douglas A. Stow, John R. Weeks, and Lloyd Coulter. 2016.
"Determining the Type and Starting Time of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Ghana Based on Discrete Analysis of Dense Landsat Image Time Series."
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), .
Deschenes, Olivier with S. Gaines and A. Larsen. 2015.
"Spatiotemporal Variation in the Relationship Between Landscape Simplification and Insecticide Use."
Ecological Applications
Richey, A. S., Thomas, B. F., Lo, M.-H., Reager, J. T., Famiglietti, J. S., Voss, K., Swenson, S. and Rodell, M. (2015). 
"Quantifying renewable groundwater stress with GRACE."
Water Resour. Res.. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/2015WR017349.
Oliva, Paulina. Forthcoming. 
"Does the Effect of Pollution on Infant Mortatity Differ Between Developing and Developed Countries? Evidence from Mexico City, with Rema Hanna and Eva Arceo."
The Economic Journal.
Ryan Engstrom, Avery Sandborn, Yu Qin, Jason Burgdorfer, Douglas Stow, John Weeks, and Jordan Graesser. 2015. 
"Mapping slums using spatial features in Accra, Ghana."
Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015:
Eakin, H., K. Appendini, S. Sweeney, and H. Perales. 2015. 
"Correlates of land use and livelihood change among maize farming households in Mexico."
World Development 70, 78-91. 
Deschenes, Olivier. 2015. 
"Green Jobs."
In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, edited by James D. Wright, 2015, pp. 372-378
Lopez-Carr, D. and Marter-Kenyon, J.* 2015. 
"COMMENT: Human adaptation: Manage climate-induced resettlement."
Nature. 517: 265-267 (15 January 2015) * co-first authors
López-Carr, D., & Marter-Kenyon, J. (2015). 
"Human adaptation: Manage climate-induced resettlement."
Nature, 517: 265-267.
Carla Guenther, David López-Carr, Hunter S Lenihan. (2015) 
"Differences in lobster fishing effort before and after MPA establishment"
Applied Geography. Volume 59, Pages 78-87. 
Marcellus Caldus, Matthew Sanderson Jason Bergtold, David Haukos; Jessica Heier Stamm Martha Mather Melinda Daniels; Aleksey Sheshukov, David López-Carr (2015 - In Press). 
"Culture into Sustainability Science Research and Policy."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
K. Mwenda, P. Kyriakidis, D. López-Carr (2015).
"Exploring HIV prevalence estimates using fine-scale population estimates: Evidence from three Tanzanian districts."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Vol 7, No 15: Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-8. 
A. Lopez-Carr, D. López-Carr, L. Grant, J. Weeks (2015).
"Using Spatial, Hierarchical, and Econometric Models in Urban Data-poor Areas to Examine Food Security."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-8.  
David López-Carr, Kevin M. Mwenda, Narcisa G. Pricope, Phaedon C. Kyriakidis, Marta M. Jankowska, John Weeks, Chris Funk, Gregory Husak, and Joel Michaelsen. 2015.  
"A spatial statistical analysis of climate-related child malnutrition in the lake victoria basin."
Proceedings of the 2015 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS) Conference. Milan, Italy. pp. 2564-25-67.
Oliva, Paulina. 2015. 
"The Effect of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Mexico City, with Rema Hanna"
Journal of Public Economics, 122: 65-79.
Marta M. Jankowska, Justin Stoler, Caetlin Ofiesh, David Rain, and John R. Weeks. 2015. 
"Agency, Access, and Anopheles: Neighborhood health perceptions and the implications for community health interventions in Accra, Ghana."
Global Health Action, 8(
Grosse, Corrie Ellis. 2016. 
"Scholar Activism and Reciprocity: The Fight Against Fracking in Idaho."
Practicing Anthropology38(3):28-30.
Rios, V.M. 2015. 
"Decolonizing the White Space in Urban Ethnography."
City and Community. 
Mwenda K.M., Kyriakidis P.C., López-Carr, D. 2015. 
"Quantifying Spatial Uncertainty of Population Estimates: Evidence from three Tanzanian districts, Plurimondi."
An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. 8(17): 215-221.
Jaime Speed Rossiter, Giorgio Hadi Curti, Christopher M Moreno, David Lopéz-Carr. (2015) 
"Marine-space assemblages: Towards a different praxis of fisheries policy and management"
Applied Geography. Pergamon. 
M. Benza, JR Weeks, DA Stow, KC Clarke, D, López-Carr (2015). 
"Fertility and Urban Context: A Case Study from West Africa Using Remotely Sensed Imagery and GIS."
Papers of the 2012 Population Association of America Annual Conference. May 3-5, San Diego, CA 
Maryam Alaeddini, David López-Carr (2015). 
"Why Has Iran's Family Planning Policy Been So Successful? Political, Demographic, Socio-economic, and Cultural-Geographical Underpinnings of a Dramatic Fertility Transition."
Rural Studies.(2)38: 111-128.
S. Toure, D. Stow, L. Coulter, A. Sanborn, D. López-Carr (2015).
"Land Cover/Land Use Change analysis using multi-spatial resolution data and object-based image analysis."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Vol 7, No 15: Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-5.
Ellis, Corrie. 2015
"Solidarity for Feminist Climate Justice"
The Feminist Wire, April 27
K. Mwenda, P. Kyriakidis, D. López-Carr.  2015. 
"Exploring HIV prevalence estimates using fine-scale population estimates: Evidence from three Tanzanian districts. Plurimondi."
An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Vol 7, No 15: Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-8.
Oliva, Paulina. 2015. 
"Moving up the Energy Ladder: The Effect of an Increase in Economic Well-being on the Fuel Consumption Choices of the Poor in India, with Rema Hanna."
American Economic Review P&P, 105.5: 242-246.
Gregory B. Weeks and John R. Weeks. 2015. 
"The Train Has Left the Station: Latino Aging in the New South."
Chapter 4 in W.A. Vega, K.S. Markides, J.L. Angel, and F.M. Torres-Gil, F.M., editors, Challenges of Latino Aging in the Americas (Dordrecht: Springer).
Deschenes, Olivier. 2015. 
"Convergence in Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from High Temperatures and Mortality, 1900-2004 (with A. Barreca, K. Clay, M. Greenstone, and J. Shapiro)."
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 2015, Volume 105, Number 5, pp. 247-251
Chen, H., Marter-Kenyon, J., Lopez-Carr, D. and Liang, X. 2015. 
"Land cover and landscape changes in Shaanxi Province during China's Green for Green Program (2000-2010)."
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment187(10): 1-14.
Arielle Sarah Levine, Laurie Richmond,David Lopez-Carr. (2015) 
"Marine resource management: Culture, livelihoods, and governance"
Applied Geography.Volume 59, Pages 56-59
Shannon Gleeson, David López-Carr, (2015). 
"What are the determinants of immigrant health?: Introduction to Special Issue on Migration and Health."
Field Actions Science Reports. The journal of field actions. Issue 13, Pages 1-4.
Chen, Hai, D. López-Carr, et al. (2015). 
"China's Grain for Green Policy and Farm Dynamics: Simulating Household Land-use Responses."
Regional Environmental Change. (DOI: 10.1007/s10113-015-0826-x)
C. Tuholske, D. López-Carr, Dar Robers (2015). 
"Anthropomorphic impacts on Roatán, Honduras: 30 Years of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Vol 7, No 15: Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-7. 
Deschenes, Olivier. 2014. 
"Environmental Regulations and Labor Markets"
IZA World of Labor.
López-Carr, A. and D. López-Carr. 2014. 
"Environment and Food or Population, Health, Environment, and Food?"
Sociologia Ruralis.54 (1), 101-104.
Walker, B., D. López-Carr, C. Chen, and K. Currier. 2014. 
"Perceptions of environmental change in Moorea, French Polynesia: the importance of temporal, spatial, and scalar contexts."
GeoJournal. March, 1-15.
de Sherbinin, A., D. López-Carr, S. Cassels, L. Jiang, A. Lopez-Carr, K.M. Miller. Mark McGinley, Editor-in-Chief. 2014. 
"Population Environment Theory and Contemporary Applications"
Encyclopedia of the Earth.  Washington, D.C., Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment. 24pp.
Zvoleff, A., S. Wandersee, L. An, D. López-Carr. 2014. 
"Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC)."
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gregory Weeks and John R. Weeks. 2014. 
"The political demography of U.S.-Cuba relations."….
Alagona, P., Esch, A., Paulson, T. and Marter-Kenyon, J.
"Population and Land Use"
In Erika Zavaleta and Harold Mooney, Eds. Ecosytems of California (Berkeley: University of California Press. [Population-Environment Interactions] 2014.
Foran, John, Corrie Ellis, and Summer Gray. 2014. 
"At the COP: Global Climate Justice Youth Speak Out."
López-Carr, D., N.G. Pricope, J. Aukema, C. Funk, M. Jankowska, G. Husak, and J. Michaelsen. 
"A spatial analysis of population dynamics and climate change in Africa: Potential vulnerability hot spots emerge where precipitation declines and demographic pressures coincide."
Population and Environment. 35 (3), 323-339.
McCarthy, J., D. López-Carr, C. Chen, and B. Walker.2014.
"Socio-cultural dimensions of climate change: charting the terrain."
GeoJournal. April, 1-11.
López-Carr, D. and D. Phillips. Forthcoming. 
"Place Utility"
in Encyclopedia of Migration, Ed. Michael White. Springer.
Yongjin Li, David López-Carr, Wenjiang Chen. (2014) 
"Factors Affecting Migration Intentions in Ecological Restoration Areas and Their Implications for the Sustainability of Ecological Migration Policy in Arid Northwest China"
Sustainability. Volume 6, Issue 12, Pages 8639-8660, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
John R. Weeks. 2014. 
"The World Can't Support Its Current Population Without Inequality and Poverty."
World Geography: Understanding a Changing World (
Ellis, Corrie. 2014.
"Women Working on a Fair Flower Farm in Ecuador: An Ethnographic Study."
In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd. doi:
Grace, K., M. Brown and A. McNally. 2014. 
"Examining the link between food price and food insecurity: A multi-level analysis of maize price and birthweight in Kenya."
Food Policy, 46: 56-65.
Chen, C., D. López-Carr, and B. Walker. 2014. 
"A framework to assess the vulnerability of California commercial sea urchin fishermen to the impact of MPAs under climate change."
GeoJournal. March, 1-19.
Bremer, L., K. A. Farley, D. López-Carr, and J. Romero. 2014. 
"Conservation and livelihood outcomes of payment for ecosystem services in the Ecuadorian Andes: What is the potential for 'win-win'?"
Ecosystem Services, Volume 8, June 2014, Pages 148-165, ISSN 2212-0416.
López-Carr, D. and D. Ervin. Forthcoming. 
"Population, Poverty, and the Nutrition Transition"
in The International Handbook of Food and Environment: Towards sustainable food systems. Ed. Colin Sage.
Chen, C., & Lopez-Carr, D. (2014). 
"The importance of place: Unraveling the vulnerability of fisherman livelihoods to the impact of marine protected areas"
Applied Geography.
Deschenes, Olivier. 2014. 
"Temperature, Human Health, and Adaptation."
A Review of the Empirical Literature, Energy Economics, November 2014, Volume 46, pp. 606-619
Davis, J., Lopez-Carr D.
"Migration, remittances and smallholder decision-making: implications for land use and livelihood change in Central America."
Land Use Policy. 36: 319-329. 
C. Costello, O. Deschênes, A.E. Larsen, S. Gaines.
"Removing biases in forecasts of fisheries status."
Journal of Bioeconomics.
Lerner, A., H. Eakin, and S. Sweeney.
"Characterizing peri-urban households across a rural-urban gradient in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico"
Journal of Rural Studies 20, 52-63.2013.
Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Hooper, P.
"Household task delegation among high-fertility forager-horticulturalists of lowland Bolivia."
Current Anthropology 54(2):232-241.
Rossiter, J., D. López-Carr.
"Marine Conservation and Fisheries"
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. 2013.
A.E. Larsen.
"Landscape simplification does not consistently drive insecticide use."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 10.0173/pnas.1301900110.
Yang, Qingsheng , Kevin M. Mwenda, Miao Ge.
"Incorporating geographical factors with artificial neural networks to predict reference values of erythrocyte sedimentation rate."
International Journal of HealthGeographics. 2013.
López-Carr, D., Ervin, D., A. López-Carr (2013). 
"The effects of population and land cover change on food security in Latin America from 1961 -2011."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 7. 
A. López-Carr, D. López-Carr, L. Grant, and J. Weeks. 
"The spaces and places of food security: learning from spatial, hierarchical, and econometric models in urban data-poor areas."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 10.
Suter, L.K. and D. López-Carr. 
"Land cover change and ownership turnover in the agricultural frontier: the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 11.
Murtinho, F., H. Eakin, D. Lopez-Carr, and T. Hayes. 
"Does external funding help adaptation? Evidence from community-based water management in the Colombian Andes."
Environmental Management, 1-12. 
Bremmer, L., K. Farley, and D. López-Carr. 2013.
"What factors influence participation in Payment for Ecosystem Services programs? An evaluation of Ecuador's SocioPáramo program."
Land Use Policy. 36:122-133.
Rossin-Slater, Maya.
"WIC in Your Neighborhood: New Evidence on the Impacts of Geographic Access to Clinics"
Journal of Public Economics, 102: 51-69, June 2013.
Sweeney, S., D. Steigerwald, F. Davenport, and H. Eakin.
"Mexican Maize Production: Evolving Organizational and Spatial Structures since 1980"
Applied Geography 39 (May 2013), 78-92.
López-Carr, D. and J. Burgdorfer.
"Deforestation Drivers: Population, Migration, and Tropical Land Use."
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. (55)1: 3-11. 2013.
Pricope, N., L. Pardo, D. López-Carr.
"Vulnerability to Climate Change."
 In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. 2013.
Chowdhury, Z., Campanella, L., Gray, C., Al Masud, A., Marter-Kenyon, J., Pennise, D., Charron, D.,Zuzhang, X.
"Measurement and modeling of indoor air pollution in rural households with multiple stove interventions in Yunnan, China."
Atmospheric Environment. Volume 67, March 2013: 161-169.
Pisor, A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G., A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G.
"Patterns of senescence in cardiovascular fitness: VO2max in subsistence and industrialized populations."
American Journal of Human Biology 25(6), pp. 756-769. 2013.
Ervin, Daniel.
"Review of 'Environment and Food' by Colin Sage"
Food, Culture, and Society, 16(1): 164-166. 2013.
Bremner, J., D. López-Carr, A. Zvoleff, and N. Pricope. 
"Using new methods and data to assess and address population, fertility, and environment links in the Lake Victoria Basin."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 15. 
López-Carr, D. 
"Do Population-Health-Environment (PHE) initiatives work? Evidence from WWF-sponsored projects in Africa and Asia."
Proceedings of theInternational Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 6. 
Pricope, N.G., G. Husak, C. Funk, D. López-Carr, and J. Michaelsen. 2013.
"The climate-population nexus in the East African Horn: emerging degradation trends in rangeland and pastoral livelihood zones."
Global Environmental Change 23 (6), 1525-1541.
Lauer, M., Albert, S., Aswani, S, Halpern, B. S., Campanella, L, and La Rose, D.
"Pacific Islands and the Paradox of Resilience: Large-scale Processes and Local Practices Enhance and Reduce Resilience to Ecological Disturbances"
Global Environmental Change. 2013.
Mehta, Aashish, Shikha Jha and Pilipinas Quising. 2013. 
"Self-targeted food subsidies and voice: Evidence from the Philippines."
Food Policy. 
Walker, R., Beckerman, S., Flinn, M., Gurven, M., von Rueden, C., Cordoba, L., Villar, D., Hagen, E., Koster, J., Hill, K.
"Living with kin in lowland horticultural societies"
Current Anthropology, 54, 96-103. 2013.
Jaeggi, A.V., Gurven, M.
"Natural cooperators: food sharing in humans and other primates"
Evolutionary Anthropology, 2013.
Ervin, D. A. López-Carr, D. López-Carr.
"The Nutrition Transition"
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 21. 2013.
Aide, TM, M. Clark, R. Grau, D. López-Carr, D. Redo, M. Bonilla, M. Levy.
"The deforestation and reforestation of Latin America and the Caribbean (2001-2010)"
Biotropica. 45(2): 262-271. 2013.
Shi, X, Miller, S.D., Mwenda, K.M., Onda, A., Rees, J.R., Onega, T.L., Gui, J., Karagas, M.R., Demidenko, E., and  Moeschler, J.B.
"Mapping Disease at an Approximated Individual Level Using Aggregate Data: A Case Study of Mapping New Hampshire Birth Defects."
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10: 4161-4174. 2013.
Voss, K. A., J. S. Famiglietti, M. Lo, C. de Linage, M. Rodell, and S. C. Swenson.
"Groundwater depletion in the Middle East from GRACE with implications for transboundary water management in the Tigris-Euphrates-Western Iran region."
Water Resour. Res., 49. 2013.
Engeman, Cassandra, Lynn Baumgartner, Benjamin Carr, Allison Fish, John Meyerhofer, Terre Satterfield, Patricia Holden, and Barbara Herr Harthorn. 
"The Hierarchy of Environmental Health and Safety Practices in the US Nanotechnology Workplace."
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 10(9): 487-495. doi: 10.1080/15459624.2013.818231. 2013.
Côrtes, J.C., L.K. Suter, A. D'Antona, and D. López-Carr. 
"Population mobility and land fragmentation: land use-cover change in Brazil and Guatemala."
Proceedings of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 4.
Murtinho, F., C. Tague, B. de Bievre, H. Eakin, and D. López-Carr. 2013.
"Water Scarcity in the Andes: A Comparison of Local Perceptions and Observed Climate, Land Use and Socioeconomic Changes."
Human Ecology: 1-15.
Aswani, S.
"Strategies for Designing Successful Marine Resource Management Programs in Oceania"
Pacific Science. 2013.
Ervin, D and D Lopez-Carr.
"A Geriatric Fountain of Youth in the Caucuses or Spurious Census Data: Spooning through the Yogurt Myth"
Journal of Rural Studies. (27): 135-149. 2012.
Ashcroft, Eric, Douglas A. Stow, John R. Weeks, S. Toure, Christopher Lippitt, and Lloyd Coulter
"Urban vegetation cover and vegetation change in Accra, Ghana: Connection to housing quality"
Professional Geographer, 2012
Deschenes, Olivier and M. Greenstone.
"The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Profits and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Reply"
American Economic Review, December 2012, Volume 102, Number 7, pp. 3761-3773.
Mehta, Aashish and Shikha Jha.
"Corruption, Food Subsidies and Opacity: Evidence from the Philippines"
Economics Letters. Volume 117, Issue 3, December 2012, Pages 708-711.
Mehta, Aashish and Rana Hasan.
"The effects of trade and services liberalization on wage inequality in India"
International Review of Economics and Finance (2012). 75-90.
Guenther, C, H. Lenihan, L. Grant, D. López-Carr, D. Reed
"Trophic Cascased Induces by Lobster Fishing Are Not Ubiquitous in Suothern California Kelp Forests."
Plos One, November 2012, Volume 7, Issue 11.
Suter, L. and D. López-Carr.
"Beyond the middle of nowhere: out-migration from the agricultural frontier in the Sierra del Lacandón National Park, Guatemala."
Proceedings of the Latin American Studies 2012 International Congress. pp 1-25. 2012.
An, L., D. López-Carr.
"Modeling Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Research Directions."
Ecological Modeling. (229)1-4. 2012.