
Environment Population

Fischer, Stefanie, Heather Royer, and Corey White. 2024. 
"Health Care Centralization: The Health Impacts of Obstetric Unit Closures in the United States. "
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 16.3 (2024): 113-141
Robinson, Sarah, Heather Royer, and David Silver. 2024. 
"Geographic Variation in Cesarean Sections in the United States: Trends, Correlates, and Other Interesting Facts. "
Journal of Labor Economics 42.S1 (202
Jain, S., Bey, G. S., Forrester, S. N., Rahman-Filipiak, A., Thompson Gonzalez, N., Petrovsky, D. V., Kritchevsky, S. B., & Brinkley, T. E. 2024.
"Aging, Race, and Health Disparities: Recommendations from the Research Centers Collaborative Network. "
The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, gbae028.
Arabadjis, S. D. and S. H. Sweeney. 2024. 
"Residuals in space: Potential pitfalls and applications from single-institution survival analysis. "
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 49, 100646.
Goli, I., Kriaučiūnienė, Z., Zhang, R., Bijani, M., Koohi, P.K., Rostamkalaei, S.A., Lopez-Carr, D. and Azadi, H. 2024. 
"Contributions of Climate Smart Agriculture Toward Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security: The Case of Mazandaran Province, Iran. "
Trends in Food Science & Technology, p.104653.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Sigrid Van Den Abbeele, and Hannah Malak. In Press.
"Resources for Health within Latinx Communities: A Sociall-Spatial Determinants of Health Perspective"
Place and the Social-Spatial Determinants of Health, eds. Imelda Moise and Marynia Kolak. Springer Geography.
Ackert, Elizabeth, and Stephanie Potochnick. In Press
"Latino/a Destinations and Health Access among Children in Latino/a Familie"
Population Research and Policy Review.
Castillo, F., Lopez-Carr, D. and Sanchez, A. 2024. 
"Environmental and socio-economic drivers of migrant farmworkers' health. "
Frontiers in Public Health, 12, p.1440739. 
Sum, Sandy. 2024
"Impact of Droughts on Served Drinking Water Disparities in California, 2007–2020. "
Am. J. Public Health, 7 Aug. 2024,
Deniz-Zaragoza, M., Casimiro Vieyra, E., & Ayon, C. (in press). 
"Latinx immigrant health: Does immigrants’ perceptions of integration protect their health? "
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.
Saha, K. 2024.
"The China trade shock and the gender wage gap in India: A District-level analysis."
Indian Economic Review, 1-32.
Kuehn, Steven R., Rebecca K. Albert, and Emily S. Johnson. 2024. 
"Ancient Foodways: Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany."
In Traces: An Open Introduction to Archaeology, edited by J. Donahue, I. Ray, I. Scarborough, and J. Zovar.
Hsiao-chen Shih, Xiaoxiao Wei, Li An, John R. Weeks, and Douglas Stow. 2024. 
"Urban and Rural BMI Trajectories in Southeastern Ghana: A Space-Time Modeling Perspective on Spatial Autocorrelation. "
International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, Volume 11, Number 1, Article 3, 2024.
John R. Weeks. 2024. 
"The Future is a Foreign Country: We'll Do Things Differently There. "
Chapter 7 in T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Alexandra Délano Alonso (editors), New Narratives on the Peopling of America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
Cove, C., Chua, K. J., Martin, M., Hubble, & Boddy, A., 2024. 
" Variation in breastfeeding behavior associated with changes in diurnal maternal inflammation. "
Scientific Reports. 14(1), 4376.
Van Den Abbeele S*, Grafton D, Avila M, Casimiro Vieyra E, Chan B, Husted G, Kaloper S, Moscona B, and Cassels S. In Press. 
"Teaching and Learning about Geo-Social Determinants of Health. In Place & the Social-Spatial Determinants of Health. "
Eds: Marynia Kolak and Imelda Moise.
Benoit G*, Cassels S, Ackert E, Sweeney S. In Press. 
"Socio-Demographic Patterning of Urinary Mono-ethyl Phthalate Levels among Children and Adults the U.S. (1999-2018). "
Environmental Research Communications.
Lawson DW, Chen Z, Kilgallen JA, Brand CO, Ishungisa AM, Schaffnit S, Kumogola Y, Urassa M. 2024. 
"Misperception of peer beliefs reinforces inequitable gender norms among Tanzanian men. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences.
Cassels S, Reid SC*. In Press. 
"Relative time and social-spatial determinants of health. In Place & the Social-Spatial Determinants of Health. "
Eds: Marynia Kolak and Imelda Moise.
J. Baik and A.T. Murray. 2024. 
"Location analytics to support wildfire response prepositioning. "
2024 Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (
A.T. Murray, K. Shammout, R. Farwell, K. Huetten and T. Cox. 2024. 
"Service area delineation to support on-demand mobility for the transport disadvantaged."
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 95, 101967 (DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2024.101967).
A.T. Murray. 2024. 
"Geographical compactness in shape assessment. "
Geographical Analysis (DOI: 10.1111/gean.12407).
Avelar Portillo LJ, Calderón-Villarreal A, Abramovitz D, Harvey-Vera A, Cassels S, Vera C, Munoz S, Tornez A, Rangel G, Strathdee SA, Kayser GL. 2024. 
"WaSH Insecurity and Anxiety Among People Who Inject Drugs in the Tijuana-San Diego Border Region. "
BMC Public Health 24:19.
Christa Brelsford, Andrew Jones, Bhartendu Pandey, Pouya Vahmani, Melissa Allen-Dumas, Deeksha Rastogi, Kevin Sparks, Melissa Bukovsky, iryna Dronova, Tianzhen hong, David M. Iwaniec, Michelle E. Newcomer, Sean C. Reid, Zhonghua Zheng. 2024.  
"Cities are Concentrators of Complex, MultiSectoral Interactions within the Human-Earth System. "
Earth’s Future
Zhao, Yuan, Ronak Paul, Reid SC, Carolina Coimbra Vieira, Chris Wolfe, Yan Zhang, and Rumi Chunara. 2024. 
"Constructing Social Vulnerability Indexes with Increased Data and Machine Learning Highlight the Importance of Wealth Across Global Contexts. "
textitSocial Indicators Research. doi:10.1007/s11205-024-03386-9
Park J*, Tsou M, Nara A, Cassels S, Dodge S. 2024.
"Developing a Social Sensing Index for monitoring Place-Oriented Mental Health Issues using Social Media (Twitter) Data. "
Urban Informatics 3:2.
Dawit, Rahela; Goedel, William C.b; Reid, Sean C.c; Doshi, Jalpa A.d; Nunn, Amy S.e; Chan, Philip A.f; Dean, Lorraine T.a. 2024
"Geographic variations of pre-exposure prophylaxis reversal and abandonment among United States counties. "
AIDS 38(4):p 557-566, March 15, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003790 
†Chua, K. J., †Knorr, D., *Jimenez, J., *Rojas, V., *Francia, A., *Garcia, J. I., & Fox, M. 2023.
"What do your neighbors think about you? How perceived neighborhood attitudes towards Latinos influence mental health among a pregnant Latina cohort."
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. 1-12. †both authors contributed equally.
Wiley, K.S., Knorr, K., Chua, K. J., Garcia, S. & Fox, M. 2023.
"Sociopolitical stressors are associated with psychological distress in a cohort of Latina women during early pregnancy."
Journal of Community Psychology, 51(7), 3044-3059.
Hotez, E., Yang, G., Chua, K. J., Smith, A., Lee, C., Weimer, A., & Delgado, D. 2023. 
"Preliminary pilot- testing of intimate partner violence screening for transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) individuals in Med-Peds and Family Medicine."
Cureus. 15(8): e43983
 Hotez, E., Chua, K.J., Samras, N., Smith, A.M., & Kuo, A. 2023.
"Preliminary pilot testing of social determinants of health screening for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Med-Peds. "
Cureus. 15(5). e38541.
AbdulJabbar K, Castillo SP, Hughes K, Davidson H, Boddy AM, Abegglen LM, Murchison EP, Graham TA, Spiro S, Palmieri C, Yuan Y. 2023. 
"Bridging clinic and wildlife care with AI-powered pan-species computational pathology. "
Nature Communications. 14.1: 2408.
Arenas, Erika, Susan W. Parker, Luis Rubalcava, Graciela Teruel. 2023. 
"Impact of health insurance on adult mortality in rural areas: Evidence of Seguro Popular in Mexico using panel data. "
World Development Perspectives, 30, 100501,
Kapsetaki SE, Fortunato A, Compton Z, Rupp SM, Nour Z, Riggs-Davis S, Stephenson D, Duke EG, Boddy AM, Harrison T M, Maley CC, Aktipis A. 2023.
"Is chimerism associated with cancer across the tree of life? "
PloS one 18.6(e0287901.
Amy, Elizabeth Ackert, Sarah Roche, Dionne Parris, Kyle Crowder, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz. 2023 (on-line). 
"Keeping Kin Close? Geographies of Family Networks by Race and Income, 1981-2017."
Journal of Marriage and Family 85(4):962-986.
Armendáriz-Arnez, C., Tamayo-Ortiz, M., Mora-Ardila, F., Rodríguez-Barrena, M.E., Barros-Sierra, D., Castillo, F., Sánchez-Vargas, A., Lopez-Carr, D., Deardorff, J., Eskenazi, B. and Mora, A.M., 2023. 
"Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in avocado farmworkers from Mexico. "
Frontiers in Public Health, 11, p.1252530
López-Carr, D., Pricope, N.G., Mwenda, K.M., Daldegan, G.A. and Zvoleff, A., 2023. 
"A Conceptual Approach towards Improving Monitoring of Living Conditions for Populations Affected by Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought. "
Sustainability, 15(12), p.9400.
Rey, S. J., & Vieyra, E. C. 2023. 
"Spatial inequality and place mobility in Mexico: 2000–2015. "
Applied geography, 152, 102871.
John R. Weeks. In Press. 
"The Importance of Arthur Getis to Spatial Demography. "
Journal of Geographical Systems.
John R. Weeks. 2023. 
"The Great Demographic Illusion: Majority, Minority, and the Expanding American Mainstream. "
Contemporary Sociology.
Reid S, Wang V, Assaf R, Kaloper S, Gorbach PM, Shoptaw S, Murray AT, Cassels S. 2023. 
"Implementation and Validation of Location-Based Survey to Assess Geographic Network and Hotspots of Sex and Drug Use in Los Angeles County. "
 JMIR Formative Research 7:e45188 (PMCID: PMC10337421)
VanDerwarker, Amber, Emily S. Johnson, and Joseph Patrick. 2023. 
"Analysis of Plant Remains from 22TA622: "
Report Submitted to Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc.
Goel, V., Chan, B., Ziade, M., Yunus, M., Ali, M. T., Khan, M. A. F., Alam, M. N., Faruque, A. S. G., Babu, S., Kabir, M. M., Delamater, P. L., Serre, M., Sobsey, M. D., Islam, M. S., & Emch, M. 2023. 
"Deep tubewell use is associated with increased household microbial contamination in rural Bangladesh: Results from a prospective cohort study among households in rural Bangladesh. "
Environmental Pollution, 324, 121401.
Rico-Straffon, J., Wang, Z., Panlasigui, S., Loucks, C. J., Swenson, J., & Pfaff, A. 2023.
"Forest concessions and eco-certifications in the Peruvian Amazon: Deforestation impacts of logging rights and logging restrictions"
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 118, 102780.  
B.A. Pludow, A.T. Murray, V. Echeverri and R.L. Church. 2023. 
"Evaluation of forest treatment planning considering multiple objectives. "
Journal of Environmental Management 346, 118997 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118997).
A.T. Murray, J.Baik, V. Echeverri, D. Rini, M.A. Moritz, D.A. Roberts, S.H. Sweeney, L.M.V. Carvalho and C. Jones. 2023. 
"Developing effective wildfire risk mitigation plans for the wildland urban interface. "
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 124, 103531 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2023.103531).
A.T. Murray, J.Baik, V. Echeverri, D. Rini, M.A. Moritz, D.A. Roberts, S.H. Sweeney, L.M.V. Carvalho and C. Jones. 2023. 
"Developing effective wildfire risk mitigation plans for the wildland urban interface. "
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 124, 103531 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2023.103531).
Huang, S., Ghazali, S., Azadi, H., Moghaddam, S. M., Viira, A. H., Janečková, K., ... & Kurban, A. 2023. 
"Contribution of agricultural land conversion to global GHG emissions: A meta-analysis"
Science of The Total Environment, 876, 162269.
Yongsheng Wang, David Lopez-Carr, Jianzhou Gong, Jinlong Gao eds. 2023. 
"Sustainable Cultivated Land Use and Management. "
Frontiers in Environmental Sciences.
Huang, Shansong, Samane Ghazali, Hossein Azadi, Saghi Movahhed Moghaddam, Ants-Hannes Viira, Kristina Janečková, Petr Sklenička, David Lopez-Carr, Michael Köhl, and Alishir Kurban. 2023. 
"Contribution of agricultural land conversion to global GHG emissions: A meta-analysis. "
Science of The Total Environment. 876: 162269
Javier Vazquez-Rubio, Hugo Loaiciga, David López-Carr. 2023. 
"Human-induced resource scarcity in the Colorado River basin and its implications for water supply and the environment in the Mexicali Valley transboundary aquifer. "
Annals of the American Association of Geographers. (0)0:1-18
Rohr, J.R., Sack, A., Bakhoum, S., Barrett, C.B., Lopez-Carr, D., Chamberlin, A.J., Civitello, D.J., Diatta, C., Doruska, M.J., De Leo, G.A. and Haggerty, C.J. 2023. 
"A planetary health solution for disease, sustainability, food, water, and poverty challenges in West Africa. "
Nature, 1-6
Sanchez-Vargas, A., Mendez-Astudillo, J., López-Vidal, Y., López-Carr, D., & Estrada, F. 2023. 
"Assessing the effect of the U.S. vaccination program on the Coronavirus positivity rate with a multivariate framework. "
GeoHealth, 7, e2022GH000771
David López-Carr, Narcisa G. Pricope, Kevin M. Mwenda, Gabriel Antunes Daldegan, Alex Zvoleff. 2023. 
"How to Achieve Complex Population-Environment UN Sustainable Development Goals? A Conceptual Approach Towards Improving Monitoring of Living Conditions for Populations Affected by Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought"
Sustainability. 15(12), 9400
Haggerty, C.E., Delius, B.K., Jouanard, N., Ndao, P.D., De Leo, G.A., Lund, A.J., Lopez-Carr, D., Remais, J.V., Riveau, G., Sokolow, S.H. and Rohr, J.R. 2023. 
"Pyrethroid insecticides pose greater risk than organophosphate insecticides to biocontrol agents for human schistosomiasis. "
Environmental Pollution. (319)120952.
Yongsheng Wang, David Lopez-Carr, Jianzhou Gong, Jinlong Gao. 2023.
"Sustainable Cultivated Land Use and Management. "
Frontiers in Environmental Sciences. 11. 352
Pazhuhan, Mousa, Hossein Azadi, David Lopez-Carr, Jelena Barbir, Irum Shahzadi, and Christine Fürst 2023. 
"Social sustainability of residential squares: Evidence from Narmak neighborhood, Tehran. "
Habitat International. 136: 102811.
Hammad Badar, Azhar Abbas, Khalid Mushtaq, Thomas Dogot, Philippe Lebailly, Yenny Katherine Parra-Acosta, Hossein Azadi, David López-Carr. 2023. 
"Unraveling Consumer Preferences and Segments: Implications for Pakistan’s Mandarin Industry Development through Market Relocation. "
Land. 12 (5), 953
Hadi Beygi Heidarlou, Abbas Banj Shafiei, Vahid Nasiri, Mihai Daniel Nita, Stelian Alexandru Borz, David Lopez-Carr. 2023. 
"Impact of Iran's Forest Nationalization Law on forest cover changes over six decades: A case ‎study of a Zagros sparse coppice oak forest. "
Sensors. 23(2), 871
A.T. Murray and J. Baik. 2023. 
"Open-source spatial optimization in GIScience for strategic positioning. "
Transactions in GIS 27, 646-662 (DOI: 10.1111/TGIS.13033).
B.A. Pludow, A.T. Murray, V. Echeverri and R.L. Church. 2023. 
"Evaluation of forest treatment planning considering multiple objectives. "
Journal of Environmental Management.
A.T. Murray and R.L. Church. 2023. 
"Spatial optimization of multiple area land acquisition. "
Computers & Operations Research 153, 106160 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2023.106160).
A.T. Murray and S. Burtner. 2023. 
"Physical distancing as an integral component of pandemic response. "
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 16, 8 (DOI: 10.1007/s12076-023-00331-1).
J. Xu, A.T. Murray, R.L. Church and R. Wei. 2023. 
"Service allocation equity in location coverage analytics. "
European Journal of Operational Research 305, 21-31 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2022.05.032).
Mack, E. A., Sauls, L. A., Jokisch, B. D., Nolte, K., Schmook, B., He, Y., Radel, C., Allington, G. R. H., Kelley, L. C., Scott, C. K., Leisz, S., Chi, G., Sagynbekova, L., Cuba, N., & Henebry, G. M. (2023)
"Remittances and land change: A systematic review."
World Development, 168, 106251.
Reid, S. C., Wang, V., Assaf, R. D., Kaloper, S., Murray, A. T., Shoptaw, S., Gorbach, P., & Cassels, S. (2023)
"Novel Location-Based Survey Using Cognitive Interviews to Assess Geographic Networks and Hotspots of Sex and Drug Use: Implementation and Validation Study."
JMIR Formative Research, 7(1), e45188.
Paul, R., Reid, S., Coimbra Vieira, C., Wolfe, C., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., & Chunara, R. (2023)
"Methodological improvements in social vulnerability index construction reinforce role of wealth across international contexts (WP-2023-017; 0 ed., p. WP-2023-017)."
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. 
Arabadjis SD, Sweeney SH, Kenner CE, Tedesco DJ. 2023 D.
"Wildfire, Evacuation, and Cardiovascular Events: A Spatial Exposure Approach."
Applied Geography. Vol 159 Online. October. 
Boddy AM. 2022. 
"The need for evolutionary theory in cancer research. "
European Journal of Epidemiology. 1-6.
Thornburg J, Islam S, Billah SM, Chan B, McCombs M, Abbott M, Alam A, Raynes-Greenow C. 2022.
"Pregnant Women’s Exposure to Household Air Pollution in Rural Bangladesh: A Feasibility Study for Poriborton."
The CHANge Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(1):482.
Boddy AM, Rupp S, Yu Z, Hanson H, Aktipis A, Smith K. 2022. In press. 
"Early life adversity, reproductive history, and breast cancer risk. "
Evolution, Medicine and Public Health. 
Stoler, J., Pearson, A.L., Rosinger, A.Y., Lee, A.E., Bombardi, R., Brewis, A., Keough, S.B., López‐Carr, D., Shrader, C.H., Stauber, C.E. and Stevenson, E.G. 2022. 
"The role of water in environmental migration. "
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water: e1584.
López-Carr, David, Sadie J. Ryan, and Matthew L. Clark. 2022. 
"Global Economic and Diet Transitions Drive Latin American and Caribbean Forest Change during the First Decade of the Century: A Multi-Scale Analysis of Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Environmental Drivers of Local Forest Cover Change. "
Land 11.3: 326.
López-Carr, D., Ryan, S. J., & Clark, M. L. 2022. 
"Global Economic and Diet Transitions Drive Latin American and Caribbean Forest Change during the First Decade of the Century: A Multi-Scale Analysis of Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Environmental Drivers of Local Forest Cover Change. "
Land, 11(3), 326.
Wanting Peng, Zhiduo Zhang, Geng He, Xiuyu Liu, Wei Wang, Cai Yongli, David López-Carr. 2022. 
"Integrating potential land use conflict into ecological security pattern to response to land use/cover changes at a county scale in Yangtze River Delta, China. "
Frontiers in Earth Science. 10, 875433.
López-Carr, D., Jennifer Vanos, Armando Sánchez-Vargas, Río Vargas, and Federico Castillo. 2022. 
"Extreme heat and COVID-19: a dual burden for farmworkers. "
Frontiers in public health 10.
E. Noi and A.T. Murray. 2022. 
"Interpolation biases in assessing spatial heterogeneity of outdoor air quality in Moscow, Russia. "
Land Use Policy 112, 105783 (DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105783).
Hopkins, Skylar R., Kevin D. Lafferty, Chelsea L. Wood, Sarah H. Olson, Julia C. Buck, Giulio A. De Leo, Kathryn J. Fiorella, David Lopez-Carr, et al. 2022 
"Evidence gaps and diversity among potential win–win solutions for conservation and human infectious disease control. Hopkins, Skylar R., Kevin D. Lafferty, Chelsea L. Wood, Sarah H. Olson, Julia C. Buck, Giulio A. De Leo, Kathryn J. Fiorella, David Lopez-"
Lancet Planetary Health. 6: e694–705
Sokolow, S. H., Nova, N., Jones, I. J., Wood, C. L., Lafferty, K. D., Garchitorena, A., D. López-Carr ... & De Leo, G. A. 2022. 
"Ecological and socioeconomic factors associated with the human burden of environmentally mediated pathogens: a global analysis. "
Ecological and socioeconomic factors associated with the human burden of environmentally mediated pathogens: a global analysis. 
B.A. Pludow, A.T. Murray and R.L. Church. 2022. 
"Service quality modeling to support optimizing facility location in a microscale environment. "
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 82, 101273 (DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2022.101273).
A.T. Murray, A. Ortiz and S. Cho. 2022. 
"Enhancing strategic defensive positioning and performance in the outfield. "
Journal of Geographical Systems 24, 223-240 (DOI: 10.1007/s10109-021-00367-1).
David Lopez-Carr, UC Santa Barbara, Susanne Sokolow, UC Santa Barbara and Stanford University, Giulio De Leo, Kris Murray, Imperial College, Stanford University, Michele Barry, Stanford University. 2022. 
"Planetary Health Impacts of Pandemic Coronaviruses. "
Frontiers in Public Health. 10:987167.
Pricope, N. G., Daldegan, G. A., Zvoleff, A., Mwenda, K. M., Noon, M., & Lopez‐Carr, D. 2022. 
"Operationalizing an integrative socio‐ecological framework in support of global monitoring of land degradation. "
Land Degradation & Development. 34 (1), 109-124
A.T. Murray, R.L. Church, B.A. Pludow and P. Stine. 2022. 
"Advancing contiguous environmental land allocation analysis, planning and modeling. "
Journal of Land Use Science (DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2022.2041120).
S. Burtner and A.T. Murray. 2022. 
"COVID-19 and minimizing micro-spatial interactions. "
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 8, 1-17 (DOI: 10.1145/3486970).
Susanne Sokolow, UC Santa Barbara and Stanford University, Kris Murray, Imperial College, Giulio De Leo, Stanford University, Michele Barry, Stanford University, David Lopez-Carr, UC Santa Barbara eds. 2022. 
"Planetary Health Impacts of Pandemic Coronaviruses. "
Frontiers Research Topics. E-book. Pp. 123. ISBN 978-2-83250-006-4
David López-Carr, Greta Brablec, Kevin M. Mwenda, Narcisa G. Pricope, Ingrid Teich, Maria Angelica Fernandez, Monica Noon, Gabriel Daldegan, Alex Zvoleff. 2022. 
"A Review of Pilot Country Workshop sin Support of UNCCD Strategic Objectives (SO) 1, 2, and 3: A case study testing the usefulness of the datasets and approaches suggested to monitor progress. Tools4LDN Technical Report on Monitoring Progress Towards UNCC"
Strategic Objectives 1-3. GEF project number 10230. Pp. 28.
A.T. Murray and J. Baik. 2022. 
"Urban informatics and spatial optimization. "
Urban Informatics 1, 7 (DOI: 10.1007/s44212-022-00007-z).
J. Xu, A.T. Murray, R.L. Church and R. Wei. 2022. 
"A heuristic algorithm for balancing workloads in coverage modeling. "
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 92, 101746 (DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2021.101746).
A.T. Murray, R.L. Church and B.A. Pludow. 2022. 
"Multiple patch land allocation. "
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 97, 101871 (DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2022.101871).
J. Baik and A.T. Murray. 2022. 
"Locating a facility to simultaneously address access and coverage goals. "
Papers in Regional Science 101, 1199-1217 (DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12693).
Kilgallen JA, Schaffnit SB, Kumogola Y, Galura A, Urassa M. Lawson DW. (2022). 
"Positive correlation between women’s status and intimate partner violence suggests violence backlash in Mwanza, Tanzania. "
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Dujon AM, Boutry J, Tissot S, Lemaitre JF, Boddy AM, Gerard A, Alvergne A, Arnal A, Vincze O, Nicolas D, Giraudeau M, Telonis-Scott M, Schultz A, Pujol P, Biro P, Beckmann C, Hamede R, Roche B, Ujvari B, Thomas F. 2022. 
"Cancer susceptibility as a cost of reproduction and contributor to life history evolution. "
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10 (2022): 861103.
Natterson-Horowitz B, Boddy AM, Zimmerman, D. 2022. 
"Female Health Across the Tree of Life: Insights at the Intersection of Women's Health, One Health and Planetary Health. "
PNAS nexus 1.2 (2022): pgac044.
Cassels S, Mwenda KM, Biney AAE, Jenness SM. 2021. 
"Is it the timing? Short-term mobility and coital frequency in Agbogbloshie, Ghana. "
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50(2):589-600. (PMCID: PMC7889649)
X. Feng, A.T. Murray and R.L. Church. 2021. 
" Drone service response: spatiotemporal heterogeneity implications."
Journal of Transport Geography 93, 103074 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103074).
X. Feng, S. Wang, A.T. Murray, Y. Cao and S. Gao. 2021. 
"Multi-objective trajectory optimization in planning for sequential activities across space and through time. "
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48, 945-963 (DOI: 10.1177/2399808320913300).
C. Jin and A.T. Murray. 2021. 
"Exploring public open data: micro-scale spatiotemporal dynamics of restaurant entrepreneurship in Seoul, Korea. "
 International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research 8(3), 5.
A.T. Murray. 2021. 
"Resilience in complex networks. "
In Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? edited by A. Reggiani, L.A. Schintler, D. Czamanski and R. Patuelli, 418-431 (Edward Elgar Publishing) (DOI:
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