
Health and Education area

Brady, L.M., Kaiser, C., Major, B. & Kirby, T. (2015)
"It's fair for us: Diversity structures cause women to legitimize discrimination."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.57, 100-110.
LaCosse, J., Tuscherer, T., Kunstman, J., Plant, A., Trawalter, S. & Major, B. 2015. 
"Suspicion of White people's motives relates to relative accuracy in detecting external motivation to respond without prejudice."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Research Themes:
Ervin, Daniel and David López-Carr.
"Agricultural Inputs, Outputs, and Population Density at the Country-Level in Latin America: Decadal Changes Augur Challenges for Sustained Food Production and Forest Conservation."
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review (IER) 16(1): 63-76. 2015.
K. Mwenda, P. Kyriakidis, D. López-Carr.  2015. 
"Exploring HIV prevalence estimates using fine-scale population estimates: Evidence from three Tanzanian districts. Plurimondi."
An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Vol 7, No 15: Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-8.
Oliva, Paulina. Forthcoming. 
"Does the Effect of Pollution on Infant Mortatity Differ Between Developing and Developed Countries? Evidence from Mexico City, with Rema Hanna and Eva Arceo."
The Economic Journal.
Royer, Heather with Mark Stehr and Justin Sydnor. 2015
"Incentives, Commitments and Habit Formation in Exercise: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Workers at a Fortune-500 Company."
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(3): 51-84.
Research Themes:
Stieglitz, J., Schniter, E., von Rueden, C., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2015.
"Reduced functional status and social conflict increase risk of depression in adulthood among modernizing Amazonian forager-farmers."
Journals of Gerontology Social Sciences 70(6):948-956. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu080. 
Khanna A, Roberts ST, Cassels S, Ying R, John-Stewart G, Goodreau SM, Baeten JM, Murnane P, Celum C, Barnabas RV. 2015.
"Estimating PMTCT's Impact on Heterosexual HIV Transmission: A Mathematical Modeling Analysis."
PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134271. (PMCID: PMC4532442).
Mwenda K.M., Kyriakidis P.C., López-Carr, D. 2015. 
"Quantifying Spatial Uncertainty of Population Estimates: Evidence from three Tanzanian districts, Plurimondi."
An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. 8(17): 215-221.
Urlacher, SS, Blackwell, AD, Liebert, MA, Madimenos, FC, Cepon-Robins, TJ, Gildner, TE, Snodgrass, JJ, Sugiyama, LS. (2015)
"Physical Growth of the Shuar: Height, Weight, and BMI Growth References for an Indigenous Amazonian Population,"
American Journal of Human Biology, in press.
Hunger, J.M., Major, B., Blodorn, A. & Miller, C. (2015) 
"Weighed down by stigma: How weight-based social identity threat contributes to weight gain and health."
 Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9, 255-268. doi: 10.1111/spc3.12172
Research Themes:
Cornick, J.E. & Blascovich, J. (in press).
"Consequences of Objective Self-Awareness During Exercise."
Health Psychology Open.
Research Themes:
Rossin-Slater, Maya, Janet Currie. 2015. 
"Early-life Origins of Lifecycle Wellbeing: Research and Policy Implications."
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 34(1): 208-242.
Kelly Bedard (with Philip Babcock, Gary Charness, John Hartman, and Heather Royer). 2015. 
"Letting Down the Team? Evidence of Social Effects of Team Incentives."
The Journal of the European Economic Association. October 2015, 841-870.
Research Themes:
Oliva, Paulina. 2015. 
"Moving up the Energy Ladder: The Effect of an Increase in Economic Well-being on the Fuel Consumption Choices of the Poor in India, with Rema Hanna."
American Economic Review P&P, 105.5: 242-246.
Blackwell, A.D., Tamayo, M.A., Beheim, B., Trumble, B.C., Stieglitz, J., Hooper, P.L., Martin, M., Kaplan, H, Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Helminth infection, fecundity and age of first pregnancy in women."
Science 350: 970-972. 
Huang CE, Cassels S, Winer RL. 2015. 
"Self-reported sex partner dates for use in measuring concurrent partnerships: Correspondence between two assessment methods."
Archives of Sexual Behavior44(4): 873-883. (PMCID: PMC4382421).
Kelly Bedard (with Heather Antecol). 2015.
"Immigrants and Immigrant Health."
The Handbook on the Economics of International Migration, Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller editors, Elsevier, 2015, 255-299.
Research Themes:
Blackwell, AD, Tamayo, M, Beheim, B, Trumble, BC, Stieglitz, J, Hooper, PL, Martin, M, Kaplan, H, Gurven, M. (2015)
"Infection with helminths affects fecundity and age of first pregnancy in human females, in submission."
Dover, T. L., Major, B., Kunstman, J. W., & Sawyer, P. J. (2015) 
"Does unfairness feel different if it can be linked to group membership? Cognitive, affective, behavioral and physiological implications of discrimination and unfairness."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 96-103.
Research Themes:
Kirby, T., Kaiser, C. & Major, B. (2015)
"Insidious procedures: Diversity awards legitimize unfair organizational procedures."
Social Justice Research, 28, 169-186. doi: 10.1007/s11211-015-0240-z
Research Themes:
Shannon Gleeson, David López-Carr, (2015). 
"What are the determinants of immigrant health?: Introduction to Special Issue on Migration and Health."
Field Actions Science Reports. The journal of field actions. Issue 13, Pages 1-4.
David López-Carr, Kevin M. Mwenda, Narcisa G. Pricope, Phaedon C. Kyriakidis, Marta M. Jankowska, John Weeks, Chris Funk, Gregory Husak, and Joel Michaelsen. 2015.  
"A spatial statistical analysis of climate-related child malnutrition in the lake victoria basin."
Proceedings of the 2015 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS) Conference. Milan, Italy. pp. 2564-25-67.
Kelly Bedard (with Peter Kuhn). 2015. 
"Micro-Marketing Healthier Choices: Effects of Personalized Ordering Suggestions on Restaurant Purchases"
Journal of Health Economics, 39: 106-122.
Research Themes:
Marta M. Jankowska, Justin Stoler, Caetlin Ofiesh, David Rain, and John R. Weeks. 2015. 
"Agency, Access, and Anopheles: Neighborhood health perceptions and the implications for community health interventions in Accra, Ghana."
Global Health Action, 8(
Yetish, G., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M., Wood, B., Pontzer, H., Manger, P., Wilson, C., McGregor, R., Siegel, J.M. 2015. 
"Natural sleep and its seasonal variations in three pre-industrial societies."
Current Biology 25:1-7. 
Jenness SM, Biney AAE, Ampofo WK, Dodoo FN, Cassels S. 2015.
"Minimal Coital Dilution in Accra, Ghana."
JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 69(1): 85-91.  (PMCID: PMC4424052).
Kelly Bedard (with Peter Kuhn). 2015.
"Making Nutritional Information Digestible: Effects of a Receipt-Based Intervention on Fast Food Purchases."
Journal of Health Economics, 2015 39: 106-122.
Research Themes:
Cieslak, M., Ryan, W., Macy, A., Kelsey, R.M., Cornick, J.E., Verket, M., Blascovich, J., & Grafton, S. (2014).
"Simultaneous acquisition of functional magnetic resonance images and impedance cardiography."
Research Themes:
Cornick, J. E., & Blascovich, J. (2014).
"Are Virtual Environments the New Frontier in Obesity Management?"
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8(11), 650-658.
Research Themes:
Ervin, Daniel, 
"Complex Human 'Transitions' that Shape Our World."
Global-e, 8(10): 1. 2014
Major, B., Hunger, J., Bunyan, D & Miller, C.T. 2014.
"The ironic effects of weight stigma."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 74-80.
Deschenes, Olivier. Forthcoming. 
"Climate Change, Human Health, and Adaptation: A Review of the Empirical Literature"
Energy Economics(NBER Working Paper No. 18345) 
Research Themes:
Royer, Heather and Allison Witman. 2014.
"Intergenerational Effects on Health - In Utero and Early Life"
for the Encyclopedia of Health Economics produced by Elsevier. 
Research Themes:
Katz DA, Cassels S, Stekler JD. 2014. 
"Replacing Clinic-based Tests with Home-use Tests May Increase HIV Prevalence among Seattle Men Who Have Sex with Men: Evidence from a Mathematical Model."
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 41(1): 2-9. (PMCID: PMC3955208)
López-Carr, D. and D. Ervin. Forthcoming. 
"Population, Poverty, and the Nutrition Transition"
in The International Handbook of Food and Environment: Towards sustainable food systems. Ed. Colin Sage.
Hunger, J.M. & Major, B. 2014.
"Weight Stigma Mediates the Association between BMI and Psychological and Physical Health."
Health Psychology. 
Research Themes:
Veile, A., Martin, M., McAllister, L., Gurven, M.
"Modernization is associated with intensive breastfeeding patterns in the Bolivian Amazon."
Social Science and Medicine 100:148-158.
Brown, M., K. Grace, K. G. Shively, K. Johnson, M. Carroll. 2014. 
"Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Household Survey Data to Assess Human Health and Nutrition Response to Environmental Change."
Population and Environment, 1-25.
Research Themes:
Weinberger, C. 2014.. 
"The Increasing Complementarity between Cognitive and Social Skills."
in the Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5):849-861. 
Research Themes:
Katz DA, Cassels S, Stekler JD. 2014. 
"Response to the modelling analysis by Katz et al on the impact of replacing clinic-based HIV tests with home testing among men who have sex with men in Seattle: Authors' reply."
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 41(5):320.
Royer, Heather with Silvia Prina. 2014. 
"The Importance of Parental Knowledge and Social Norms: Evidence from Weight Report Cards in Mexico."
Journal of Health Economics, 37: 232-247.
Research Themes:
A.E. Larsen, A. J. MacDonald, &  Andrew J.
"Lyme Disease Risk Influences Human Settlement in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Evidence from a Longitudinal Analysis of Counties in the Northeastern United States"
Am J Trop Med Hyg Published online July 21, 2014; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.14-0181
López-Carr, A. and D. López-Carr. 2014. 
"Environment and Food or Population, Health, Environment, and Food?"
Sociologia Ruralis.54 (1), 101-104.
Weinberger, C. 2014. 
"Are There Racial Gaps in High School Leadership Opportunities? Do Academics Matter More?"
in the Review of Black Political Economy, 41(4):393-409.
Research Themes:
Cassels S, Jenness SM, Biney AAE, Ampofo WK, Dodoo FN. Forthcoming. 
"Migration, sexual networks, and HIV in Agbogbloshie, Ghana."
Demographic Research. 
Lassek, W. D. and S. J. C. Gaulin. 2013.
"Breast milk DHA content predicts cognitive performance in a sample of 28 nations. "
Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Verta Taylor and Mayer Zald. 2013.
"Health Movements"
Pp. 555-558 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Ervin, D. A. López-Carr, D. López-Carr.
"The Nutrition Transition"
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 21. 2013.
Shi, X, Miller, S.D., Mwenda, K.M., Onda, A., Rees, J.R., Onega, T.L., Gui, J., Karagas, M.R., Demidenko, E., and  Moeschler, J.B.
"Mapping Disease at an Approximated Individual Level Using Aggregate Data: A Case Study of Mapping New Hampshire Birth Defects."
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10: 4161-4174. 2013.
Blackwell A, Martin M, Kaplan H, Gurven M.  2013.
"Antagonism between two intestinal parasites in humans: the importance of coinfection for infection risk and recovery dynamics."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 280(1769): 20131671. 
Liebert MA, Snodgrass JJ, Madimenos FC, Cepon TJ, Blackwell AD, Sugiyama LS. (2013) 
"Implications of market integration for cardiovascular and metabolic health among an indigenous Amazonian Ecuadorian population."
Annals of Human Biology40(3) 228-242. 
Mehta, Aashish, Shikha Jha and Pilipinas Quising. 2013. 
"Self-targeted food subsidies and voice: Evidence from the Philippines."
Food Policy. 
Sweeney, S., F. Davenport and K. Grace.
"Combining insights from quantile and ordinal regression: Child malnutrition in Guatemala."
Economics and Human Biology. Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2013, 164-177.
Rossin-Slater, Maya.
"WIC in Your Neighborhood: New Evidence on the Impacts of Geographic Access to Clinics"
Journal of Public Economics, 102: 51-69, June 2013.
Gurven, M., C. von Rueden, M. Massenkoff, H. Kaplan, & M. Lero Vi.
"How universal is the Big Five? Testing the Five-Factor Model of personality variation among forager-farmers in the Bolivian Amazon"
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 354-370. 2013.
Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Identity Politics"
Pp. 580-584 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Stoler, Justin, John R. Weeks, and Günther Fink.
"Sachet drinking water in Ghana's Accra-Tema Metropolitan Area: Past, present, and future"
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2013.
Research Themes:
Major, B., Mendes, W.B. & Dovidio, J. (2013).
"Intergroup relations and health disparities: A social psychological perspective."
Health Psychology, 32, 514-524.
Research Themes:
Yang, Qingsheng , Kevin M. Mwenda, Miao Ge.
"Incorporating geographical factors with artificial neural networks to predict reference values of erythrocyte sedimentation rate."
International Journal of HealthGeographics. 2013.
Fischer, Stefanie. 2013.
"The Academic Achievement of American Indians"
Economics of Education Review 
Research Themes:
Major, B. & Kunstsman, J. W. (2013). 
"Suspicion in Interracial Interactions: Using Measures of Cardiovascular Reactivity to Index Threat."
In B. Derks, D. Scheepers & N. Ellemers (Eds.) The Neuroscience of Prejudice and Intergroup Relations. New York, NY: Psychology Press. 
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary, Edi Karnia, and Dan Levin.
"Ambiguity Attitudes: An Experimental Investigation"
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 46, February, 2013, 1-25.
Research Themes:
Rossin-Slater, Maya and Janet Currie.
"Weathering the Storm: Hurricanes and Birth Outcomes"
Journal of Health Economics, 32(3): 487-503, February 2013.
John R. Sutton.
"Symbol and Substance: Impacts of California's Three Strikes Law on Felony Sentencing"
Law & Society Review. 2013. Vol 47, Issue 1.
Research Themes:
Martin, M., Blackwell, A., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H. (2013)
"Make new friends and keep the old? Parasite coinfection and comorbidity in Homo sapiens."
In: Primates, Pathogens and Evolution. Developments in Primatology Series. Editors: Brinkworth, J.F. and E. Pechenkina. New York: Springer. 
Brouwer, Kimberly C., Melanie L. Rusch, John R. Weeks, Remedios Lozada, Alicia Vera, Carlos Magis-Rodríguez, and Steffanie A. Strathdee.
"Spatial Epidemiology of HIV Among Injection Drug Users in Tijuana, Mexico"
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013.
Lundberg, Shelly.
"The College Type: Personality and Educational Inequality"
Journal of Labor Economics, July 2013, 31(3): 421-442.
Pisor, A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G., A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G.
"Patterns of senescence in cardiovascular fitness: VO2max in subsistence and industrialized populations."
American Journal of Human Biology 25(6), pp. 756-769. 2013.
A. López-Carr, D. López-Carr, L. Grant, and J. Weeks. 
"The spaces and places of food security: learning from spatial, hierarchical, and econometric models in urban data-poor areas."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 10.
Townsend, S.S.M., Eliezer, D., Major, B., Mendes, W.B. (2013). 
"Influencing the world versus adjusting to constraints: Social class moderates responses to discrimination."
Social Psychological and Personality Science.5(2), 226-234.
Research Themes:
Cassels S, Jenness SM, Khanna A. 2013. 
"Conceptual Framework and Research Methods for Migration and HIV Transmission Dynamics."
AIDS & Behavior: Nov 21. NIMHMS 543091.
Major, B., Eliezer, D. & Rieck, H.
"The psychological weight of weight stigma"
Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2013.
Research Themes:
Walker, R., Beckerman, S., Flinn, M., Gurven, M., von Rueden, C., Cordoba, L., Villar, D., Hagen, E., Koster, J., Hill, K.
"Living with kin in lowland horticultural societies"
Current Anthropology, 54, 96-103. 2013.
Ampofo, Joseph, Justin Stoler, Günther Fink, John R. Weeks, Richard Appiah Otoo and Allan G. Hill
"When Urban Taps Run Dry: Sachet Water Consumption and Health Effects in Low Income Neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana"
Health & Place, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2012, pages 250-262.
Coulter, Lloyd L., Gregg Verutes, and John R. Weeks
"Health, Poverty, and Place in Accra, Ghana: Mapping Neighborhoods"
Journal of Maps, Special Issue on Innovative Mapping in Spatial Demography. 2012
Clark, Damon and Heather Royer
"The Effect of Education on Adult Health and Mortality: Evidence from Britain"
Working Paper 16013 2012
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M.
"Stealing a Bag of Potato Chips and Other Crimes of Resistance"
Contexts. American Sociological Association. Vol. 11, N. 2. 2012.
John R. Weeks, Arthur Getis, Douglas A. Stow, Allan G. Hill, David Rain, Ryan Engstrom, Justin Stoler, Christopher Lippitt, Marta Jankowska, Anna Carla Lopez, Lloyd Coulter, and Caetlin Ofiesh.
"Connecting the Dots Between Health, Poverty and Place in Accra, Ghana"
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 102, Issue 5, 2012.
Stieglitz, J., Blackwell, A.D., Quispe Gutierrez, R., Cortez Linares, E., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H.
"Modernization, sexual-risk taking and gynecological morbidity among Bolivian forager-horticulturalists."
PLOS One, December 2012, Volume 7, Issue 12.
Honzak, C., D. López-Carr.
"Conservation and Family Planning: What is the Value of Integrating Family Planning into Conservation Projects?"
Papers of the 2012 Population Association of America Annual Conference. May 3-5, San Francisco, CA.
Martin M and Sela D.
"Infant gut microbiota: developmental influences and health outcomes."
In: Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective. Clancy K, Hinde K, Rutherford J., eds. Springer. 2012.
Oliva, Paulina
"Environmental Regulations and Corruption: Automobile Emissions in Mexico City"
Blackwell, Aaron D., Michael Gurven, Daniel Eid Rodríguez, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan
"Does Blood Pressure Inevitably Rise With Age? Longitudinal Evidence Among Forager-Horticulturalists"
Hypertension 60(1): 25-33. 2012
Brouwer, Kimberly C., Remedios Lozada, John R. Weeks, Carlos Magis-Rodríguez, Michelle Firestone-Cruz, and Steffanie A. Strathdee
"Intra-Urban Mobility and its Potential Impact on the Spread of Blood-Borne Infections among Drug Injectors in Tijuana, Mexico"
Substance Use and Misuse, 47(3):244-253. 2012.
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary and Roger Jahnke.
"A Group-based Wellness Intervention in the Laboratory"
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 12, March 2012.
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M.
"Gunfire as Conflict Resolution."
Room for Debate. The Opinion Pages. New York Times. March 21, 2012.
John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate.
"Introduction: What is the youth bulge and why does it matter?"
Chapter 1 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Martin, M.A., Glassek, W.D., Gaulin, S.J.C., Evans, R.W., Woo, J.G., Geraghty, S.R., Davidson, B.S., Morrow, A.L., Kaplan, H.S., Gurven, M.D.
"Fatty acid composition in the mature milk of Bolivian forager-horticulturalists: controlled comparisons with a U.S. sample."
Maternal and Child Nutrition 8(3):404-418. 2012.
Bremner, J., J. Davis, D.L. Carr.
"Population Growth, Ecology, and Poverty."
In Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction. J. C. Ingram, F. DeClerck and C. Rumbaitis del Rio eds., Springer: New York. Pp. 65-78. 2012.
Engeman, Cassandra, Lynn Baumgartner, Benjamin Carr, Allison Fish, John Meyerhofer, Terre Satterfield, Patricia Holden, and Barbara Herr Harthorn.
"Governance Implications of Nanomaterials Companies' Inconsistent Risk Perceptions and Safety Practices."
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(3): 749-760. doi: 10.1007/s11051-012-0749-0. 2012.
Research Themes:
Sutton, John.
"Imprisonment and Opportunity Structures: A Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis"
European Sociological Review Vol 28 Number 1. 2012. 12-27.
Research Themes:
Major, B., S.S.M. Townsend, P.J. Sawyer & W.B. Mendes
"From "in the air" to "under the skin": Cortisol responses to social identity threat"
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2012
Research Themes:
Engstrom, Ryan, David Rain, Caetlin Ofiesh, Henry Jewell, and John R. Weeks
"Defining Neighborhood Boundaries for Urban Health Research in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Accra, Ghana"
Journal of Maps, Special Issue on Innovative Mapping in Spatial Demography. 2012
Research Themes:
Sweeney, S. and K. Grace.
"Regression Analysis of Anthropometry Data: A Simulation Study of a Two-Stage Estimator"
JSM Proceedings, Health Policy Statistics Section, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2012.
Rossin-Slater, Maya and Christel Brellochs.
"Preconception Health and Health Care and Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Opportunities for Collaboration"
National Center for Children in Poverty at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Report, May 2012.
Winant, Howard.
"The Dark Matter"
Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 35, no. 4 (April 2012).
Research Themes:
Jankowska, M., D. López-Carr.
"Climate Change and Human Health: Contextual and Compositional Effects of Climate, Livelihoods, and Population Change on Child Malnutrition in Mali, Africa."
Papers of the 2012 Population Association of America Annual Conference. May 3-5, San Francisco, CA. 2012.
A.E. Larsen.
"Modeling multiple non-consumptive effects in simple food webs; a modified Lotka-Volterra approach."
Behavioral Ecology 23 (5): 1115-1125.
Research Themes:
Grace, K.; F. Davenport; C. Funk; and A.M. Lerner.
"Child malnutrition and climate in Sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of recent trends in Kenya."
Applied Geography 35:405-413. 2012.