
Family Demography Publications

Blackwell, A.D., Trumble, B.C., Maldonado Suarez, I., Stieglitz, J., Beheim, B., Snodgrass, J.J., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2016. 
"Immune function in Amazonian horticulturalists."
Annals of Human Biology 43(4):382-396.
Gurven, M., Costa, M., Trumble, B., Stieglitz, J., Beheim, B., Eid Rodriguez, D., Hooper, P.L., Kaplan, H. 2016. 
"Costs of reproduction and maternal depletion in a high fertility and mortality population."
Nature Scientific Reports 6:30056.  
Lassek, W. D. and S. J. C. Gaulin. 2015. 
"Reproductive fat. "
In Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, W. Trevathan, Ed. Wiley/Blackwell: New York.
Blackwell, AD, Tamayo, M, Beheim, B, Trumble, BC, Stieglitz, J, Hooper, PL, Martin, M, Kaplan, H, Gurven, M. (2015)
"Infection with helminths affects fecundity and age of first pregnancy in human females, in submission."
Lukaszewski, A., von Rueden, C., Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Adaptive personality calibration among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists: effects of embodied capital on prosocial traits."
Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1093/beheco/arv051
Snipes SA, Hayes-Constant TK, Trumble BC, Goodreau SM, Morrison DM, Shell-Duncan B, Pelman RS, O’Connor KA.  (2015). 
"Masculine perspectives about family and work concurrently promote and inhibit men's health behaviors."
International Journal of Men's Health.
Hodges-Simeon, C.R., Gurven, M., Gaulin, S.J.C. 2015.
"The low male voice is a costly signal of phenotypic quality among Bolivian adolescents."
Evolution and Human Behavior. 
Schniter, E., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Wilcox, N.T., Hooper, P. 2015. 
"Forager skill ontogeny among Tsimane Amerindians."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 
Pisor, A., Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Corruption and the other(s): scope of superordinate identity matters for corruption permissibility."
PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144542. 
Hooper, P.L., Gerkey, D., Demps, K., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H.S. 2015. 
"Skills, division of labor and economies of scale among Amazonian hunters and South Indian honey collectors."
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 370: 20150008. 
Hooper, P.L., Gurven, M., Winking, J., Kaplan, H.S. 2015.
"Intergenerational transfers explained by inclusive fitness in a traditional human society."
Proceedings Royal Society B 282, 20142808. 
Steiglitz, J, Trumble, B, Emery Thompson, M, Blackwell, AD, Kaplan, H, Gurven, M. (2015)
"Depression as sickness behavior? A test of the host defense hypothesis in a high pathogen population, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity."
in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2015.05.008
Lukaszewski, A. & C. von Rueden. 2015. 
"The extraversion continuum in evolutionary perspective: a review of recent theory and evidence."
Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 186-192. 
Hooper PL, Gurven M, Winking J, Kaplan HS. 2015. 
"Inclusive fitness and differential productivity across the life course determine intergenerational transfers in a small-scale human society."
Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20142808. + SUPPLEMENT
Kaplan, H., Hooper, P.L., Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M. 2015. 
"The causal relationship between fertility and infant mortality: prospective analyses of a population in transition."
Population in the Human Sciences: Concepts, Models, Evidence(Editors: P. Kreager, B. Winney, S. Ulijaszek, C. Capelli). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 361-378. 
Gurven, M., Jaeggi, A. 2015. 
"Food sharing."
Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. SAGE. Edited by Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn. 
Gaulin, S. J. C. 2015. 
"Evolutionary psychology."
In Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, W. Trevathan, Ed. Wiley/Blackwell: New York.
Blackwell, A.D., Tamayo, M.A., Beheim, B., Trumble, B.C., Stieglitz, J., Hooper, P.L., Martin, M., Kaplan, H, Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Helminth infection, fecundity and age of first pregnancy in women."
Science 350: 970-972. 
Yetish, G., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M., Wood, B., Pontzer, H., Manger, P., Wilson, C., McGregor, R., Siegel, J.M. 2015. 
"Natural sleep and its seasonal variations in three pre-industrial societies."
Current Biology 25:1-7. 
Stieglitz, J., Schniter, E., von Rueden, C., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2015.
"Reduced functional status and social conflict increase risk of depression in adulthood among modernizing Amazonian forager-farmers."
Journals of Gerontology Social Sciences 70(6):948-956. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu080. 
Stieglitz, J., Beheim, B., Trumble, B., Madimenos, F., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Low mineral density of a weight-bearing bone among adult women in a high fertility population."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 
Urlacher, SS, Blackwell, AD, Liebert, MA, Madimenos, FC, Cepon-Robins, TJ, Gildner, TE, Snodgrass, JJ, Sugiyama, LS. (2015)
"Physical Growth of the Shuar: Height, Weight, and BMI Growth References for an Indigenous Amazonian Population,"
American Journal of Human Biology, in press.
Trumble BC, Eid Rodriguez D, Cortez Linares E, Kaplan H, Gurven M. (2015).  
"Challenging the inevitability of age-related prostate enlargement: low levels of benign hyperplasia among Bolivian Amerindians."
Journal of Gerontology:  Medical Sciences.
Jaeggi, A.V., Trumble, B., Kaplan, H.S., Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Salivary oxytocin increases concurrently with testosterone and time away from home among returning Tsimane hunters."
Biology Letters20150058. 
Trumble, B.C., Stieglitz, J., Emery Thompson, M., Fuerstenberg, E., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2015.  
"Testosterone is associated with enhanced cognitive performance in a subsistence population with minimal schooling."
American Journal of Human Biology. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22665. 
Gurven, M., Jaeggi, A., von Rueden, C., Hooper, P., Kaplan, H. 2015. 
"Does market integration buffer risk, erode traditional sharing practices and increase inequality? A test among Bolivian forager-farmers."
Human Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10745-015-9764-y
Gaulin, S. J. C. and W. D. Lassek. 2015. 
"Sexual dimorphism"
In Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, W. Trevathan, Ed. Wiley/Blackwell: New York.
Trumble, B., Jaeggi, A., Gurven, M. 2015. 
"Evolving the neuroendocrine physiology of human and primate cooperation and collective action."
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 370: 20150014. 
Fessler, D.M.T., Barrett, H.C., Kanovsky, M., Stich, S., Holbrook, C., Henrich, J., Bolyanatz, A., Gervais, M.M., Gurven, M., Kushnick, G., Pisor, A.C., von Rueden, C., Laurence, S. 2015. 
"Moral parochialism and contextual contingency across seven societies."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20150907. 
Trumble BC, Stieglitz J, Emery Thompson M, Fuerstenberg E, Kaplan H, Gurven M.  (2014). 
"Testosterone and male cognitive performance in Tsimane forager-horticulturalists."
American Journal of Human Biology. 
Fessler, D.M.T, Pisor, A.C., & Navarrete, C.D.
"Negatively-biased credulity and the cultural evolution of beliefs."
PLoS ONE 9(4): e95167. 2014. 
Charness, Garyand Chun-Lei Yang. 
"Starting Small towards Voluntary Formation of Efficient Large Groups in Public Goods Provision."
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 102,June, 2014, 119-132. 
Trumble, B., Cummings, D.K., O’Connor, K.A., Holman, D.J., Smith, E.A., Kaplan, H.S., Gurven, M.D. In press.
"Age-independent increases in male salivary testosterone during horticultural activity among Tsimane forager-farmers."
Evolution and Human Behavior. 
Stieglitz, J., M. Gurven, E. Schniter, C. von Rueden, & H. Kaplan. In press. 
"Functional disability and social conflict increase risk of depression in older adulthood among Bolivian forager-farmers."
Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. 
Stieglitz, J., Jaeggi, A., Blackwell, A., Trumble, BC., Gurven, M., and Kaplan, H. (In Press).
"Work to live and live to work: Productivity, transfers, and psychological well-being in adulthood and old age."
In: Weinstein, M., and Lane, M. (eds.). Advances in bio-demography: cross-species comparisons of social environments and social behaviors, and their effects on health and longevity. National Academy Press.
von Rueden, C., Trumble, B., Emery Thompson, M., Stieglitz, J., Hooper, P.L., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2014. 
"Political influence associates with cortisol and health among egalitarian forager-farmers."
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 122-133. doi:10.1093/emph/eou021
Von Rueden C, Trumble BC, Blackwell AD, Stieglitz J, Kaplan H, Gurven M (2014).  
"Political influence in an egalitarian society associates with lower cortisol but not lower disease burden."
Evolution Medicine and Public Health.
Yeo, R., Pommy, J., & Padilla, E. A. 
"Strategic choices vs. maladaptive development"
[Peer commentary on "An Evolutionary Life History Framework for Psychopathology" by M. Del Giudice]. Psychological Inquiry. 2014.
Gurven, M., C. von Rueden, J. Stieglitz, H. Kaplan, & D. Eid Rodriguez. 2014. 
"The evolutionary fitness of personality traits in a small-scale subsistence population."
Evolution & Human Behavior, 35, 17-25. 
von Rueden, C., M. Gurven, H. Kaplan, & J. Stieglitz. In press. 
"Leadership in an egalitarian society."
Human Nature. 
Trumble BC, Smith EA, O’Connor KA, Kaplan HS, Gurven MD.  (2014).  
"Successful hunting increases testosterone and cortisol in a subsistence population."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281:20132876
Miner, E., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Gaulin, S. 2014.
"Sex difference in travel is concentrated in adolescence and tracks reproductive interests."
Proceedings of Royal Society B281, 20141476.
Veile, A., Martin, M., McAllister, L., Gurven, M.
"Modernization is associated with intensive breastfeeding patterns in the Bolivian Amazon."
Social Science and Medicine 100:148-158.
Charness, Gary,Francesco Feri, Miguel Meléndez-Jiménez, and Matthias Sutter. 2014. 
"Experimental Games on Networks: Underpinnings of Behavior and Equilibrium Selection."
von Rueden, C. 2014. 
"A comment on the service-for-prestige theory of leadership."
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 412. 
von Rueden, C. In press. 
"The roots and fruits of social status in small-scale human societies."
In J. Cheng, J. Tracy, & C. Anderson (Eds.) The Psychology of Social Status. Springer. 
Von Rueden, CR, Trumble, BC, Emory Thompson, M, Stieglitz, J, Hooper, PL, Blackwell, AD, Kaplan, HS, Gurven, M. (2014)
"Political influence associates with cortisol and health among egalitarian forager-farmers, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health"
eou021, DOI: 10.1093/emph/eou02
Lassek, W. D. and S. J. C. Gaulin. 2013.
"Breast milk DHA content predicts cognitive performance in a sample of 28 nations. "
Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Sweeney, S., D. Steigerwald, F. Davenport, and H. Eakin.
"Mexican Maize Production: Evolving Organizational and Spatial Structures since 1980"
Applied Geography 39 (May 2013), 78-92.
Martin, M., Blackwell, A., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H. (2013)
"Make new friends and keep the old? Parasite coinfection and comorbidity in Homo sapiens."
In: Primates, Pathogens and Evolution. Developments in Primatology Series. Editors: Brinkworth, J.F. and E. Pechenkina. New York: Springer. 
Gurven, M., Jaeggi, A.V., Kaplan, H., Cummings, D.
"Physical activity and modernization among Bolivian Amerindians."
Plos One, Janurary 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1.
Liebert MA, Snodgrass JJ, Madimenos FC, Cepon TJ, Blackwell AD, Sugiyama LS. (2013) 
"Implications of market integration for cardiovascular and metabolic health among an indigenous Amazonian Ecuadorian population."
Annals of Human Biology40(3) 228-242. 
Hanson-Sobraske, K., J. S. Boster, and S. J. C. Gaulin (2013). 
"Mapping the conceptual space of jealousy"
Ethos 41:249-270.
Gurven, M., C. von Rueden, M. Massenkoff, H. Kaplan, & M. Lero Vi.
"How universal is the Big Five? Testing the Five-Factor Model of personality variation among forager-farmers in the Bolivian Amazon"
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 354-370. 2013.
Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Identity Politics"
Pp. 580-584 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Hooper, P.
"Household task delegation among high-fertility forager-horticulturalists of lowland Bolivia."
Current Anthropology 54(2):232-241.
Pisor, A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G., A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G.
"Patterns of senescence in cardiovascular fitness: VO2max in subsistence and industrialized populations."
American Journal of Human Biology 25(6), pp. 756-769. 2013.
Gaulin, S. J. C. (2013). 
"Human Evolution: Processes and Adaptations"
second edition. San Diego: Cognella. 
Jaeggi, A., Gurven, M. 2013. 
"Reciprocity explains food sharing in humans and other primates independent of kin selection and tolerated scrounging: a phylogenetic meta-analysis."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20131615.
Aswani, S.
"Strategies for Designing Successful Marine Resource Management Programs in Oceania"
Pacific Science. 2013.
Lerner, A., H. Eakin, and S. Sweeney.
"Characterizing peri-urban households across a rural-urban gradient in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico"
Journal of Rural Studies 20, 52-63.2013.
Jaeggi, A.V., Gurven, M.
"Natural cooperators: food sharing in humans and other primates"
Evolutionary Anthropology, 2013.
Winking, J., Stieglitz, J., Kurten, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H.
"Polygyny among the Tsimane: an improved method for testing the polygyny-fertility hypothesis."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280.
Blackwell A, Martin M, Kaplan H, Gurven M.  2013.
"Antagonism between two intestinal parasites in humans: the importance of coinfection for infection risk and recovery dynamics."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 280(1769): 20131671. 
Hodges-Simeon, C. R., M. D. Gurven, R. Cárdenas, and S. J. C. Gaulin (2013). 
"Voice change as a new measure of male pubertal timing: A study among Bolivian adolescents."
Annals of Human Biology40: 209-219. 
Walker, R., Beckerman, S., Flinn, M., Gurven, M., von Rueden, C., Cordoba, L., Villar, D., Hagen, E., Koster, J., Hill, K.
"Living with kin in lowland horticultural societies"
Current Anthropology, 54, 96-103. 2013.
Blackwell, Aaron D., Michael Gurven, Daniel Eid Rodríguez, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan
"Does Blood Pressure Inevitably Rise With Age? Longitudinal Evidence Among Forager-Horticulturalists"
Hypertension 60(1): 25-33. 2012
von Rueden, C. & M. Gurven.
"When the strong punish: why net costs of punishment are often negligible"
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 43-44. 2012.
Deschenes, Olivier.
"Climate Policy and Labor Markets"
The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, Edited by Don Fullerton and Catherine Wolfram, University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Stieglitz, J., Blackwell, A.D., Quispe Gutierrez, R., Cortez Linares, E., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H.
"Modernization, sexual-risk taking and gynecological morbidity among Bolivian forager-horticulturalists."
PLOS One, December 2012, Volume 7, Issue 12.
Gurven, M.
"Infant and fetal mortality among a high mortality population in the Bolivian Amazon."
Social Science and Medicine 24:786-799.
Martin M and Sela D.
"Infant gut microbiota: developmental influences and health outcomes."
In: Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective. Clancy K, Hinde K, Rutherford J., eds. Springer. 2012.
Gurven, Michael, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan, Jeffrey Winking
"Infidelity, jealousy, and wife abuse among Tsimane forager-farmers: testing evolutionary hypotheses of marital conflict"
Evolution and Human Behavior, 33: 438-448. 2012.
Childress C.C. and N.E. Friedkin
"Cultural Reception and Production: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs"
American Sociological Review 77: 45-68. 2012
Deschenes, Olivier and M. Greenstone.
"The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Profits and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Reply"
American Economic Review, December 2012, Volume 102, Number 7, pp. 3761-3773.
Gurven, M.
"Human survival and life history in evolutionary perspective"
The Evolution of Primate Societies. Mitani, J., Call, J., Kappeler, P., Palombit, R., Silk, J. (Eds). 2012. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pages 293-314.
McAllister, L., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Stieglitz, J.
"Why Do Women Have More Children Than They Want? Understanding Differences in Women's Ideal and Actual Family Size in a Natural Fertility Population"
American Journal of Human Biology 24: 786-799 (2012).
Gurven, M., Stieglitz, J., Hooper, P., Gomes, C., Kaplan, H.
"From the womb to the tomb: the role of transfers in shaping the evolved human life history."
Experimental Gerontology 47:807-813. 2012.
Gurven, Michael, Stacey L. Rucas, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan
"Social Aggression and Resource Conflict Across the Female Life-Course in the Bolivian Amazon"
Aggressive Behavior. Volume 38, pages 194-207 (2012)
Trumble, B., D. Cummings, C. von Rueden, K. O'Connor, E. Smith, M. Gurven, & H. Kaplan.
"Physical competition increases testosterone among Amazonian forager-horticulturalists: a test of the "challenge hypothesis""
Proceedings of Royal Society B., 279, 2907-2912. 2012.
Deschenes, Olivier, C. Costello, D. Ovando, R. Hilborn, S. Gaines, and S. Lester.
"Status and Solutions for the World's Unassessed Fisheries"
Science, October 26 2012, 338, 517-520.
John R. Weeks, Arthur Getis, Douglas A. Stow, Allan G. Hill, David Rain, Ryan Engstrom, Justin Stoler, Christopher Lippitt, Marta Jankowska, Anna Carla Lopez, Lloyd Coulter, and Caetlin Ofiesh.
"Connecting the Dots Between Health, Poverty and Place in Accra, Ghana"
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 102, Issue 5, 2012.
Veile, A., Winking, J., Gurven, M., Greaves, R.D., Kramer, K.L. 2012.
"Infant growth and the thymus: data from two South American native societies."
American Journal of Human Biology 24:768-775. 2012.
Martin, M.A., Glassek, W.D., Gaulin, S.J.C., Evans, R.W., Woo, J.G., Geraghty, S.R., Davidson, B.S., Morrow, A.L., Kaplan, H.S., Gurven, M.D.
"Fatty acid composition in the mature milk of Bolivian forager-horticulturalists: controlled comparisons with a U.S. sample."
Maternal and Child Nutrition 8(3):404-418. 2012.
Gurven, Michael, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan
"The Impact of Parents and Self-Selection on Child Survival among the Tsimane of Bolivia"
Current Anthropology 52(2):277-284. 2011
Barrett, Clark, Frank W. Marlowe, J. Colette Berbesque, Alexander Bolyanatz, Michael Gurven and David Tracer
"The 'spiteful' origins of human cooperation"
Proceedings of Royal Society B 278: 2159-2164. 2011
Gaulin, S.J.C. and W.D. Lassek
"Sex differences in the relationship of dietary fatty acids to cognitive measures in American children"
Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 3. 2011
Aswani, S., T. Furusawa, H. Furusawa, R. Eddie, M. Tuni, and F. Pitakaka
"Communicable and non-communicable diseases in the Solomon Islands villages during recovery from a massive earthquake in April 2007"
The New Zealand Medical Journal 124: 28 pages. 2011
Gurven, Michael, Christopher von Rueden and Hillard Kaplan
"Why do men seek status? Fitness payoffs to dominance and prestige"
Proceedings of Royal Society B 278: 2223-2232. 2011
Gurven, Michael, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan
"Father death and adult success among the Tsimane: implications for marriage and divorce"
Evolution and Human Behavior 32:79-89. 2011
Gaulin, S.J.C, M. Krasnow, D. Truxaw, J. New, H. Ozono, S. Uono, T. Ueno, and K. Minemoto
"Cognitive adaptations for gathering-related navigation in humans."
Evolution and Human Behavior 32: 1-12. 2011
Blackwell, AD., FC Madimenos , JJ Snodgrass, MA Liebert, TJ Cepon, LS Sugiyama
"Normative calcaneal quantitative ultrasound datafor the indigenous Shuar and non-Shuar Colonos of the Ecuadorian Amazon"
Arch Osteoporo, 2011
Gurven, Michael, Jeffrey Winking.
"The Total Cost of Father Desertion"
American Journal of Human Biology 23:755-763 (2011).
Gurven, Michael D., Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan, Jeffrey Winking, and Basilio Vie Tayo.
"Spousal Violence and Paternal Disinvestment Among Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists"
American Journal of Human Biology 23:445-457 (2011).
Allayee, Hooman, Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn, Caleb E. Finch, Eileen M. Crimmins, Suvi A. Vikman, Jonathan Stieglitz, Michael Gurven, and Hillard Kaplan
"Inflammatory Gene Variants in the Tsimane, an Indigenous Bolivian Population with a High Infectious Load"
Biodemography and Social Biology 57(1):33-52. 2011
Gaulin, S. J. C. and W.D. Lassek
"Why Women Need Fat"
New York: Hudson Street/Penguin Group. 2011
Friedkin, N.E. 2011
"Spine Segments in Small World Networks"
Social Networks 33:88-97.
Blackwell, Aaron D., Michael D. Gurven, Lawrence S. Sugiyama, Felicia C. Madimenos, Melissa A. Liebert, Melanie A. Martin, Hillard S. Kaplan, J. Josh Snodgrass
"Evidence for a Peak Shift in a Humoral Response to Helminths: Age Profiles of IgE in the Shuar of Ecuador, the Tsimane of Bolivia, and the U.S. NHANES"
H. Liere & A.E. Larsen.
"Cascading trait-mediation: disruption of a trait-mediated mutualism by parasite-induced behavioral modifications."
Oikos 119: 1394-1400.