Hodges, C. and S. Sweeney. 2024.
"Food security change in the college student population due to the COVID-19 pandemic: A decline for many, an improvement for a few. "
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 9, 100820.
Arabadjis, S. D. and S. H. Sweeney. 2024.
"Residuals in space: Potential pitfalls and applications from single-institution survival analysis. "
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 49, 100646.
Benoit G*, Cassels S, Ackert E, Sweeney S. In Press.
"Socio-Demographic Patterning of Urinary Mono-ethyl Phthalate Levels among Children and Adults the U.S. (1999-2018). "
Environmental Research Communications.
A.T. Murray, J.Baik, V. Echeverri, D. Rini, M.A. Moritz, D.A. Roberts, S.H. Sweeney, L.M.V. Carvalho and C. Jones. 2023.
"Developing effective wildfire risk mitigation plans for the wildland urban interface. "
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 124, 103531 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2023.103531).
A.T. Murray, J.Baik, V. Echeverri, D. Rini, M.A. Moritz, D.A. Roberts, S.H. Sweeney, L.M.V. Carvalho and C. Jones. 2023.
"Developing effective wildfire risk mitigation plans for the wildland urban interface. "
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 124, 103531 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2023.103531).
Arabadjis SD, Sweeney SH, Kenner CE, Tedesco DJ. 2023 D.
"Wildfire, Evacuation, and Cardiovascular Events: A Spatial Exposure Approach."
Applied Geography. Vol 159 Online. October.
Davenport, F., D. Steigerwald, and S. Sweeney. 2016.
"Open trade, price supports, and regional price behavior in Mexican maize markets."
Economic Geography.
Sweeney, S. and M. Gomez-Antonio. 2016.
"Localization and industry clustering econometrics: An assessment of Gibbs models for spatial point processes."
Journal of Regional Science.
Grace, K. and S. Sweeney. 2016.
"Ethnic dimensions of Guatemala's stalled transition: A parity- specific analysis of Ladino and indigenous fertility regimes."
Demography 53(1), 117-138.
Eakin, H., K. Appendini, S. Sweeney, and H. Perales. 2015.
"Correlates of land use and livelihood change among maize farming households in Mexico."
World Development 70, 78-91.
Niblett, M., S. Sweeney, R. Church, and K. Barber. 2015.
"Structure of fisher (Martes pennanti) habitat in a managed forest in an interior Northern California coast range."
Forest Science 61(3), 481-493.
Grace, Kathryn and Stuart Sweeney. 2014.
"Pathways to marriage and cohabitation in Central America."
Demographic Research, 30: 6 (187-226).
Eakin, H., C. Bausch, and S. Sweeney (2014).
"Agrarian Winners of Neoliberal Reform: The 'Maize Boom' of Sinaloa, Mexico."
Journal of Agrarian Change14 (1), 26-51.
Eakin, H., H. Perales, K. Appendini, and S. Sweeney (2014).
"Selling Maize in Mexico: The Persistence of Peasant Farming in an Era of Global Markets."
Development and Change. 45(1), 133-155.
Lerner, A., S. Sweeney, and H. Eakin (2014).
"Growing buildings in corn fields: Urban expansion and the persistence of maize in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico."
Urban Studies51(10), 2185-2201.
Lerner, Amy, Hallie Eakin, Stuart Sweeney
"Understanding peri-urban maize production through an examination of household livelihoods in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico"
Journal of Rural Studies, volume 30: pages 52-63. 2013
Sweeney, S., F. Davenport and K. Grace.
"Combining insights from quantile and ordinal regression: Child malnutrition in Guatemala."
Economics and Human Biology. Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2013, 164-177.
Lerner, A., H. Eakin, and S. Sweeney.
"Characterizing peri-urban households across a rural-urban gradient in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico"
Journal of Rural Studies 20, 52-63.2013.
Grace, Kathryn and Stuart Sweeney
"Understanding stalling demographic transition in high-fertility countries: A case study of Guatemala"
Journal of Population Research. March 2013, Volume 30, Issue 1, 19-37.
Sweeney, S., D. Steigerwald, F. Davenport, and H. Eakin.
"Mexican Maize Production: Evolving Organizational and Spatial Structures since 1980"
Applied Geography 39 (May 2013), 78-92.
Sweeney, S. and K. Grace.
"Regression Analysis of Anthropometry Data: A Simulation Study of a Two-Stage Estimator"
JSM Proceedings, Health Policy Statistics Section, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2012.