
Kelly Bedard

Kelly Bedard
University of California, Santa Barbara

Kelly Bedard’s research focuses largely on the economics of education and health, including influential studies of the effects of military service on health, determinants of gender test score gaps among children in OECD countries, and the determinants of obesity in populations of immigrants to the U.S. Probably her best known paper studied the effects of a student’s age relative to his/her classmates in kindergarten on success later in life; this research was featured prominently in the popular press and in a recent bestselling book by Malcolm Gladwell. Prof. Bedard’s research has been supported by two grants from NIDDK.



 Heather Royer (With Kelly Bedard and Maxine Lee). 2021.
"Using Longitudinal Data to Explore the Gender Gap for Academic Economists"
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings.
Research Themes:
Bedard, Kelly, Jacqueline Dodd and Shelly Lundberg. 2021  
"Can Positive Feedback Encourage Female and Minority Undergraduates into Economics? "
 American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2021, 111(5).
Kelly Bedard (with Peter Kuhn). 2015. 
"Micro-Marketing Healthier Choices: Effects of Personalized Ordering Suggestions on Restaurant Purchases"
Journal of Health Economics, 39: 106-122.
Research Themes:
Kelly Bedard (with Heather Antecol). 2015.
"Immigrants and Immigrant Health."
The Handbook on the Economics of International Migration, Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller editors, Elsevier, 2015, 255-299.
Research Themes:
Kelly Bedard (with Philip Babcock, Gary Charness, John Hartman, and Heather Royer). 2015. 
"Letting Down the Team? Evidence of Social Effects of Team Incentives."
The Journal of the European Economic Association. October 2015, 841-870.
Research Themes:
Kelly Bedard (with Peter Kuhn). 2015.
"Making Nutritional Information Digestible: Effects of a Receipt-Based Intervention on Fast Food Purchases."
Journal of Health Economics, 2015 39: 106-122.
Research Themes:
Babcock, Philip, Kelly Bedard
"The Wages of Failure: New Evidence on School Retention and Long-run Outcomes"
Education Finance and Policy, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 293-322. 2011
Research Themes: