Implementation and Validation of Location-Based Survey to Assess Geographic Network and Hotspots of Sex and Drug Use in Los Angeles County.
JMIR Formative Research 7:e45188 (PMCID: PMC10337421)
JMIR Formative Research 7:e45188 (PMCID: PMC10337421)
Economics Letters, September, 2022, 110720.
by David S. Meyer. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2021 in American Journal of Sociology 129: 297-299.
Graduate Student Fellow
Nicolás Fuertes-Segura is a Ph.D. Student in Economics at UC Santa Barbara. He holds a Master in Economics and a B.A. in Economics from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. His professional experience includes working on topics on labor markets and economics of education at the Social Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank. His primary research interests are health economics, the economics of education, and development economics. His current research focuses on the adoption of risky health behaviors (smoking and drinking), the development of socioemotional skills, and peer effects. He is also interested in studying the medium and long-term consequences of childhood experiences, and the intergenerational effects of parents' experiences.
Brown Center Chalkboard, Brookings Institution, August 9, 2022.
The Sociological Quarterly.
Technology in Society 73:102245.
Social Science & Medicine, 320, 115635.
JMIR Formative Research, 7(1), e45188.