Please help the Tsimane, devastated by floods. The Tsimane Health and Life History Project, co-directed by Broom's Michael Gurven, has conducted extensive groundbreaking research in evolutionary demography and biodemography among the Tsimane. Now the Tsimane have been devastated by large scale flooding. Currently some 30-40 villages are completely flooded, with up to two thousand people affected, and all crops ruined, most belongings lost, and sickness on the rise. The Tsimane Health and Life History Project is doing what it can to help coordinate delivery of much needed goods and services for displaced Tsimane. We're doing this together with existing entities and trying to supplement where help is most needed (and least provided). Broom associates Lisa McAllister and Melanie Martin have helped put together a website which gives details, videos and updates of the situation. Please take a look: and consider a donation. 100% of proceeds go directly to the Tsimane. See more on the story on the UCSB website.