

John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate.
"The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity?"
Editors, (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Research Themes:
Aswani, S, P. Christie, N. Muthiga, R. Mahon, J. H. Primavera, L. A. Cramer, E. B. Barbier, E. F. Granek, C. J. Kennedy, E. Wolanski, and S. D. Hacker
"The Way Forward with Ecosystem- Based Management in Tropical Contexts: Reconciling with Existing Management Systems"
Marine Policy 36: 1-10. 2012
McAllister, L., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Stieglitz, J.
"Why Do Women Have More Children Than They Want? Understanding Differences in Women's Ideal and Actual Family Size in a Natural Fertility Population"
American Journal of Human Biology 24: 786-799 (2012).
Charles, Maria.
"Review of Framed by Gender: Why Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World, by Cecilia Ridgeway."
European Sociological Review. 2012.
Research Themes:
Gurven, M., Stieglitz, J., Hooper, P., Gomes, C., Kaplan, H.
"From the womb to the tomb: the role of transfers in shaping the evolved human life history."
Experimental Gerontology 47:807-813. 2012.
Gurven, Michael, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan, Jeffrey Winking
"Infidelity, jealousy, and wife abuse among Tsimane forager-farmers: testing evolutionary hypotheses of marital conflict"
Evolution and Human Behavior, 33: 438-448. 2012.
Charness, Gary, Ramón Cobo-Reyes, Natalia Jiménez, Juan Lacomba, and Francisco Lagos.
"The Hidden Advantage of Delegation: Pareto-improvements in a Gift-exchange Game"
American Economic Review, 102, August, 2012, 2358-2379.
Coordinating lead authors: T. Evans, C. Hunsberger; Lead authors: T. M. Aide, J. Albaladejo Montoro, S. M. Borras Jr., H. F. del Valle, T. Devisscher, J. Jabbour, S. Kant, D. Lopez-Carr, H. Masundire, N. G. Pricope (GEO Fellow) and R. Sanchez-Rodriguez; Contributing authors: M. T. Abdelhamid, B. Alfthan, F. Ayache, A. A. Berhe, C. Chinweze, J. Frelichova, L. Hislop, W. K. Pan, B.Schulte-Herbruggen, J. Smith, C. Souza Jr.,T. L. Timmins (GEO Fellow) and L. C. Zulu.
"Part I: Assessment of the State and Trends of the Global Environment. Chapter 1: Land."
Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5). Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 65-96. 2012.
Cheon, So-Min, D. Brown, K. Kok, D. López-Carr
"Mixed Methods in Land Change Research: Towards Integration"
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. (37) 1:8-12. 2012.
Deschenes, Olivier and M. Greenstone.
"The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Profits and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Reply"
American Economic Review, December 2012, Volume 102, Number 7, pp. 3761-3773.
Jankowska, M., D. López-Carr.
"Climate Change and Human Health: Contextual and Compositional Effects of Climate, Livelihoods, and Population Change on Child Malnutrition in Mali, Africa."
Papers of the 2012 Population Association of America Annual Conference. May 3-5, San Francisco, CA. 2012.
Ervin, D and D Lopez-Carr.
"A Geriatric Fountain of Youth in the Caucuses or Spurious Census Data: Spooning through the Yogurt Myth"
Journal of Rural Studies. (27): 135-149. 2012.
Sweeney, S. and K. Grace.
"Regression Analysis of Anthropometry Data: A Simulation Study of a Two-Stage Estimator"
JSM Proceedings, Health Policy Statistics Section, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2012.
Bremner, J., J. Davis, D.L. Carr.
"Population Growth, Ecology, and Poverty."
In Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction. J. C. Ingram, F. DeClerck and C. Rumbaitis del Rio eds., Springer: New York. Pp. 65-78. 2012.
Sawyer, P.J., Major, B., Casad, B., Townsend, SSM, & Mendes, WB.
"Discrimination and the stress response: Psychological and physiological consequences of anticipating prejudice in interracial interactions"
American Journal of Public Health.102.5, 1020-1026. 2012.
Research Themes:
Mehta, Aashish and Shikha Jha.
"Corruption, Food Subsidies and Opacity: Evidence from the Philippines"
Economics Letters. Volume 117, Issue 3, December 2012, Pages 708-711.
Kennedy E.
"DREAMing Comprehensive Immigration Reform."
OpenDemocracy 50.50
Major, B., S.S.M. Townsend, P.J. Sawyer & W.B. Mendes
"From "in the air" to "under the skin": Cortisol responses to social identity threat"
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2012
Research Themes:
Mehta, Aashish and Rana Hasan.
"The effects of trade and services liberalization on wage inequality in India"
International Review of Economics and Finance (2012). 75-90.
Pisor, A.C., & Fessler, D.M.T.
"Commentary: Importing preferences and the pitfall of overgeneralization."
Behavior and Brain Sciences, 35(1), pp. 34-35. 2012.
O'Brien, L. T., Major, B. N., & Gilbert, P. N.
"Gender differences in entitlement: The role of system-justifying beliefs"
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 34(2), 136-145. 2012.
Research Themes:
Rios, V.M.
"Gunfire as Conflict Resolution."
Room for Debate. The Opinion Pages. New York Times. March 21, 2012.
Martin M and Sela D.
"Infant gut microbiota: developmental influences and health outcomes."
In: Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective. Clancy K, Hinde K, Rutherford J., eds. Springer. 2012.
Weeks, Gregory B., and John R. Weeks
"Immigration and Transnationalism: Rethinking the Role of the State in Latin America"
International Migration. 2012
Justin Stoler, Dean Daniels, John R. Weeks, Douglas A. Stow, Lloyd L. Coulter, and Brian K. Finch.
"Assessing the Utility of Satellite Imagery with Differing Spatial Resolutions for Deriving Proxy Measures of Slum Presence in Accra, Ghana"
GIScience & Remote Sensing, 49(1):31-52, 2012.
Hughes, S.; A. Yau; L. Max; N. Petrovic; F. Davenport; M. Marshall; T.R. McClanahan; E.H. Allison; and J.E. Cinner.
"A framework to assess national level vulnerability from the perspective of food security: The case of coral reef fisheries."
Environmental Science and Policy 23:95-108. 2012.
Ashcroft, Eric, Douglas A. Stow, John R. Weeks, S. Toure, Christopher Lippitt, and Lloyd Coulter
"Urban vegetation cover and vegetation change in Accra, Ghana: Connection to housing quality"
Professional Geographer, 2012
John R. Weeks.
"Why Do Some Countries Have a Demographic Dividend and Others Do Not?"
Chapter 10 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Charness, Gary, Uri Gneezy and Michael Kuhn
"Experimental Methods: Between-subject and Within-subject Design"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 81, January, 2012, 1-8
Winant, Howard.
"The Dark Matter"
Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 35, no. 4 (April 2012).
Research Themes:
Clark, Damon and Heather Royer
"The Effect of Education on Adult Health and Mortality: Evidence from Britain"
Working Paper 16013 2012
Research Themes:
Veile, A., Winking, J., Gurven, M., Greaves, R.D., Kramer, K.L. 2012.
"Infant growth and the thymus: data from two South American native societies."
American Journal of Human Biology 24:768-775. 2012.
Charness, Gary, and Matthias Sutter.
"Groups make Better Self-Interested Decisions"
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26, Summer, 2012, 157-176. 2012
Martin, M.A., Glassek, W.D., Gaulin, S.J.C., Evans, R.W., Woo, J.G., Geraghty, S.R., Davidson, B.S., Morrow, A.L., Kaplan, H.S., Gurven, M.D.
"Fatty acid composition in the mature milk of Bolivian forager-horticulturalists: controlled comparisons with a U.S. sample."
Maternal and Child Nutrition 8(3):404-418. 2012.
Gurven, Michael, Stacey L. Rucas, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan
"Social Aggression and Resource Conflict Across the Female Life-Course in the Bolivian Amazon"
Aggressive Behavior. Volume 38, pages 194-207 (2012)
Charness, Gary and Uri Gneezy.
"Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk-taking"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83, June 2012, 50-58.
Research Themes:
Coordinating lead authors: M. A. Levy and A. C. Morel; Lead authors: S. B. Adamo, J. Barr, C. P. McMullen, T. Dietz, D. Lopez-Carr and E. A. Rosa; Contributing authors: A. Crawford, E. R. Desombre, M. Gluschankoff, K. Goulias, J. Jabbour, Y. Kim, D. L. Debucquet, A. R. Moreno, S. Msangi, M. Paterson, B. Punsalmaa, R. Tomalty and C. Townsend.
Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5). Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 3-30. 2012.
Clark, M., J. Davis, López-Carr, D., M. Jankowska, L. Grant, A.C. López-Carr, M. Clark
"Space versus Place in Complex Human-Natural Systems: Spatial and Multi-level Models of Tropical Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC) in Guatemala"
Ecological Modeling. 2012
Deschenes, Olivier, C. Costello, D. Ovando, R. Hilborn, S. Gaines, and S. Lester.
"Status and Solutions for the World's Unassessed Fisheries"
Science, October 26 2012, 338, 517-520.
Honzak, C., D. López-Carr.
"Conservation and Family Planning: What is the Value of Integrating Family Planning into Conservation Projects?"
Papers of the 2012 Population Association of America Annual Conference. May 3-5, San Francisco, CA.
Oliva, Paulina
"Environmental Regulations and Corruption: Automobile Emissions in Mexico City"
Gurven, M.
"Human survival and life history in evolutionary perspective"
The Evolution of Primate Societies. Mitani, J., Call, J., Kappeler, P., Palombit, R., Silk, J. (Eds). 2012. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pages 293-314.
Anonymous and Kennedy E.
"Through Hell to Limbo in a Lorry: Afghan Child Migrants to the UK."
OpenDemocracy 50.50 8 October 2012.
Blackwell, Aaron D., Michael Gurven, Daniel Eid Rodríguez, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan
"Does Blood Pressure Inevitably Rise With Age? Longitudinal Evidence Among Forager-Horticulturalists"
Hypertension 60(1): 25-33. 2012
Mehta, Aashish, Patrick Herron, Yasuyuki Motoyama, Richard Appelbaum and Tim Lenoir.
"Globalization and De-Globalization in Nanotechnology Research: The role of China"
Scientometrics (2012).93: 439-458.
A.E. Larsen.
"Modeling multiple non-consumptive effects in simple food webs; a modified Lotka-Volterra approach."
Behavioral Ecology 23 (5): 1115-1125.
Research Themes:
Trumble, B., D. Cummings, C. von Rueden, K. O'Connor, E. Smith, M. Gurven, & H. Kaplan.
"Physical competition increases testosterone among Amazonian forager-horticulturalists: a test of the "challenge hypothesis""
Proceedings of Royal Society B., 279, 2907-2912. 2012.
Rios, V.M. and Lopez-Aguado.
"Performance of Cholo Style as Identity of Resistance In Aldama, Arturo"
Performing the U.S. Latina and Latino Borderlands. Indiana: Indiana University Press. 2012.
Research Themes:
Ervin, Daniel.
"Point Pattern Analysis."
GIS Population Science, Topics in GIS and Population Science. Pp.4. 2012.
Ampofo, Joseph, Justin Stoler, Günther Fink, John R. Weeks, Richard Appiah Otoo and Allan G. Hill
"When Urban Taps Run Dry: Sachet Water Consumption and Health Effects in Low Income Neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana"
Health & Place, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2012, pages 250-262.
Rossin-Slater, Maya and Christel Brellochs.
"Preconception Health and Health Care and Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Opportunities for Collaboration"
National Center for Children in Poverty at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Report, May 2012.
Engeman, Cassandra, Lynn Baumgartner, Benjamin Carr, Allison Fish, John Meyerhofer, Terre Satterfield, Patricia Holden, and Barbara Herr Harthorn.
"Governance Implications of Nanomaterials Companies' Inconsistent Risk Perceptions and Safety Practices."
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(3): 749-760. doi: 10.1007/s11051-012-0749-0. 2012.
Research Themes:
Engstrom, Ryan, David Rain, Caetlin Ofiesh, Henry Jewell, and John R. Weeks
"Defining Neighborhood Boundaries for Urban Health Research in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Accra, Ghana"
Journal of Maps, Special Issue on Innovative Mapping in Spatial Demography. 2012
Research Themes:
John R. Weeks, Arthur Getis, Douglas A. Stow, Allan G. Hill, David Rain, Ryan Engstrom, Justin Stoler, Christopher Lippitt, Marta Jankowska, Anna Carla Lopez, Lloyd Coulter, and Caetlin Ofiesh.
"Connecting the Dots Between Health, Poverty and Place in Accra, Ghana"
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 102, Issue 5, 2012.
Charness, Gary. 2012. 
"Communication in Bargaining Experiments"
Handbook of Conflict Resolution.
Gregory B. Weeks and John R. Weeks.
"The Demographic Fit Between the US and Latin America"
Chapter 11 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Aswani, S., R.J. Hamilton, M. Giningele, J.L. Ecochard
"Fishing in the dark - local knowledge, night spearfishing and spawning aggregations in the Western Solomon Islands"
Biological Conservation: 246-257. 2012
Stieglitz, J., Blackwell, A.D., Quispe Gutierrez, R., Cortez Linares, E., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H.
"Modernization, sexual-risk taking and gynecological morbidity among Bolivian forager-horticulturalists."
PLOS One, December 2012, Volume 7, Issue 12.
Charles, Maria.
"Global Sex Segregation"
In George Ritzer, ed. Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2012.
Research Themes:
Gurven, M.
"Infant and fetal mortality among a high mortality population in the Bolivian Amazon."
Social Science and Medicine 24:786-799.
Charness, Gary, and Greg DeAngelo.
"Deterrence, Expected Cost, Uncertainty and Voting: Experimental Evidence"
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 44, February 2012, 73-100. 2012.
Guenther, C, H. Lenihan, L. Grant, D. López-Carr, D. Reed
"Trophic Cascased Induces by Lobster Fishing Are Not Ubiquitous in Suothern California Kelp Forests."
Plos One, November 2012, Volume 7, Issue 11.
Lundberg, Shelly
"Psychology and Family Economics"
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 2011 12 (Special Issue): 66-81
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary and Roger Jahnke.
"A Group-based Wellness Intervention in the Laboratory"
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 12, March 2012.
Research Themes:
Suter, L. and D. López-Carr.
"Beyond the middle of nowhere: out-migration from the agricultural frontier in the Sierra del Lacandón National Park, Guatemala."
Proceedings of the Latin American Studies 2012 International Congress. pp 1-25. 2012.
An, Li, Sarah M. Wandersee, David López-Carr, Yeqin Yang.
"Perception and Decisions in Modeling Coupled Human and Natural Systems: A Case Study from Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China"
Ecological Modeling. (229) 37-49. 2012.
Deschenes, Olivier.
"Climate Policy and Labor Markets"
The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, Edited by Don Fullerton and Catherine Wolfram, University of Chicago Press, 2012.
An, L., D. López-Carr.
"Modeling Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Research Directions."
Ecological Modeling. (229)1-4. 2012.
Sutton, John.
"Imprisonment and Opportunity Structures: A Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis"
European Sociological Review Vol 28 Number 1. 2012. 12-27.
Research Themes:
Lundberg, Shelly.
"Personality and Marital Surplus"
IZA Journal of Labor Economics, October 2012, 1:3.
Kennedy E.
"A Transnational Journey to be Someone: Central American Child Migrants to the US."
OpenDemocracy 50.50
Rios, V.M. and Cesar Rodriguez
"Incarcerable Subjects: Working Class Black and Latino Male Youth in Two California Cities."
Young Men in Uncertain Times. Oxford: Marion Berghan. 2011
Research Themes:
Kuhn, Peter, Peter Kooreman, Adriaan Soetevent, and Arie Kapteyn
"The Effects of Lottery Prizes on Winners and Their Neighbors: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery"
American Economic Review 101 (5) (August 2011). pp 2226-2247
Verta Taylor, Leila J. Rupp
"Going Back and Giving Back: The Ethics of Staying in the Field"
Qualitative Sociology: Special Issue: Ethics: Beyond the IRB. 34(3): 483-496. 2011.
Research Themes:
Gurven, Michael, Jeffrey Winking.
"The Total Cost of Father Desertion"
American Journal of Human Biology 23:755-763 (2011).
Brodine, Stephanie K., Justin Stoler, , Simeon Bromfield, John R. Weeks, and Henry P. Scarlett
"Exploring the relationships between dengue fever knowledge and Aedes aegypti breeding in St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica: A pilot of enhanced low-cost surveillance"
Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine, 2011(2):93-103.
Research Themes:
Gurven, Michael D., Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan, Jeffrey Winking, and Basilio Vie Tayo.
"Spousal Violence and Paternal Disinvestment Among Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists"
American Journal of Human Biology 23:445-457 (2011).
Eliezer, D., Townsend, S. S. M., Sawyer, P. J., Major, B. & Mendes, W. B.
"System justifying beliefs moderate the relationship between perceived discrimination and resting blood pressure"
Social Cognition.29, 303-321.
Allayee, Hooman, Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn, Caleb E. Finch, Eileen M. Crimmins, Suvi A. Vikman, Jonathan Stieglitz, Michael Gurven, and Hillard Kaplan
"Inflammatory Gene Variants in the Tsimane, an Indigenous Bolivian Population with a High Infectious Load"
Biodemography and Social Biology 57(1):33-52. 2011
Du, Ninghua, Gary Charness, and Chun-Lei Yang
"Trust and Trustworthiness Reputations in an Investment Game"
Games and Economic Behavior, 72, June, 2011, 361-375
Chafe, Zoë A, Marta M. Jankowska, David Lopez-Carr, Chris Funk, Gregory J Husak.
"Climate Change and Human Health: Spatial Modeling of Water Availability, Malnutrition, and Livelihoods in Mali, Africa"
Applied Geography. 33:4-15. 2011.
Charness, Gary, and Peter Kuhn.
"Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn in the Lab?"
Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume 4a, February, 2011, 229-330
Babcock, Philip, Kelly Bedard
"The Wages of Failure: New Evidence on School Retention and Long-run Outcomes"
Education Finance and Policy, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 293-322. 2011
Research Themes:
Aswani, S., T. Furusawa, H. Furusawa, R. Eddie, M. Tuni, and F. Pitakaka
"Communicable and non-communicable diseases in the Solomon Islands villages during recovery from a massive earthquake in April 2007"
The New Zealand Medical Journal 124: 28 pages. 2011
Kathryn Grace
"Against Abstinence-Only Education Abroad: Viewing Internet use During Study Abroad as a Possible Experience Enhancement"
Journal of Studies in International Education published online 18 October 2011.
Research Themes:
McCrary, Justin, Heather Royer
"The Effect Of Female Education On Fertility And Infant Health: Evidence From School Entry Policies Using Exact Date Of Birth"
American Economic Review, 2011, 101(1): 158-195.
Gaulin, S.J.C. and W.D. Lassek
"Sex differences in the relationship of dietary fatty acids to cognitive measures in American children"
Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 3. 2011
Friedkin, N.E. 2011
"Spine Segments in Small World Networks"
Social Networks 33:88-97.
Rios, V.M.
"The Trials and Tribulations of Urban Ethnography."
Fenstermaker, S. and Jones, N. Sociologists Backstage Answers to 10 Questions About What They Do. New York: Routledge. 2011
Research Themes:
Charles, Maria
"A World of Difference: International Trends in Women's Economic Status"
Annual Review of Sociology 37:355-72. 2011
Rupp, Leila, Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, and Eds
"Feminist Frontiers (ninth edition)"
New York: McGraw-Hill. 2011
Research Themes:
Blackwell, Aaron D., Michael D. Gurven, Lawrence S. Sugiyama, Felicia C. Madimenos, Melissa A. Liebert, Melanie A. Martin, Hillard S. Kaplan, J. Josh Snodgrass
"Evidence for a Peak Shift in a Humoral Response to Helminths: Age Profiles of IgE in the Shuar of Ecuador, the Tsimane of Bolivia, and the U.S. NHANES"
Weeks, Gregory B. and John R. Weeks
"Latin American Migration to the United States: A Multidisciplinary View"
The Latin Americanist, 55(4):5-8. 2011
Gurven, Michael, Jeffrey Winking, and Hillard Kaplan
"The Impact of Parents and Self-Selection on Child Survival among the Tsimane of Bolivia"
Current Anthropology 52(2):277-284. 2011
Charness, Gary, Peter Kuhn and Marie Claire Villeval.
"Competition and the Ratchet Effect"
Journal of Labor Economics, 29, July, 2011, 513-547
Barrett, Clark, Frank W. Marlowe, J. Colette Berbesque, Alexander Bolyanatz, Michael Gurven and David Tracer
"The 'spiteful' origins of human cooperation"
Proceedings of Royal Society B 278: 2159-2164. 2011
Charness, Gary, and Aldo Rustichini 
"Gender Differences in Cooperation with Group Membership"
Games and Economic Behavior, 72, May, 2011, 77-85
Research Themes:
Eakin, Hallie, Elisa Frank, David Lopez-Carr
"Social identity, perception and motivation in adaptation to climate risk in the coffee sector of Chiapas, Mexico"
Global Environmental Change (21)1 : 66-76. 2011.
Aswani, S.
"Hybridizing Customary and Modern Coastal Management for Conserving Marine Ecosystems in the Coral Triangle Region"
Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 14-30. 2011
Catherine Weinberger
"In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Gender and Earnings Growth among U.S. College Graduates in the 1990s"
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64(5), October 2011.
Research Themes: