

Bremner, J., D. López-Carr, A. Zvoleff, and N. Pricope. 
"Using new methods and data to assess and address population, fertility, and environment links in the Lake Victoria Basin."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 15. 
Winant, Howard and Michael Omi. 2013. 
"Resistance is futile?: A Response to Feagin and Elias."
Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 36, Issue 6.
Kuhn, Peter and Kaling Shen.
"Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China"
Quarterly Journal of Economics 128(1) (February 2013).
Research Themes:
Hopkins, Jason, Anna Sorensen, and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Same-Sex Couples, Families, and Marriage: Embracing and Resisting Heteronormativity"
Sociology Compass 7(2): 97-110.
López-Carr, D. 
"Do Population-Health-Environment (PHE) initiatives work? Evidence from WWF-sponsored projects in Africa and Asia."
Proceedings of theInternational Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 6. 
Cassels S, Manhart L, Jenness S, and Morris M. 2013. 
"Short-term mobility and increased partnership concurrency among men in Zimbabwe."
PLoS ONE8(6): e66342. (PMCID: PMC368871)
Major, B., Eliezer, D. & Rieck, H.
"The psychological weight of weight stigma"
Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2013.
Research Themes:
Kennedy E.
"Unnecessary Suffering: the potential unmet mental health needs of Unaccompanied Alien Children."
JAMA Pediatrics 167(4): 319-20.
Pricope, N.G., G. Husak, C. Funk, D. López-Carr, and J. Michaelsen. 2013.
"The climate-population nexus in the East African Horn: emerging degradation trends in rangeland and pastoral livelihood zones."
Global Environmental Change 23 (6), 1525-1541.
Rossin-Slater, Maya and Janet Currie.
"Weathering the Storm: Hurricanes and Birth Outcomes"
Journal of Health Economics, 32(3): 487-503, February 2013.
Kennedy E.
"US immigration bill: silence on the deportation of children."
OpenDemocracy 50.50
Major, B. & Kunstsman, J. W. (2013). 
"Suspicion in Interracial Interactions: Using Measures of Cardiovascular Reactivity to Index Threat."
In B. Derks, D. Scheepers & N. Ellemers (Eds.) The Neuroscience of Prejudice and Intergroup Relations. New York, NY: Psychology Press. 
Research Themes:
John R. Sutton.
"Symbol and Substance: Impacts of California's Three Strikes Law on Felony Sentencing"
Law & Society Review. 2013. Vol 47, Issue 1.
Research Themes:
Shi, X, Miller, S.D., Mwenda, K.M., Onda, A., Rees, J.R., Onega, T.L., Gui, J., Karagas, M.R., Demidenko, E., and  Moeschler, J.B.
"Mapping Disease at an Approximated Individual Level Using Aggregate Data: A Case Study of Mapping New Hampshire Birth Defects."
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10: 4161-4174. 2013.
Proulx, T. & Major, B. (2013). 
"A Raw Deal: Heightened Liberalism Following Exposure to Anomalous Playing Cards."
Journal of Social Issues,69(3) 455-472. 
Verta Taylor and Alison Dahl Crossley. 2013.
"Abeyance Cycles in Social Movements"
In Movements in Times of Demographic Transition, eds. Bert Klandermans and Cornelius van Stralen. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Research Themes:
Voss, K. A., J. S. Famiglietti, M. Lo, C. de Linage, M. Rodell, and S. C. Swenson.
"Groundwater depletion in the Middle East from GRACE with implications for transboundary water management in the Tigris-Euphrates-Western Iran region."
Water Resour. Res., 49. 2013.
Mehta, Aashish, Jesus Felipe, Pilipinas Quising and Sheila Camingue. 2013. 
"Where have all the educated workers gone? Services and wage inequality in three Asian economies."
Leila Rupp and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Feminism and Social Movements"
Pp. 459-463 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Research Themes:
Ervin, Daniel; López-Carr, David (2013). 
"U.S. Poverty: Poverty and Latino immigration in the United States."
United States Geography, ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Press, Web. Pp.2. 
Rossin-Slater, Maya and Doug Almond. 
"Paternity Acknowledgement in 2 Million Birth Records from Michigan"
PLoS ONE, 8(7): e70042, July 2013. 
Research Themes:
Martin, M., Blackwell, A., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H. (2013)
"Make new friends and keep the old? Parasite coinfection and comorbidity in Homo sapiens."
In: Primates, Pathogens and Evolution. Developments in Primatology Series. Editors: Brinkworth, J.F. and E. Pechenkina. New York: Springer. 
Rahilly, Elizabeth. 2013.
"The Parental Transition: A Study of Parents of Gender Variant Children"
in Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices. Eds. Fiona Joy Green and May Friedman. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press.
Research Themes:
Taylor, Verta. 2013.  
"Social Movement Participation in the Global Society: Identity, Networks, and Emotions."
In The Future of Social Movement Research: Dynamics, Mechanisms, and Processes, eds. Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Conny Roggeband, and Bert Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 37-57.
Research Themes:
Gurven, M., Jaeggi, A.V., Kaplan, H., Cummings, D.
"Physical activity and modernization among Bolivian Amerindians."
Plos One, Janurary 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1.
Liebert MA, Snodgrass JJ, Madimenos FC, Cepon TJ, Blackwell AD, Sugiyama LS. (2013) 
"Implications of market integration for cardiovascular and metabolic health among an indigenous Amazonian Ecuadorian population."
Annals of Human Biology40(3) 228-242. 
Jankowska, Marta, Magdalena Benza-Fiocco, and John R. Weeks. 2013. 
"Estimating Spatial Inequalities of Urban Child Mortality"
Demographic Research, 28(2):33-62. 
Bernstein, Mary and Verta Taylor.
"The Marrying Kind? Debating Same-Sex Marriage within the Gay and Lesbian Movement"
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2013.
Rossiter, J., D. López-Carr.
"Marine Conservation and Fisheries"
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. 2013.
Jia, P., Mirtabatabaei A., N. E. Friedkin, and F. Bullo. 
"On the dynamics of influence networks via reflected appraisal."
In American Control Conference, Washington, DC, USA, pages 1251-1256, June 2013. 
Weeks, John R., Allan G. Hill, and Justin Stoler. 2013. 
to the Accra School: An Overview of Health, Poverty, and Place in Accra, Chapter 1 in John R. Weeks, Allan G. Hill, and Justin Stoler, Editors, Spatial Inequalities: Health Poverty and Place in Accra, Ghana (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer). 
Lauer, M., Albert, S., Aswani, S, Halpern, B. S., Campanella, L, and La Rose, D.
"Pacific Islands and the Paradox of Resilience: Large-scale Processes and Local Practices Enhance and Reduce Resilience to Ecological Disturbances"
Global Environmental Change. 2013.
Major, B., Sawyer, P.J. & Kunstman, J.W. (2013).
"Minority perceptions of Whites' motives for responding without prejudice: The perceived internal and external motivation to avoid prejudice scales."
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 39(3), 401-414.
Hanson-Sobraske, K., J. S. Boster, and S. J. C. Gaulin (2013). 
"Mapping the conceptual space of jealousy"
Ethos 41:249-270.
Weeks, John R., Allan G. Hill, and Justin Stoler. 2013. 
"Spatial Inequalities: Health Poverty and Place in Accra, Ghana"
Editors,  (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer).
Charness, Gary, and Tsz Cheung.
"A Restaurant Experiment in Charitable Contributions"
Economics Letters, 119, April, 2013, 48-49.
Sutton, John.
"Structural bias in the sentencing of felony defendants"
Social Science Research 42 (2013) 1207-1221.
Côrtes, J.C., L.K. Suter, A. D'Antona, and D. López-Carr. 
"Population mobility and land fragmentation: land use-cover change in Brazil and Guatemala."
Proceedings of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 4.
Charness, Gary, Gneezy, Uri, and Michael Kuhn. 2013. 
"Extra-Laboratory Experiments: Extending the Reach of Experimental Economics."
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 91, July, 2013, 93-100.
Lundberg, Shelly, Katrine Løken and Kjell Erik.
"Your Place or Mine? On the Location Decisions of Married Couples"
Demography, February 2013, 50(1), 285-310.
Charles, Maria.
"The Local Joneses: Household Consumption and Income Inequality in Large Metropolitan Areas"
Forthcoming. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
Murtinho, F., C. Tague, B. de Bievre, H. Eakin, and D. López-Carr. 2013.
"Water Scarcity in the Andes: A Comparison of Local Perceptions and Observed Climate, Land Use and Socioeconomic Changes."
Human Ecology: 1-15.
Cassels S and Katz DA. 2013. 
"Seroadaptation among men who have sex with men: emerging research themes."
Current HIV/AIDS Reports10(4): 305-313. (PMCID: PMC3946930).
Research Themes:
Rossin-Slater, Maya.
"WIC in Your Neighborhood: New Evidence on the Impacts of Geographic Access to Clinics"
Journal of Public Economics, 102: 51-69, June 2013.
Aitken S, Swanson K, and Kennedy E.
"Unaccompanied Child and Youth Migrants: Navigating Relational Borderlands."
Chapter in Spyros, S. and Christou, M. (eds.) Children and Borders Palgrave.
Walker, R., Beckerman, S., Flinn, M., Gurven, M., von Rueden, C., Cordoba, L., Villar, D., Hagen, E., Koster, J., Hill, K.
"Living with kin in lowland horticultural societies"
Current Anthropology, 54, 96-103. 2013.
A.E. Larsen.
"Landscape simplification does not consistently drive insecticide use."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 10.0173/pnas.1301900110.
Townsend, S.S.M., Eliezer, D., Major, B., Mendes, W.B. (2013). 
"Influencing the world versus adjusting to constraints: Social class moderates responses to discrimination."
Social Psychological and Personality Science.5(2), 226-234.
Research Themes:
Lerner, A., H. Eakin, and S. Sweeney.
"Characterizing peri-urban households across a rural-urban gradient in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico"
Journal of Rural Studies 20, 52-63.2013.
Yang, Qingsheng , Kevin M. Mwenda, Miao Ge.
"Incorporating geographical factors with artificial neural networks to predict reference values of erythrocyte sedimentation rate."
International Journal of HealthGeographics. 2013.
Mehta, Aashish, Shikha Jha and Pilipinas Quising. 2013. 
"Self-targeted food subsidies and voice: Evidence from the Philippines."
Food Policy. 
Verta Taylor and Mayer Zald. 2013.
"Health Movements"
Pp. 555-558 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
López-Carr, D., Ervin, D., A. López-Carr (2013). 
"The effects of population and land cover change on food security in Latin America from 1961 -2011."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 7. 
Jaeggi, A., Gurven, M. 2013. 
"Reciprocity explains food sharing in humans and other primates independent of kin selection and tolerated scrounging: a phylogenetic meta-analysis."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20131615.
Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor. 2013.
"Identity Politics"
Pp. 580-584 in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, eds. David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Blackwell A, Martin M, Kaplan H, Gurven M.  2013.
"Antagonism between two intestinal parasites in humans: the importance of coinfection for infection risk and recovery dynamics."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 280(1769): 20131671. 
Rupp, Leila J. and Verta Taylor. 2013. 
"Queer Girls on Campus: New Intimacies and Sexual Identities."
In Intimacies: A New World of Relational Life, eds. Alan Frank, Patricia Clough and Steven Seidman.  New York:  Routledge ), pp. 82-97.
Research Themes:
Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Hooper, P.
"Household task delegation among high-fertility forager-horticulturalists of lowland Bolivia."
Current Anthropology 54(2):232-241.
Fischer, Stefanie. 2013.
"The Academic Achievement of American Indians"
Economics of Education Review 
Research Themes:
Thébaud, Sarah. 2013. 
Pp. 251-254 in Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia edited by Vicki Smith. Sage Publications. 
Sweeney, S., F. Davenport and K. Grace.
"Combining insights from quantile and ordinal regression: Child malnutrition in Guatemala."
Economics and Human Biology. Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2013, 164-177.
López-Carr, D. and J. Burgdorfer.
"Deforestation Drivers: Population, Migration, and Tropical Land Use."
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. (55)1: 3-11. 2013.
Charles, Maria. 2013. 
"Sex Typing."
In Vicki Smith and J. Geoffrey Golson, eds. Sociology of Work. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications. 
Research Themes:
Toure, Sory, Douglas Stow, John R. Weeks, and Sanil Kumar. 2013. 
"Histogram Curve Matching Approaches for Object- Based Image Classification of Land Cover and Land Use"
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 79(5): 433-440. 
Stoler, Justin, John R. Weeks, and Günther Fink.
"Sachet drinking water in Ghana's Accra-Tema Metropolitan Area: Past, present, and future"
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2013.
Research Themes:
Grace, Kathryn and Stuart Sweeney
"Understanding stalling demographic transition in high-fertility countries: A case study of Guatemala"
Journal of Population Research. March 2013, Volume 30, Issue 1, 19-37.
Pricope, N., L. Pardo, D. López-Carr.
"Vulnerability to Climate Change."
 In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. 2013.
Gaulin, S. J. C. (2013). 
"Human Evolution: Processes and Adaptations"
second edition. San Diego: Cognella. 
Zvoleff, Alex, Li An, Justin Stoler, John R. Weeks. 2013. 
"What if Neighbors' Neighborhoods Differ: The Influence of Neighborhood Definitions on Health Outcomes in Accra"
Chapter 9 in John R. Weeks, Allan G. Hill, and Justin Stoler, Editors, Spatial Inequalities: Health Poverty and Place in Accra, Ghana (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer).
Aswani, S.
"Strategies for Designing Successful Marine Resource Management Programs in Oceania"
Pacific Science. 2013.
Kaiser, C. R., Major, B., Jurcevic, I., Dover, T., Brady, L. M., & Shapiro, J. R. (2013).
"Presumed fair: Ironic effects of organizational diversity structures."
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 104 (3) 504-519.
Shen, Kailing, and Peter Kuhn. 2013. 
"Do Chinese Employers Avoid Hiring Overqualified Workers? Evidence from an Internet Job Board."
Research in Labor Economics 37(2013): 1-30.
Charness, Gary, Uri Gneezy and Alex Imas.
"Experimental Methods: Eliciting Risk Preferences"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 87, March, 2013, 43-51.
Lundberg, Shelly.
"The College Type: Personality and Educational Inequality"
Journal of Labor Economics, July 2013, 31(3): 421-442.
Suter, L.K. and D. López-Carr. 
"Land cover change and ownership turnover in the agricultural frontier: the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala."
Proceedings of the 2013 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Busan, Korea, August, 2013. Pp. 11.
Charness, Gary, Du, Ninghua, Chun-Lei Yang, Lan Yao. 2013. 
"Promises in Contract Design."
European Economic Review, 64, November, 2013, 194-208.
Eliezer, D. & Major, B.
"It's not your fault: The social costs of claiming discrimination on behalf of someone else"
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Vol 15, no 4. 487-502. 2013.
Research Themes:
Kennedy E.
"Refugees from Central American gangs denied."
Forced Migration Review 43: 50-52.
Murtinho, F., H. Eakin, D. Lopez-Carr, and T. Hayes. 
"Does external funding help adaptation? Evidence from community-based water management in the Colombian Andes."
Environmental Management, 1-12. 
Cassels S, Jenness SM, Khanna A. 2013. 
"Conceptual Framework and Research Methods for Migration and HIV Transmission Dynamics."
AIDS & Behavior: Nov 21. NIMHMS 543091.
Rossin-Slater, Maya, Christopher Ruhm and Jane Waldfogel.
"Effects of California's Paid Family Leave Program on Mothers' Leave-Taking and Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes"
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 32(2): 224-245, Spring 2013.
Kennedy E.
"Confronting Lifetimes of Injustice in a Half-Day Workshop with IDPs in Bogota, Colombia."
Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration.
Bremmer, L., K. Farley, and D. López-Carr. 2013.
"What factors influence participation in Payment for Ecosystem Services programs? An evaluation of Ecuador's SocioPáramo program."
Land Use Policy. 36:122-133.
Gurven, M., C. von Rueden, M. Massenkoff, H. Kaplan, & M. Lero Vi.
"How universal is the Big Five? Testing the Five-Factor Model of personality variation among forager-farmers in the Bolivian Amazon"
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 354-370. 2013.
Chowdhury, Z., Campanella, L., Gray, C., Al Masud, A., Marter-Kenyon, J., Pennise, D., Charron, D.,Zuzhang, X.
"Measurement and modeling of indoor air pollution in rural households with multiple stove interventions in Yunnan, China."
Atmospheric Environment. Volume 67, March 2013: 161-169.
Simon, S., Kinias, Z., O'Brien, L.T., Major, B., Bivolaru, E. (2013). 
"Prototypes of discrimination: How status asymmetry and stereotype asymmetry affect judgments of racial discrimination."
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(6), 525-533.
Sweeney, S., D. Steigerwald, F. Davenport, and H. Eakin.
"Mexican Maize Production: Evolving Organizational and Spatial Structures since 1980"
Applied Geography 39 (May 2013), 78-92.
Pisor, A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G., A.C., Gurven, M., Blackwell, A.D., Kaplan, H., & Yetish, G.
"Patterns of senescence in cardiovascular fitness: VO2max in subsistence and industrialized populations."
American Journal of Human Biology 25(6), pp. 756-769. 2013.
Mehta, Aashish and Wei Sun. 2013. 
"Does industry affiliation influence wages? Evidence from Indonesia and the Asian Financial Crisis."
World Development. 
Childress C.C. and N.E. Friedkin
"Cultural Reception and Production: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs"
American Sociological Review 77: 45-68. 2012
Mehta, Aashish and Rana Hasan.
"Economic Liberalization and Rising College Premiums in Mexico: A Reinterpretation"
World Development (2012). vol. 40, issue 9, pages 1908-1920.
N.L. Gutiérrez, S.R. Valencia, T.A. Branch, D.J. Agnew, P. L. Bianchi, J. Cornejo-Donoso, C. Costello, O.Defeo, T.E. Essington, D.D. Hoggarth, A. E. Larsen, C. Ninnes, R. L. Selden, S.Sistla, A.D.M. Smith, A. Stern-Pirlot, S. J. Teck, J.T. Thorson, N.E.Williams.
"Eco-labels convey reliable information on stock status to seafood consumers."
PLoS One 7 (8) e43765. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043765.
von Rueden, C. & M. Gurven.
"When the strong punish: why net costs of punishment are often negligible"
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 43-44. 2012.
Rios, V.M.
"Stealing a Bag of Potato Chips and Other Crimes of Resistance"
Contexts. American Sociological Association. Vol. 11, N. 2. 2012.
Ervin, Daniel.
"An Introduction to the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem."
GIS Population Science, Topics in GIS and Population Science. Pp.4.  2012.
Brouwer, Kimberly C., Remedios Lozada, John R. Weeks, Carlos Magis-Rodríguez, Michelle Firestone-Cruz, and Steffanie A. Strathdee
"Intra-Urban Mobility and its Potential Impact on the Spread of Blood-Borne Infections among Drug Injectors in Tijuana, Mexico"
Substance Use and Misuse, 47(3):244-253. 2012.
Research Themes:
Heather McKee Hurwitz and Verta Taylor.
"Women's Cultures and Social Movements in Global Contexts."
Sociology Compass. 6/10: 808-822. 2012.
Research Themes:
Grace, K.; F. Davenport; C. Funk; and A.M. Lerner.
"Child malnutrition and climate in Sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of recent trends in Kenya."
Applied Geography 35:405-413. 2012.
Coulter, Lloyd L., Gregg Verutes, and John R. Weeks
"Health, Poverty, and Place in Accra, Ghana: Mapping Neighborhoods"
Journal of Maps, Special Issue on Innovative Mapping in Spatial Demography. 2012
John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate.
"Introduction: What is the youth bulge and why does it matter?"
Chapter 1 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.