"Latino Youth and Criminal Justice."
In Morin, Jose Luis Latinas/os and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
Research Themes:
"Leaning in at Work and at Home: Why Workplace Policies Matter."
The Conversation. January 29.
Research Themes:
"Letting Down the Team? Evidence of Social Effects of Team Incentives."
The Journal of the European Economic Association. October 2015, 841-870.
Research Themes:
"Low mineral density of a weight-bearing bone among adult women in a high fertility population."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Research Themes:
"Making Nutritional Information Digestible: Effects of a Receipt-Based Intervention on Fast Food Purchases."
Journal of Health Economics, 2015 39: 106-122.
Research Themes:
"Mapping slums using spatial features in Accra, Ghana."
Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015:
Research Themes:
"Marine resource management: Culture, livelihoods, and governance"
Applied Geography.Volume 59, Pages 56-59
Research Themes:
"Marine-space assemblages: Towards a different praxis of fisheries policy and management"
Applied Geography. Pergamon.
Research Themes:
"Masculine perspectives about family and work concurrently promote and inhibit men's health behaviors."
International Journal of Men's Health.
Research Themes:
"Merit Pay and Wage Compression with Productivity Differences and Uncertainty."
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 117, September, 2015, 233-247.
"Micro-Marketing Healthier Choices: Effects of Personalized Ordering Suggestions on Restaurant Purchases"
Journal of Health Economics, 39: 106-122.
Research Themes:
"Minimal Coital Dilution in Accra, Ghana."
JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 69(1): 85-91. (PMCID: PMC4424052).
Research Themes:
"Moral parochialism and contextual contingency across seven societies."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20150907.
Research Themes:
"Moving up the Energy Ladder: The Effect of an Increase in Economic Well-being on the Fuel Consumption Choices of the Poor in India, with Rema Hanna."
American Economic Review P&P, 105.5: 242-246.
Research Themes:
"Natural sleep and its seasonal variations in three pre-industrial societies."
Current Biology 25:1-7.
Research Themes:
"New Theoretical Directions from the Study of Gender and Sexuality Movements: Collective Identity, Multi-institutional Politics, and Emotions."
Pp. 108-130 in The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements, edited by Donatella della Porta and Mario Diani. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Physical Growth of the Shuar: Height, Weight, and BMI Growth References for an Indigenous Amazonian Population,"
American Journal of Human Biology, in press.
Research Themes:
"Policed, Punished, Dehumanized: The Reality for Young Men of Color Living in America."
In Johnson, Devon et. al Deadly Injustice: Race, Criminal Justice and the Death of Trayvon Martin. NYU Press.
Research Themes:
"Promoting Health in Early Childhood."
Future of Children, 25(2): 35-64
Research Themes:
"Quantifying renewable groundwater stress with GRACE."
Water Resour. Res.. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/2015WR017349.
Research Themes:
"Quantifying Spatial Uncertainty of Population Estimates: Evidence from three Tanzanian districts, Plurimondi."
An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. 8(17): 215-221.
Research Themes:
"Race and Deviance: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys."
In Goode, Erich Wiley Handbook on Deviance.
Research Themes:
"Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory In Spatial Demography."
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer
Research Themes:
"Reduced functional status and social conflict increase risk of depression in adulthood among modernizing Amazonian forager-farmers."
Journals of Gerontology Social Sciences 70(6):948-956. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu080.
Research Themes:
"Salivary oxytocin increases concurrently with testosterone and time away from home among returning Tsimane hunters."
Biology Letters20150058.
Research Themes:
"Scholar Activism and Reciprocity: The Fight Against Fracking in Idaho."
Practicing Anthropology38(3):28-30.
Research Themes:
"Self-reported sex partner dates for use in measuring concurrent partnerships: Correspondence between two assessment methods."
Archives of Sexual Behavior44(4): 873-883. (PMCID: PMC4382421).
Research Themes:
"Sexual dimorphism"
In Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, W. Trevathan, Ed. Wiley/Blackwell: New York.
Research Themes:
"Skill Disparities and Unequal Family Outcomes"
Research in Labor Economics. 41: 177-212.
Research Themes:
"Skills, division of labor and economies of scale among Amazonian hunters and South Indian honey collectors."
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 370: 20150008.
Research Themes:
"Solidarity for Feminist Climate Justice"
The Feminist Wire, April 27
Research Themes:
"State of the Field: Gender."
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. February 19.
Research Themes:
"Status Beliefs and the Spirit of Capitalism: Accounting for Gender Biases in Entrepreneurship and Innovation."
Social Forces 94: 61-86.
Research Themes:
"Stronger Work-Family Policies Help Women Build Better Businesses."
The Conversation. November 19.
Research Themes:
"Structure of fisher (Martes pennanti) habitat in a managed forest in an interior Northern California coast range."
Forest Science 61(3), 481-493.
Research Themes:
"Suspicion of White people's motives relates to relative accuracy in detecting external motivation to respond without prejudice."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Research Themes:
"Synthesized Masculinities: The Mechanics of Manhood among Delinquent Boys."
In Pascoe, CJ and Bridges, Tristan Exploring Masculinities: Identity, Inequality, Continuity and Change. Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Testosterone is associated with enhanced cognitive performance in a subsistence population with minimal schooling."
American Journal of Human Biology. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22665.
Research Themes:
"The Benefits to a Paid Family Leave Law that Nobody is Talking About."
The Huffingtion Post. February 12. Reprinted in The Contra Costa Times and The Oakland Tribune. Feb. 14.
"The causal relationship between fertility and infant mortality: prospective analyses of a population in transition."
Population in the Human Sciences: Concepts, Models, Evidence(Editors: P. Kreager, B. Winney, S. Ulijaszek, C. Capelli). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 361-378.
Research Themes:
"The Effect of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Mexico City, with Rema Hanna"
Journal of Public Economics, 122: 65-79.
Research Themes:
"The Effects of Paid Maternity Leave: Evidence from Temporary Disability Insurance."
Journal of Health Economics, 43: 85-102.
Research Themes:
"The Evolving Role of Marriage: 1950-2010"
Future of Children. Fall 2015, 25(2): 29-50.
Research Themes:
"The extraversion continuum in evolutionary perspective: a review of recent theory and evidence."
Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 186-192.
Research Themes:
"The low male voice is a costly signal of phenotypic quality among Bolivian adolescents."
Evolution and Human Behavior.
Research Themes:
"The Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Renew or Replace?"
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, special issue 40(1-4): 433-436.
Research Themes:
"The Train Has Left the Station: Latino Aging in the New South."
Chapter 4 in W.A. Vega, K.S. Markides, J.L. Angel, and F.M. Torres-Gil, F.M., editors, Challenges of Latino Aging in the Americas (Dordrecht: Springer).
Research Themes:
"Tiger Parenting and American Inequality: An Essay on Chua and Rubenfeld's The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America"
Journal of Economic Literature. December 2015: 53(4): 945-960
Research Themes:
"Using Spatial, Hierarchical, and Econometric Models in Urban Data-poor Areas to Examine Food Security."
Plurimondi. An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements. Special Issue: Proceedings of The XIX European Colloquium in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG2015) (Article pre-print). Vol 7, No 15: 1-8.
Research Themes:
"Weighed down by stigma: How weight-based social identity threat contributes to weight gain and health."
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9, 255-268. doi: 10.1111/spc3.12172
Research Themes:
"What are the determinants of immigrant health?: Introduction to Special Issue on Migration and Health."
Field Actions Science Reports. The journal of field actions. Issue 13, Pages 1-4.
Research Themes:
"What Helps Women Entrepreneurs Flourish?"
Briefing paper prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families. November 5.
Research Themes:
"Why Has Iran's Family Planning Policy Been So Successful? Political, Demographic, Socio-economic, and Cultural-Geographical Underpinnings of a Dramatic Fertility Transition."
Rural Studies.(2)38: 111-128.
Research Themes:
"Simultaneous acquisition of functional magnetic resonance images and impedance cardiography."
Research Themes:
"Are Virtual Environments the New Frontier in Obesity Management?"
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8(11), 650-658.
Research Themes:
"A comment on the service-for-prestige theory of leadership."
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 412.
Research Themes:
"A framework to assess the vulnerability of California commercial sea urchin fishermen to the impact of MPAs under climate change."
GeoJournal. March, 1-19.
Research Themes:
"A spatial analysis of population dynamics and climate change in Africa: Potential vulnerability hot spots emerge where precipitation declines and demographic pressures coincide."
Population and Environment. 35 (3), 323-339.
Research Themes:
"Age-independent increases in male salivary testosterone during horticultural activity among Tsimane forager-farmers."
Evolution and Human Behavior.
Research Themes:
"Agrarian Winners of Neoliberal Reform: The 'Maize Boom' of Sinaloa, Mexico."
Journal of Agrarian Change14 (1), 26-51.
Research Themes:
"Are There Racial Gaps in High School Leadership Opportunities? Do Academics Matter More?"
in the Review of Black Political Economy, 41(4):393-409.
Research Themes:
"Are we still queer even though we're married?"
Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds 13 (2): 83-87.
Research Themes:
"At the COP: Global Climate Justice Youth Speak Out."
Research Themes:
"Can we pull back the curtain on old-fashioned assumptions?"
Gender & Society blog posting.
Research Themes:
"Climate Change, Human Health, and Adaptation: A Review of the Empirical Literature"
Energy Economics(NBER Working Paper No. 18345)
Research Themes:
"Competitive Preferences and Status as an Incentive: Experimental Evidence."
Management Science, 60, January, 2014, 38-55.
"Complex Human 'Transitions' that Shape Our World."
Global-e, 8(10): 1. 2014
Research Themes:
"Conservation and livelihood outcomes of payment for ecosystem services in the Ecuadorian Andes: What is the potential for 'win-win'?"
Ecosystem Services, Volume 8, June 2014, Pages 148-165, ISSN 2212-0416.
Research Themes:
"Demographic Transition Theory, and Malthus, Thomas."
George Ritzer, ed., The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition (Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell Publishing Co.).
Research Themes:
"Diversity initiatives, status, and system-justifying beliefs: When and how diversity efforts de-legitimize discrimination claims."
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17(4), 485-493.
"Do rights at home boost rights abroad? Sexual equality and humanitarian foreign policy."
Journal of Peace Research.
Research Themes:
"Environment and Food or Population, Health, Environment, and Food?"
Sociologia Ruralis.54 (1), 101-104.
Research Themes:
"Environmental Regulations and Labor Markets"
IZA World of Labor.
Research Themes:
"Examining the link between food price and food insecurity: A multi-level analysis of maize price and birthweight in Kenya."
Food Policy, 46: 56-65.
Research Themes:
"Experimental Games on Networks: Underpinnings of Behavior and Equilibrium Selection."
Research Themes:
"Factors Affecting Migration Intentions in Ecological Restoration Areas and Their Implications for the Sustainability of Ecological Migration Policy in Arid Northwest China"
Sustainability. Volume 6, Issue 12, Pages 8639-8660, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Research Themes:
"Foreword to John S.W. Park and Shannon Gleeson, eds."
The Nation and Its Peoples: Citizens, Denizens, Migrants,a New Racial Studies series book. New York: Routledge.
Research Themes:
"Functional disability and social conflict increase risk of depression in older adulthood among Bolivian forager-farmers."
Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences.
Research Themes:
"Growing buildings in corn fields: Urban expansion and the persistence of maize in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico."
Urban Studies51(10), 2185-2201.
Research Themes:
"History and Future of World Population"
Chapter 2 in Deborah McFarlane, Editor, Global Population and Reproductive Health (Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning).
Research Themes:
"Identities, Selection, and Contributions in a Public-goods Game."
Games and Economic Behavior, 87, September, 2014, 322-338.
"Identity Module of the 2014 General Social Survey."
National Opinion Research Center.
Research Themes:
"Intergenerational Effects on Health - In Utero and Early Life"
for the Encyclopedia of Health Economics produced by Elsevier.
Research Themes:
"Into the fire: Disaster and the Remaking of Gender"
American Journal of Sociology 119 (6).
Research Themes:
"Is Internet Job Search Still Ineffective?"
Economic Journal.
"Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC)."
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. New York: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
"Lyme Disease Risk Influences Human Settlement in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Evidence from a Longitudinal Analysis of Counties in the Northeastern United States"
Am J Trop Med Hyg Published online July 21, 2014; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.14-0181
Research Themes:
"Migration, remittances and smallholder decision-making: implications for land use and livelihood change in Central America."
Land Use Policy. 36: 319-329.
Research Themes:
"Migration, sexual networks, and HIV in Agbogbloshie, Ghana."
Demographic Research.
Research Themes:
"Models of Influence in Networks"
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Science, 2nd edition. Elsevier.
"Modernization is associated with intensive breastfeeding patterns in the Bolivian Amazon."
Social Science and Medicine 100:148-158.
Research Themes:
"Negatively-biased credulity and the cultural evolution of beliefs."
PLoS ONE 9(4): e95167. 2014.
Research Themes:
"Obtaining Critical Values for Test of Markov Regime Switching"
Stata Journal, 2014, vol. 14, issue 3, pages 481-498.
"On the reflected appraisals dynamics of influence networks with stubborn agents."
In American Control Conference, Portland, OR, USA, June 2014.
"Pathways to marriage and cohabitation in Central America."
Demographic Research, 30: 6 (187-226).
Research Themes:
"Perceptions of environmental change in Moorea, French Polynesia: the importance of temporal, spatial, and scalar contexts."
GeoJournal. March, 1-15.
Research Themes:
"Place and sexual partnership transition among young American Indian and Alaska Native Women."
AIDS & Behavior. 18(8): 1443-1453. NIMHMS 544384.
Research Themes:
"Place Utility"
in Encyclopedia of Migration, Ed. Michael White. Springer.
Research Themes:
"Political influence associates with cortisol and health among egalitarian forager-farmers, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health"
eou021, DOI: 10.1093/emph/eou02
Research Themes: