"Intra-Urban Mobility and its Potential Impact on the Spread of Blood-Borne Infections among Drug Injectors in Tijuana, Mexico"
Substance Use and Misuse, 47(3):244-253. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Introduction: What is the youth bulge and why does it matter?"
Chapter 1 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Research Themes:
"Mixed Methods in Land Change Research: Towards Integration"
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. (37) 1:8-12. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Modeling Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Research Directions."
Ecological Modeling. (229)1-4. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Modeling multiple non-consumptive effects in simple food webs; a modified Lotka-Volterra approach."
Behavioral Ecology 23 (5): 1115-1125.
Research Themes:
"Modernization, sexual-risk taking and gynecological morbidity among Bolivian forager-horticulturalists."
PLOS One, December 2012, Volume 7, Issue 12.
Research Themes:
"Part I: Assessment of the State and Trends of the Global Environment. Chapter 1: Land."
Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5). Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 65-96. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Perception and Decisions in Modeling Coupled Human and Natural Systems: A Case Study from Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China"
Ecological Modeling. (229) 37-49. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Performance of Cholo Style as Identity of Resistance In Aldama, Arturo"
Performing the U.S. Latina and Latino Borderlands. Indiana: Indiana University Press. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Personality and Marital Surplus"
IZA Journal of Labor Economics, October 2012, 1:3.
Research Themes:
"Physical competition increases testosterone among Amazonian forager-horticulturalists: a test of the "challenge hypothesis""
Proceedings of Royal Society B., 279, 2907-2912. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Point Pattern Analysis."
GIS Population Science, Topics in GIS and Population Science. Pp.4. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Population Growth, Ecology, and Poverty."
In Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction. J. C. Ingram, F. DeClerck and C. Rumbaitis del Rio eds., Springer: New York. Pp. 65-78. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Preconception Health and Health Care and Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Opportunities for Collaboration"
National Center for Children in Poverty at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Report, May 2012.
Research Themes:
"Psychology and Family Economics"
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 2011 12 (Special Issue): 66-81
Research Themes:
"Regression Analysis of Anthropometry Data: A Simulation Study of a Two-Stage Estimator"
JSM Proceedings, Health Policy Statistics Section, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Review of Framed by Gender: Why Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World, by Cecilia Ridgeway."
European Sociological Review. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Social Aggression and Resource Conflict Across the Female Life-Course in the Bolivian Amazon"
Aggressive Behavior. Volume 38, pages 194-207 (2012)
Research Themes:
"Space versus Place in Complex Human-Natural Systems: Spatial and Multi-level Models of Tropical Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC) in Guatemala"
Ecological Modeling. 2012
Research Themes:
"Status and Solutions for the World's Unassessed Fisheries"
Science, October 26 2012, 338, 517-520.
Research Themes:
"Stealing a Bag of Potato Chips and Other Crimes of Resistance"
Contexts. American Sociological Association. Vol. 11, N. 2. 2012.
Research Themes:
"Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk-taking"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83, June 2012, 50-58.
Research Themes:
"The Dark Matter"
Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 35, no. 4 (April 2012).
Research Themes:
"The Demographic Fit Between the US and Latin America"
Chapter 11 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Research Themes:
"The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Profits and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Reply"
American Economic Review, December 2012, Volume 102, Number 7, pp. 3761-3773.
Research Themes:
"The Effect of Education on Adult Health and Mortality: Evidence from Britain"
Working Paper 16013 2012
Research Themes:
"The effects of trade and services liberalization on wage inequality in India"
International Review of Economics and Finance (2012). 75-90.
Research Themes:
"The Hidden Advantage of Delegation: Pareto-improvements in a Gift-exchange Game"
American Economic Review, 102, August, 2012, 2358-2379.
"The Way Forward with Ecosystem- Based Management in Tropical Contexts: Reconciling with Existing Management Systems"
Marine Policy 36: 1-10. 2012
Research Themes:
"The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity?"
Editors, (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Research Themes:
"Through Hell to Limbo in a Lorry: Afghan Child Migrants to the UK."
OpenDemocracy 50.50 8 October 2012.
Research Themes:
"Trophic Cascased Induces by Lobster Fishing Are Not Ubiquitous in Suothern California Kelp Forests."
Plos One, November 2012, Volume 7, Issue 11.
Research Themes:
"Urban vegetation cover and vegetation change in Accra, Ghana: Connection to housing quality"
Professional Geographer, 2012
Research Themes:
"When the strong punish: why net costs of punishment are often negligible"
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 43-44. 2012.
Research Themes:
"When Urban Taps Run Dry: Sachet Water Consumption and Health Effects in Low Income Neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana"
Health & Place, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2012, pages 250-262.
Research Themes:
"Why Do Some Countries Have a Demographic Dividend and Others Do Not?"
Chapter 10 in John R. Weeks and Debbie L. Fugate, Editors, The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity? (New York: IDEBATE Press), 2012.
Research Themes:
"Why Do Women Have More Children Than They Want? Understanding Differences in Women's Ideal and Actual Family Size in a Natural Fertility Population"
American Journal of Human Biology 24: 786-799 (2012).
Research Themes:
"Women's Cultures and Social Movements in Global Contexts."
Sociology Compass. 6/10: 808-822. 2012.
Research Themes:
"A Formal Theory of Reflected Appraisals in the Evolution of Power"
Administrative Science Quarterly 56: 501-529. 2011.
"A World of Difference: International Trends in Women's Economic Status"
Annual Review of Sociology 37:355-72. 2011
Research Themes:
"Adolescents' Use of Indoor Tanning: A large-scale evaluation of psychosocial, environmental, and policy level correlates"
American Journal of Public Health, 101(5):930-938, 2011.
Research Themes:
"Aftershocks: The Impact of Clinic Violence on Abortion Services"
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2011, 3(1): 189-223.
Research Themes:
"Against Abstinence-Only Education Abroad: Viewing Internet use During Study Abroad as a Possible Experience Enhancement"
Journal of Studies in International Education published online 18 October 2011.
Research Themes:
"Climate Change and Human Health: Spatial Modeling of Water Availability, Malnutrition, and Livelihoods in Mali, Africa"
Applied Geography. 33:4-15. 2011.
Research Themes:
"Climate Change, Mortality, and Adaptation: Evidence from Annual Fluctuations in Weather in the US"
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (October 2011): 152-185.
Research Themes:
"Cognitive adaptations for gathering-related navigation in humans."
Evolution and Human Behavior 32: 1-12. 2011
Research Themes:
"Communicable and non-communicable diseases in the Solomon Islands villages during recovery from a massive earthquake in April 2007"
The New Zealand Medical Journal 124: 28 pages. 2011
Research Themes:
"Do the Most Vulnerable People Live in the Worst Slums? A Spatial Analysis of Accra, Ghana"
Annals of GIS, 17(4):221-235. 2011
Research Themes:
"Evidence for a Peak Shift in a Humoral Response to Helminths: Age Profiles of IgE in the Shuar of Ecuador, the Tsimane of Bolivia, and the U.S. NHANES"
Research Themes:
"Exploring the relationships between dengue fever knowledge and Aedes aegypti breeding in St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica: A pilot of enhanced low-cost surveillance"
Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine, 2011(2):93-103.
Research Themes:
"Father death and adult success among the Tsimane: implications for marriage and divorce"
Evolution and Human Behavior 32:79-89. 2011
Research Themes:
"Gender Differences in Cooperation with Group Membership"
Games and Economic Behavior, 72, May, 2011, 77-85
Research Themes:
"Going Back and Giving Back: The Ethics of Staying in the Field"
Qualitative Sociology: Special Issue: Ethics: Beyond the IRB. 34(3): 483-496. 2011.
Research Themes:
"Hopes and Disenchantments of Religious Community Forestry in the Western Solomon Islands"
Ecological and Environmental Anthropology, 6(1) 26-38. 2011
Research Themes:
"Hybridizing Customary and Modern Coastal Management for Conserving Marine Ecosystems in the Coral Triangle Region"
Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 14-30. 2011
Research Themes:
"In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Gender and Earnings Growth among U.S. College Graduates in the 1990s"
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64(5), October 2011.
Research Themes:
"Incarcerable Subjects: Working Class Black and Latino Male Youth in Two California Cities."
Young Men in Uncertain Times. Oxford: Marion Berghan. 2011
Research Themes:
"Inflammatory Gene Variants in the Tsimane, an Indigenous Bolivian Population with a High Infectious Load"
Biodemography and Social Biology 57(1):33-52. 2011
Research Themes:
"Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn in the Lab?"
Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume 4a, February, 2011, 229-330
"Latin American Migration to the United States: A Multidisciplinary View"
The Latin Americanist, 55(4):5-8. 2011
Research Themes:
"Normative calcaneal quantitative ultrasound datafor the indigenous Shuar and non-Shuar Colonos of the Ecuadorian Amazon"
Arch Osteoporo, 2011
Research Themes:
American Economic Review, 101, June, 2011, 1211-1237
"Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys"
New York University Press. 2011
Research Themes:
"Responding to Rural Health Disparities in the United States: The Geography of Emergency Care And Telemedical Technology"
Netcom. Issue 25, 3-4: 273-290. 2011.
Research Themes:
"Sex differences in the relationship of dietary fatty acids to cognitive measures in American children"
Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 3. 2011
Research Themes:
"Social identity, perception and motivation in adaptation to climate risk in the coffee sector of Chiapas, Mexico"
Global Environmental Change (21)1 : 66-76. 2011.
Research Themes:
"Socio-ecological Approaches for Combining Ecosystem-based and Customary Management in Oceania"
Journal of Marine Biology doi:10.1155/2011/845385
Research Themes:
"Spine Segments in Small World Networks"
Social Networks 33:88-97.
Research Themes:
"Spousal Violence and Paternal Disinvestment Among Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists"
American Journal of Human Biology 23:445-457 (2011).
Research Themes:
"System justifying beliefs moderate the relationship between perceived discrimination and resting blood pressure"
Social Cognition.29, 303-321.
Research Themes:
"The 'spiteful' origins of human cooperation"
Proceedings of Royal Society B 278: 2159-2164. 2011
Research Themes:
"The Effect Of Female Education On Fertility And Infant Health: Evidence From School Entry Policies Using Exact Date Of Birth"
American Economic Review, 2011, 101(1): 158-195.
Research Themes:
"The Effect of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Mexico City"
Research Themes:
"The Effects of Lottery Prizes on Winners and Their Neighbors: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery"
American Economic Review 101 (5) (August 2011). pp 2226-2247
"The Falling Time Cost of College: Evidence from Half a Century of Time Use Data"
Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 93, No. 2, Pages 468-478. 2011
Research Themes:
"The Impact of Parents and Self-Selection on Child Survival among the Tsimane of Bolivia"
Current Anthropology 52(2):277-284. 2011
Research Themes:
"The State Street Mile: Age and Gender Differences in Competition Aversion in the Field"
Economic Inquiry. Volume 51, Issue 1, pages 806-815.
Research Themes:
"The Strategy versus the Direct-response Method: A First Survey of Experimental Comparisons"
Experimental Economics, 14, September, 2011, 375-398
"The Total Cost of Father Desertion"
American Journal of Human Biology 23:755-763 (2011).
Research Themes:
"The Trials and Tribulations of Urban Ethnography."
Fenstermaker, S. and Jones, N. Sociologists Backstage Answers to 10 Questions About What They Do. New York: Routledge. 2011
Research Themes:
"The Wages of Failure: New Evidence on School Retention and Long-run Outcomes"
Education Finance and Policy, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 293-322. 2011
Research Themes:
"Trust and Trustworthiness Reputations in an Investment Game"
Games and Economic Behavior, 72, June, 2011, 361-375
"Verta Taylor and Leila J. Rupp"
Pp. 217-230 in Sociologists Backstage: Answers to 10 Questions About What They Do, eds. Sarah Fenstermaker and Nikki Jones. New York: Routledge. 2011
Research Themes:
"Why do men seek status? Fitness payoffs to dominance and prestige"
Proceedings of Royal Society B 278: 2223-2232. 2011
Research Themes:
"Why Women Need Fat"
New York: Hudson Street/Penguin Group. 2011
Research Themes:
"Cascading trait-mediation: disruption of a trait-mediated mutualism by parasite-induced behavioral modifications."
Oikos 119: 1394-1400.
Research Themes:
"Twig-nesting ants: the hidden predators of the Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei in Chiapas, Mexico."
Biotropica 42(3): 342-347.
Research Themes:
"Bridging the Divide: A Third-Sector Approach to Health and Development."
Greener Management International. Special Issue, June 2007.
Research Themes:
"Parallel Importation: A Threat to Pharmaceutical Innovation?"
Journal of the Association of University Technology Managers. 18(2): 29-40. 2006
Research Themes: