

A.T. Murray and J. Baik. 2022. 
"Urban informatics and spatial optimization. "
Urban Informatics 1, 7 (DOI: 10.1007/s44212-022-00007-z).
J. Xu, A.T. Murray, R.L. Church and R. Wei. 2022. 
"A heuristic algorithm for balancing workloads in coverage modeling. "
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 92, 101746 (DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2021.101746).
A.T. Murray, R.L. Church and B.A. Pludow. 2022. 
"Multiple patch land allocation. "
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 97, 101871 (DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2022.101871).
Leila J. Rupp, Verta Taylor, and Shaeleya D. Miller. 2022. Pp. 579-90 in 
"Learning to be Queer: College Women’s Sexual Fluidity. "
Introducing the New Sexuality Studies, 4th edition, edited by Nancy Fischer, Steven Seidman, and Laurel Westbrook. New York: Routledge.
Research Themes:
Roger Friedland, Janet Afary & Charlotte Hoppen. Forthcoming. 
"Patriarchical Sources of Male Abuse in Seven Muslim Majority Countries. "
#MeToo Movement in Iran: Reporting Sexual Violence and Harassment. London: IB Tauris/Bloomsbury Press
Research Themes:
Kilgallen JA, Schaffnit SB, Kumogola Y, Galura A, Urassa M. Lawson DW. (2022). 
"Positive correlation between women’s status and intimate partner violence suggests violence backlash in Mwanza, Tanzania. "
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Thébaud, Sarah and Maria Charles. 2022. 
"Who’s a Good Fit? Segregation, Stereotypes and STEM. "
Social Stratification: Class Race and Gender in Sociological Perspective, David Grusky, Nima Dahir and Claire Daviss, Editors. Routlege.
Research Themes:
Davison, R., & Gurven, M. 2022. 
"The importance of elders: Extending Hamilton’s force of selection to include intergenerational transfers. "
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(28), e2200073119.
Carmel Blank, Maria Charles, Yariv Feniger, Halleli Pinson. 2022. 
"Context Matters: The Gendering of Physics Coursework in Arabic-speaking, Hebrew-speaking, and Single-sex School Sectors in Israel. "
Sex Roles 86:620-33.
Abegglen LM, Harrison TM, Moresco A, Fowles JS, Troan BV, Kiso WK, Schmitt D, Boddy AM, Schiffman JD. 2022. In press. 
"Of elephants and other mammals: A comparative review of reproductive tumors and potential impact on conservation. "
Animals. 2022 In Press.
Lundberg, Shelly. 2022. 
"Gender Economics: Dead-Ends and New Opportunities"
Research in Labor Economics, forthcoming, 2022, 50.
Research Themes:
Brown, M., Steinitz, R., & Emery Thompson, M. (2022).
"Wins and losses in intergroup conflicts reflect energy balance in red-tailed monkeys."
 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377(1851), 20210152.
Davis, H., Gurven, M., Cashdan, E. 2022. 
"Navigational experience and the preservation of spatial abilities into old age among a tropical forager-farmer population. "
Topics in Cognitive Science. 
Halsey, L.H., Careau, V., Gurven, M., Speakman, J.R. 2022. 
"Variability in energy expenditure is much greater in males than females. "
J of Human Evolution.
Dujon AM, Boutry J, Tissot S, Lemaitre JF, Boddy AM, Gerard A, Alvergne A, Arnal A, Vincze O, Nicolas D, Giraudeau M, Telonis-Scott M, Schultz A, Pujol P, Biro P, Beckmann C, Hamede R, Roche B, Ujvari B, Thomas F. 2022. 
"Cancer susceptibility as a cost of reproduction and contributor to life history evolution. "
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10 (2022): 861103.
Davison, R., Gurven, M. 2022. 
"The importance of elders: extending Hamilton’s force of selection to include intergenerational transfers. "
PNAS 119(28):e2200073119.
Natterson-Horowitz B, Boddy AM, Zimmerman, D. 2022. 
"Female Health Across the Tree of Life: Insights at the Intersection of Women's Health, One Health and Planetary Health. "
PNAS nexus 1.2 (2022): pgac044.
Wallace, I.J., Kraft, T.S., Venkataraman, V.V., Davis, H.E., Holowka, N.B., Harris, A.R., Lieberman, D.E., Gurven, M. 2022. 
"Cultural variation in running techniques among non-industrial societies. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences 4:e14.
Holowka, N.B., Kraft, T.S., Wallace, I.J., Gurven, M., Venkataraman, V. 2022. 
"Forest terrains influence walking kinematics among the Amazonian Tsimane. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences.
Vincze O, Colchero F, Lemaitre JF, Conde D, Pavard S, Bieuville M, Urrutia AO, Ujvari B, Boddy AM, Maley CC, Thomas F, Giraudeau M. 2022. 
"Cancer risk across mammals. Nature."
601.7892 263-267
Zhang, X., Yamada, Y., Gurven, M., IAEA DLW database consortium. 2022. 
"Human total, basal and activity energy expenditures are independent of ambient environmental temperature. "
iScience 25:104682.
Durkee, P.K., Lukaszewski, A.W., von Rueden, C.R., Gurven, M.D., Buss, D.M., Tucker-Drob, E.M. 2022. 
"Niche diversity predicts personality structure across 115 nations. "
Psychological Science 33(2):285-298. 
Rimbach, R., Yamada, Y., Gurven, M. 2022.  
"IAEA DLW Database Consortium. Total energy expenditure is repeatable in adults but not associated with short-term changes in body composition. "
Nature Communications 13:99.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Matthew Snidal, and Robert Crosnoe. 2021.
"The Development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Identity among Mexican-Origin Youth across Latino/a Destinations."
Developmental Psychology. 57(11):1910-1925.
Lea, A.J., Waigwa, C., Muhoya, B., Lotukoi, F., Peng, J., Henry, L.P., Abhyankar, V., Kamau, J., Martins, D., Gurven, M., Ayroles, J.F. 2021. 
"Socioeconomic status effects on health vary between rural and urban Turkana. "
Evolution, Medicine & Public Health 9:406-419, eoab39. [“Editor’s choice” article] 
Schneider-Crease, I., Blackwell, A.D., Kraft, T.S., Emery Thompson, M., Maldonado Suarez, I., Stieglitz, J., Kaplan, H., Snyder-Mackler, N., Gurven, M.*, Kaplan, H.*, Trumble, B*. 2021. 
"Helminth infection is associated with dampened cytokine responses to viral and bacterial stimulations in Tsimane hunter-horticulturalists. "
Evolution, Medicine & Public Health 9:349-359, eoab035. (*=co-senior author). 
Cassels S, Mwenda KM, Biney AAE, Jenness SM. 2021. 
"Is it the timing? Short-term mobility and coital frequency in Agbogbloshie, Ghana. "
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50(2):589-600. (PMCID: PMC7889649)
LO O’Donnell, EC Hill, AS Anderson, HJH Edgar. 2021. 
"A biological approach to adult sex differences in skeletal indicators of childhood stress. "
American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
Tollis M, Ferris E, Campbell M, Harris V, Rupp S, Harrison T, Kiso WK, Schmitt D, Aktipis A, Maley C, Boddy AM, Yandell M, Sciffman JD, Abegglen LM. 2021.
"Elephant genome reveal accelerated evolution in mechanisms underlying disease defenses. "
Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38.9 3606-3620.
Kraft, T., Venkataraman, V., Wallace, I., Holowka, N., Raichlen, D., Wood, B., Gurven, M.*, Pontzer, H.* 2021. 
"The energetics of uniquely human subsistence strategies. "
Science 374: eabf0130. (*=co-senior)
C. Jin and A.T. Murray. 2021. 
"Exploring public open data: micro-scale spatiotemporal dynamics of restaurant entrepreneurship in Seoul, Korea. "
 International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research 8(3), 5.
A.T. Murray. 2021. 
"Resilience in complex networks. "
In Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? edited by A. Reggiani, L.A. Schintler, D. Czamanski and R. Patuelli, 418-431 (Edward Elgar Publishing) (DOI:
X. Feng, A.T. Murray and R.L. Church. 2021. 
" Drone service response: spatiotemporal heterogeneity implications."
Journal of Transport Geography 93, 103074 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103074).
X. Feng, S. Wang, A.T. Murray, Y. Cao and S. Gao. 2021. 
"Multi-objective trajectory optimization in planning for sequential activities across space and through time. "
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48, 945-963 (DOI: 10.1177/2399808320913300).
Ujvari B, Dujon A, Aktipis A, Alix-Panabières C, Amend S, Boddy AM, Brown J, Capp JP, DeGregori J, Ewald P, Gatenby R, Gerlinger M, Giraudeau M, Hamede R, Hansen E, Kareva I, Maley CC, Marusyk A, McGranahan N, Metzger M, Nedelcu A, Noble R, Nunney L, Pienta K, Polyak K, Pujol P, Read A, Roche B, Sebens S, Solary E, Stanková K, Thomas F, Ewald HS. 2021. 
"Identifying key questions in the ecology and evolution of cancer. "
Evolutionary applications 14.4: 877-892.
Westerterp, K., Yamada, Y., Gurven, M., Speakman, J., IAEA DLW Database Consortium (82 authors). 2021. 
"Physical activity and fat-free mass during growth and in later life"
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 114(5):1583-1589.
Gunst A, Sudén M, Korja R, Boddy AM, Kotler J, Paavonen EJ, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Antfolk J. 2021. 
"Postpartum depression and mother-offspring conflict over maternal investment. "
Evolution, Medicine and Public Health. 9.1: 11-23.
García, A.R., Finch, C.E., Gatz, M., Kraft, T.S., Cummings, D., Charifson, M., Eid Rodriguez, D., Buetow, K., Beheim, B., Allayee, H., Thomas, G.S., Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M.*., Kaplan, H.*., Trumble, B.T*. 2021.
"APOE4 is associated with elevanted blood lipids and lower levels of innate immune biomarkers in a tropical Amerindian population. "
eLife 10:e68231. (*=co-corresponding author)
 Heather Royer (With Kelly Bedard and Maxine Lee). 2021.
"Using Longitudinal Data to Explore the Gender Gap for Academic Economists"
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings.
Research Themes:
Heather Royer (With Mariana Carrera, Mark Stehr, and Justin Sydnor). 2020
"The Structure of Health Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment"
Management Science, 2020, 66(5): 1783-2290. (Also NBER Working Paper #23188)
Research Themes:
Heather Royer (With Mariana Carrera, Mark Stehr, Justin Sydnor, and Dmitry Taubinsky). 2021 forthcoming.
"Who Chooses Commitment? Evidence and Welfare Implications?"
Review of Economic Studies.
Research Themes:
Gabrielle G. Gonzales and Catherine J. Taylor. 2021.
"Teaching Sociology of Gender During Covid-19: Lessons from Contexts Magazine."
Contexts, Sociology for the Public, Blog. April 15, 2021.
Research Themes:
Careau, V., Halsey, L., Gurven, M., Yoshida, T., Speakman, J., IAEA DLW Database Consortium (82 authors). 2021. 
"Energy compensation and adiposity in humans. "
Current Biology 31:1-8.
Royer, Heather. 2021.
"Benefits of megastudies for testing behavioural interventions"
Research Themes:
Marques C, Compton Z, Boddy AM. 2021. 
"Connecting paleopathology and evolutionary medicine to cancer research: past and present. "
Evolving Health: Paleopathology and Evolutionary Medicine, Oxford University Press. 
Thébaud, Sarah and Catherine J. Taylor. 2021.
"The Specter of Motherhood: Culture and the Production of Gendered Career Aspirations in Science and Engineering."
Gender & Society 35(3): 395-421.
Research Themes:
Irimia, A., Chaudhari, N.N., Robles, D. Rostowsky, B., Maher, A., Chowdhury, N., Calvillo, M., Ngo, V., Gatz, M., Mack, W., Law, M., Sutherland, M.L., Sutherland, J.D., Rowan, C., Wann, L.S., Allam, A., Thompson, R., Michalik, D., Cummings, D., Seabright, E., Alami, S., Garcia, A., Hooper, P., Stieglitz, J., Trumble, B., Gurven, M., Thomas, G., Finch, C., Kaplan, H. 2021. 
"The indigenous South American Tsimane exhibit relatively modest decrease in brain volume with age despite high systemic inflammation. "
J. of Gerontology: Series A Biological Sciences glab138.
Gans, B., Neunuebel, A., Umbarger, L., Trumble, B., Cummings, D., Wann, S.L., Lehenbauer, K., Mahadev, A., Eid Rodriguez, D., Michalik, D., Rowan, C., Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Thomas, G., Thompson, R. 2021. 
"High prevalence of sternal foramina in indigenous Bolivians Compared to Midwest Americans and Indigenous North Americans. "
Anatomical Science International. 
Hodges-Simeon, C., Albert, G., Richardson, G.B., McHale, T.S., Weinberg, S.M., Gurven, M., Gaulin, S. 2021. 
"Was facial width-to-height ratio subject to sexual selection pressures? A life course approach. "
PLoS ONE 16(3): e0240284.
Martin, M., Gurven, M. 2021. 
"Traditional and biomedical maternal and neonatal care practices in a rural indigenous population of the Bolivian Amazon. "
Global Public Health: 1-15. doi:10.1080/17441692.2021.1882531.
Pontzer, H., Yamada, Y., Gurven, M., Speakman, J., IAEA DLW Database Consortium (82 authors). 2021. 
"Daily energy expenditure through the human life course. "
Science 373:808-812.
Anderson, A.S., Sutherland, M.L., O’Donnell, L., Hill, E., Hunt, D.R., Blackwell, A.D., Gurven, M.D. 2021. 
"Do computed tomography findings agree with traditional osteological examination? The case of porous cranial lesions. "
International Journal of Paleopathology 33:209-219.
Speakman, J. R., Yamada, Y., Sagayama, H., Berman, E. S., Ainslie, P. N., Andersen, L. F., ... & Wong, W. W. 2021. 
"A standard calculation methodology for human doubly labeled water studies. "
Cell Reports Medicine, 2(2), 100203.
Rowan, C., Eskander, M., Seabright, E., Eid Rodriguez, D., Cortez Linares, E., Quispe Gutierrez, R., Copajira Adrian, J., Cummings, D., Beheim, B., Tolstrup, K., Achrekar, A., Kraft, T., Michalik, D., Miyamoto, M., Allam, A., Wann, L.S., Narula, J., Trumble, B., Stieglitz, J., Thompson, R., Thomas, G., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2021. 
"Very low prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillation among Bolivian forager-farmers. "
Annals of Global Health 87(1):18. 
Jaeggi, A., Blackwell, A.D., von Rueden, C., Trumble, B., Stieglitz, J., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2021. 
"Do wealth and inequality associate with health in a small-scale subsistence society? "
eLife 10:e59437.
Davison, R., Gurven, M. 2021. 
"Human uniqueness? Life history diversity among small-scale societies and chimpanzees. "
PLoS ONE 16(2): e0239170.
Lawson, D., Schaffnit, S., Kilgallen, J., Kumogola, Y., Galura, A., & Urassa, M. 2021. 
"He for she? Variation and exaggeration in men's support for women's empowerment in northern Tanzania. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences, 3, E27. doi:10.1017/ehs.2021.23
Lopez-Carr, D,  K., Mwenda, Mapes, K., Sokolow, S, Linghai Liu, Pricope, N.G. 2021. 
"A Review of Publicly Available Geospatial Datasets and Indicators in Support of UNCCD Strategic Objective (SO): To Improve Living Conditions of Populations Affected by Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought. "
Tools4LDN Technical Report on Monitoring Progress Towards UNCCD Strategic Objective 2. GEF project number 10230. Pp. 76.
Stephen ES Crook, Arielle Levine, David Lopez-Carr. 2021. 
"Perceptions and application of the ecosystem services approach among Pacific Northwest National Forest managers. "
Sustainability 13, no. 3: 1259.
Lund, Andrea PhD MPH; David H. Rehkopf, ScD; Susanne H. Sokolow, PhD DVM; M. Moustapha Sam, MEd; Nicolas Jouanard, MS; Anne-Marie Schacht, MS; Simon Senghor; Assane Fall; Gilles Riveau, PhD; Giulio A. De Leo, PhD; David Lopez-Carr. 2021. 
"PhDLand use impacts on parasitic infection: a cross-sectional epidemiological study on the role of irrigated agriculture in schistosome infection in a dammed landscape. "
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 10:1: 1-10
Azzadi, H. et al. 2021. 
"Rethinking Resilient Agriculture: From Climate-Smart Agriculture to Vulnerable-Smart Agriculture. "
Journal of Cleaner Production.
Pricope, N.G. Mapes, K., Mwenda, K., Sokolow, S. and Lopez-Carr, D. 2021. 
"A Review of Publicly Available Geospatial Datasets and Indicators in Support of Drought Monitoring. "
Tools4LDN Technical Report on Monitoring Progress Towards UNCCD Strategic Objective 3. GEF project number 10230. Pp. 94.
Lund, Andrea J., et al. 2021. 
"Agricultural Innovations to Reduce the Health Impacts of Dams. "
Sustainability 13.4 (2021): 1869.
Hamilton DT, Katz DA, Luo W, Stekler JD, Rosenberg ES, Sullivan PS, Goodreau SM, Cassels S. 2021. 
"Effective strategies to promote HIV self-testing for men who have sex with men: evidence from a mathematical model. "
Epidemics 37:100518.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Sung Hee Hong, Jessica Martinez, Gabriel Van Praag, Pedro Aristizabal, and Robert Crosnoe. 2021. 
"Understanding the Health Landscapes where Latinx Immigrants Establish Residence in the United States.”"
Health Affairs. 40(7): 1108-1116.
Ackert, Elizabeth, Matthew Snidal, and Robert Crosnoe. 2021. 
"The Development of STEM Efficacy and Identity among Mexican-Origin Youth across Latino/a Destinations. "
Developmental Psychology. 
A.T. Murray, L. Carvalho, R.L. Church, C. Jones, D. Roberts, J. Xu, K. Zigner and D. Nash. 2021. 
"Coastal vulnerability under extreme weather. "
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (DOI: 10.1007/s12061-020-09357-0).
A.T. Murray, R.L. Church, J. Xu, L. Carvalho, C. Jones and D. Roberts. 2021. 
"Fire and flood vulnerability, and implications for evacuation. "
Geospatial Technology and Smart Cities, edited by Poonam Sharma, 299-314 (Springer) (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71945-6).
S. Burtner and A.T. Murray. 2021. 
"Urban mobility and segregation examined through networked travel activity. "
Handbook of Cities and Networks, edited by Z. Neal and C. Rozenblat, 331-349 (Edward Elgar Publishers).
Arenas, E. 2021. 
"Gender, family separation, and negative emotional well-being among recent Mexican migrants"
The Journal of Marriage and Family
Bedard, Kelly, Jacqueline Dodd and Shelly Lundberg. 2021  
"Can Positive Feedback Encourage Female and Minority Undergraduates into Economics? "
 American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2021, 111(5).
David López-Carr. 2021.
"Small farmer land use and deforestation in tropical forest frontiers: Implications for conservation and sustainable livelihoods. "
Land 10(11), 1113
Qi Wen, J.Li,, Kevin Mwenda, Daniel Ervin, Maya Chaterjee, David Lopez-Carr. 2021. 
"Coal exploitation and income inequality: Testing the resource curse with econometric analyses of household survey data from northwestern China. "
Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy 53 (1), 452-469.
Anna Chatillon and Verta Taylor.  2021. 
"Gender and Social Movements. "
Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology, edited by Lynette Spillman.  New York: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
Ujvari B, Dujon A, Aktipis A, Alix-Panabières C, Amend S, Boddy AM, Brown J, Capp JP, DeGregori J, Ewald P, Gatenby R, Gerlinger M, Giraudeau M, Hamede R, Hansen E, Kareva I, Maley CC, Marusyk A, McGranahan N, Metzger M, Nedelcu A, Noble R, Nunney L, Pienta K, Polyak K, Pujol P, Read A, Roche B, Sebens S, Solary E, Stanková K, Thomas F, Ewald HS. 2021. 
"Identifying key questions in the ecology and evolution of cancer. "
Evolutionary applications 14.4 877-892. 
Tollis M, Ferris E, Campbell M, Harris V, Rupp S, Harrison T, Kiso WK, Schmitt D, Aktipis A, Maley C, Boddy AM, Yandell M, Sciffman JD, Abegglen LM. 2021. 
"Elephant genome reveals insights into differences in disease susceptibility between species. "
Molecular Biology and Evolution 
Gunst A, Sudén M, Korja R, Boddy AM, Kotler J, Paavonen EJ, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Antfolk J. 2021.
"Postpartum depression and mother-offspring conflict over maternal investment. "
Evolution, Medicine and Public Health. 9.1 11-23. 
Kuhn, Peter, Kailing Shen and Shuo Zhang. 2021. 
"Gender-Targeted Job Ads in the Recruitment Process:Evidence from China. "
Journal of Development Economics.
Research Themes:
Gary Charness (with Uri Gneezy and Vlasta Rasocha). 2021. 
"Experimental Methods: Eliciting Beliefs. "
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 189, September, 2021, 234-256.
Research Themes:
Cassels S, Van Den Abbeele S. 2021.
"A call for epidemic modeling to examine historical and structural drivers of racial disparities in infectious disease. "
Social Science & Medicine 276:113833. (PMCID: PMC8168281)
Yang, Rujun, and Maria Charles. 2021. 
"Traditional Asians? Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Policy Attitudes in the United States. "
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 7:130–53. Special issue on Asian Americans and the Immigrant Integration Agenda.
Research Themes:
AS Anderson, ML Sutherland, LO O’Donnell, EC Hill, DR Hunt, AD Blackwell, MD Gurven. 2021. 
"Do computed tomography findings agree with traditional osteological examination? The case of porous cranial lesions. "
International Journal of Paleopathology.
WC McCool, AS Anderson, DJ Kennett. 2021.
"Using a multimethod life history approach to navigate the osteological paradox: A case study from Prehispanic Nasca, Peru. "
American Journal of Physical Anthropology. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24279
Davison, R., and M. Gurven. 2021.
"Human uniqueness? Life history diversity among small-scale societies and chimpanzees. "
PloS one 16.2 (2021): e0239170.
Urassa M, Lawson DW, Wamoyi J, Gurmu E, Gibson MA, Madhivanan P, Placek C. 2021. 
"Cross-cultural research must prioritize equitable collaboration. "
Nature Human Behaviour. 5:668-671. 
Schaffnit SB, Urassa M, Wamoyi J, Dardoumpa M, & Lawson DW. 2021. 
"“I have never seen something like that”: Discrepancies between lived experiences and the global health concept of child marriage in northern Tanzania. "
PLOS ONE. 16(4): e024920. 
Lawson DW. 2021. 
"Are Men Animals? How modern masculinity sells men short. Men and Masculinities. "
Book Review.
Research Themes:
Schaffnit SB & Lawson DW. 2021. 
"Married too young? The behavioral ecology of 'child marriage'. "
Social Sciences. 10: 161
Arabadjis, S.D., Sullivan, E.E. 2021
"Data and HIT Systems in Primary Care Settings: an Analysis of Perceptions and Use."
Journal of Health Organization and Management. Vol. 35 No.4, pp.425-442, PMID 33354961. https://doi. org/10.1108/JHOM-03-2020-0071
Lawson DW, Schaffnit SB, Kilgallen JA, Kumogola Y, Galura A & Urassa M. 2021. 
"He for She? Variation and exaggeration in men’s support for women’s empowerment in northern Tanzania. "
Evolutionary Human Sciences. 3: E27. 
Research Themes:
Lawson DW, Schaffnit SB, Hassan A, & Urassa M. 2021. 
" Shared interests or sexual conflict? Spousal age gap, women’s wellbeing and fertility in rural Tanzania. "
Evolution and Human Behavior. 42: 165-175 
Heather Royer (With Mireille Jacobson and Maria Kogelnik). 2020.
"Holiday, Just One Day Out of Life: Birth Timing and Post-natal Outcomes. "
Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming (NBER Working Paper #27346).
Research Themes:
McMahon, K., & Gray, C. (2021). 
"Climate change, social vulnerability and child nutrition in South Asia. "
Global Environmental Change, 71, 102414.
Leila J. Rupp, Verta Taylor, and Janelle M. Pham. 2021. Pp. 343-351
"Straight Girls Kissing: Heteroflexibility in the College Party Scene."
Routledge International Handbook of Heterosexualities Studies, edited by James J. Dean and Nancy L. Fischer. New York/Routledge.
Research Themes:
Dover, T. L., Kaiser, C. R., & Major, B. 2020. 
"Mixed signals: The unintended effects of diversity initiatives. "
Social Issues and Policy Review, 14. (1), 152-181. doi: 10.1111/sipr.12059. 
Dover, T. L., Major, B., & Kaiser, C. R. 2020. 
"Cardiovascular, behavioral and psychological responses to organizational prodiversity messages among racial/ethnic minorities. "
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 1-21. doi: 10.1177/1368430220944222.  
Rios, Victor M, Greg Prieto, Jonathan M Ibarra. 2020. 
"Mano Suave–Mano Dura: Legitimacy Policing and Latino Stop-and-Frisk."
American Sociological Review. 
Major, B., Rathbone, J. A., Blodorn, A., & Hunger, J. M. 2020. 
"The countervailing effects of weight stigma on weight-loss motivation and perceived capacity for weight control. "
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-13. doi: 10.1177/0146167220903184. 
Research Themes:
Saldívar, Emiko, PatricioSolís, Erika Arenas. 2020. 
"Consideraciones metodólogicas para el conteo de la población afromexicana en el Censo 2020"
Coyuntura Demográfica, 14, 49-56. 
Gordon, A. M., Prather, A. A., Dover, T., Espino-Perez, K., Small, P., & Major, B. 2020.
"Anticipated and experienced ethnic/racial discrimination and sleep: A longitudinal study. "
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/014616722C928859.