

Charness, Gary, with Daniela Grieco. 2019.
"Creativity and Financial Incentives."
Journal of the European Economic Association. 
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary, with Tibor Neugebauer. Forthcoming. 
"A Test of the Modigliani-Miller Invariance Theorem and Arbitrage Experimental Asset Markets."
Journal of Finance.
Research Themes:
Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, and Leila J. Rupp. 2019.
"Feminist Frontiers."
10th edition. New York: Roman Littlefield.
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary, with Catherine Eckel, Uri Gneezy, and Agne Kajackaite. Forthcoming. 
"Complexity in Risk Elicitation May Affect the Conclusions: A Demonstration Using Gender Differences."
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.
Krell, Natasha. 2018.
"Innovations in mobile phone services for agriculture decision-making in Kenya."
Charness, Gary, with Chun-Lei Yang, Boyu Zhang, Jaimie Lien, and Cong Liu
"Endogenous reward promotes cooperation."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(40), 9968-9973 
Research Themes:
Klein, L.D., Huang, J., Quinn, E.A., Martin, M., Breakey, A., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Valeggia, C., Jasienska, G., Scelza, B., Lebrilla, C., Hinde, K. 2018
"Variation among populations in the immune protein composition of mother’s milk reflects subsistence pattern. "
Evolution, Medicine & Public Health 2018(1): 230-245.
Thébaud, Sarah and Maria Charles. 2018. 
"Segregation, Stereotypes, and STEM."
 Social Sciences 7(7):1-19.
Research Themes:
Hopp, Frederic R., Cornell., Devin J., Fisher, Jacob T., Huskey, Richard, Weber, René. 2018. 
"The Moral Foundations Dictionary for News (MFD-N): A Crowd-Sourced Moral Foundations Dictionary for the Automated Analysis of News Corpora. "
Communications Association Annual Meeting.
Gurven, M. 2018.
"Review of The Evolution of Senescence in the Tree of Life. "
Human Nature 29(4):468-474.
Gurven, M. 2018.
"Broadening horizons: sample diversity and socioecological theory are essential to the future of psychological science. "
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(45):11420-11427 A
Jaeggi, A.V., Gurven, M. 2018.
"Food sharing models. "
International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. H. Callan (Ed.) doi:10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1655
Venkataraman, V.V., Yegian, A.K., Wallace, I.J., Holowka, N., Tacey, I., Gurven, M., Kraft, T.S.† 2018. 
"Locomotor constraints favour the evolution of the human pygmy phenotype in tropical rainforests. "
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285:20181492.
Kraft, T.†, Stieglitz, J., Trumble, B., Martin, M., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2018.
"Nutrition transition in two lowland Bolivian subsistence populations."
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 108(6):1183-1195. 
Lawson DW & Gibson MA. (2018)
"Understanding ‘Harmful Cultural Practices.’ "
Anthropology News 59: 3; e219-e222.
Tuholske, C., Andam, K. S., Blekking, J., Evans, T., & Caylor, K. 2018. 
"Measures and Determinants of Urban Food Security: Evidence from Accra, Ghana. "
(Vol. 50). Intl Food Policy Res Inst.
Delgado Helleseter, Miguel, Peter Kuhn and Kailing Shen. 2018. 
"The Age Twist in Employers’ Gender Preferences: Evidence from Four Job Boards. "
Journal of Human Resources.
Research Themes:
Panlasigui, S., Rico-Straffon, J., Pfaff, A., Swenson, J., & Loucks, C. 2018
"Impacts of certification, uncertified concessions, and protected areas on forest loss in Cameroon, 2000 to 2013."
Biological conservation, 227, 160-166.
Brissett, D. I., Tuholske, C., Allen, I. E., Larios, N. S., Mendoza, D. J., Murillo, A. G., & Bloch, E. M. 2018. 
"Zika Virus: Knowledge Assessment of Residents and Health-Care Providers in Roatán, Honduras, following an Outbreak."
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.
S Fischer, H Royer, C White. 2018.
"The Impacts of Reduced Access to Abortion and Family Planning Services on Abortions, Births, and Contraceptive Purchases."
Journal of Public Economics. 167: 43-68.
Research Themes:
Gibson MA & Lawson DW. 2018.
"Population issues in development. International Encyclopedia of Anthropology."
Telles, Edward. 2018. 
"Race, Latinos and the U.S. Census."
The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science.  677(1): 153 - 164.
Jaeggi, A.V., Gurven, M. In press.
"Food sharing models."
International Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Anna H. Chatillon, Maria Charles, and Karen Bradley. 2018. 
"Gender Ideology."
Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, Pp. 217-226, Barbara J. Risman, Carissa Froyum, and William Scarborough, eds. NY: Springer.
Research Themes:
Camlin C, Cassels S, Seeley J. 2018. 
"Editorial: Bringing population mobility into focus to achieve HIV prevention goals."
JIAS: Journal of the International AIDS Society 21(S4):e25136. (PMCID: PMC6053544) 
Deschenes, Olivier with P. Zhang, K. Meng, and J. Zhang.  2018. 
"Temperature Effects on Productivity and Factor Reallocation: Evidence from a Half Million Chinese Manufacturing Plants."
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 88, Number 3, pp. 1-17.
Saldívar, Emiko, Patricio Solís, and Erika Arenas. 2018. 
"Consideraciones metodológicas para el conteo de la población afromexicana en el Censo 2020."
Conyuntura Demográfica.
von Rueden, C., Alami, S., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M.  2018.
"Sex differences in political leadership in an egalitarian society."
Evolution and Human Behavior 39(4):402-411.
Trumble, B.C., Stieglitz, J., Jaeggi, A., Beheim, B., Schwartz, M., Seabright, E., Cummings, D., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2018.
"Parental hormones are associated with crop loss and family sickness following catastrophic flooding in lowland Bolivia."
Physiology and Behavior 193A:101-107.
Alami, S., Stieglitz, J., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2018.
"Low perceived control is associated with treatment seeking among high mortality Bolivian forager-farmers."
Social Science and Medicine 200:156-165. + SUPPLEMENT.
Heather McGee Hurwitz and Verta Taylor. 2018.
"Women Occupying Wall Street: Gender Conflict and Feminist Mobilization."
Pp. 334-355. 100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment: An Appraisal of Women's Political Activism. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
van der Linden, D., Dunkel, C., Figueredo, A.J., Gurven, M., von Rueden, C., Woodley of Menie, M. 2018.
"How universal is the general factor of personality? An analysis of the Big Five in forager farmers of the Bolivian Amazon."
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1-17. 
Charles, Maria and Sarah Thébaud, eds. Forthcoming. 
"Gender and STEM: Understanding Segregation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics."
Basel: MDPI Press.
Research Themes:
Elwell, T.L., Gelcich, S., Gaines, S.D., Lopez-Carr, D. 2018. 
"Using people's perceptions of ecosystem services to guide modeling and management efforts."
Volumes 637-638, Pages 1014-1025.
Weinberger, C. 2018. 
"Engineering Educational Opportunity: Impacts of 1970s and 1980s Policies to Increase the Share of Black College Graduates with Major in Engineering or Computer Science"
in U.S. Engineering in the Global Economy, edited by Richard Freeman and Hal Salzman, National Bureau of Economic Research/University of Chicago Press. 
Research Themes:
Lundberg, Shelly. 2018. 
"Non-Cognitive Skills as Human Capital."
Education, Skills, and Technical Change: Implications for Future U.S. GDP Growth, eds. Charles Hulten and Valerie Ramey, NBER/CRIW: University of Chicago Press.
Research Themes:
M Carrera, H Royer, M Stehr, J Sydnor. 2018. 
"Can financial incentives help people trying to establish new habits? Experimental evidence with new gym members."
Journal of Health Economics 58, 202-214.
Research Themes:
Hedges S, Sear R ,Todd J, Urassa M, & Lawson DW. 2018.
"Trade-offs in children's time allocation: Mixed support for embodied capital models of the demographic transition in Tanzania."
Current Anthropology.
Telles, Edward and Vilma Ortiz. Forthcoming. 
"La Integracion de Mexico-Americanos en Estados Unidos."
Nexos (Mexico).
Thébaud, Sarah and Maria Charles. 2018. 
"Segregation, Stereotypes, and STEM."
Social Sciences 7(7):1-19.
Research Themes:
Cassels S, Camlin C, Seeley. 2018. 
"One Step Ahead: timing and sexual networks in population mobility and HIV prevention and care."
JIAS: Journal of the International AIDS Society 21(S4):e25140. (PMCID: PMC6053478) 
Wong, M., Bejarano, E., Carvlin, G., Fellows, K., King, G., Lugo, H., Jerrett, M., Meltzer D., Northcross, A., Olmedo, L., Seto, E., Wilkie, A., English, P. 2018. 
"Combining Community Engagement and Scientific Approaches in Next-Generation Monitor Siting: The Case of the Imperial County Community Air Network."
International journal of environmental research and public health 15.3 (2018): 523.
L. Conrow, A.T. Murray and H.A. Fischer. 2018. 
"An optimization approach for equitable bicycle share station siting."
Journal of Transport Geography, 69, 163-170 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.04.023).
Yahirun, Jenjira, and Erika Arenas. 2018. 
"Offspring Migration and Parents' Emotional and Psychological Well-being in Mexico."
Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4) 975-991.
Ross, C.T., Borgerhoff Mulder, M., Oh, S-Y., Bowles, S., Beheim, B., Bunce, J., Caudell, M., Clark, G., Colleran, H., Cortez, C., Draper, P., Greaves, R., Gurven, M., Headland, T., Headland, J., Hill, K., Hewlett, B., Kaplan, H., Koster, J., Kramer, K., Marlowe, F., McElreath, R., Nolin, D., Quinlan, M., Quinlan, R., Revilla-Minaya, C., Scelza, B., Schacht, R., Shenk, M., Uehara, R., Voland, E., Willführ, K., Winterhalder, B., Ziker, J.  2018.
"Greater wealth inequality, less polygyny: rethinking the polygyny threshold model."
J. Royal Society Interface 20180035.
Costa, M.E., Trumble, B., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M.D. 2018.
"Child nutritional status among births exceeding ideal family size in a high fertility population."
Maternal & Child Nutrition e12625.
Schniter, E., Wilcox, N.T., Beheim, B.A., Kaplan, H.S., Gurven, M. 2018.
"Information transmission and the oral tradition: evidence of a late-life service niche for Tsimane Amerindians."
Evolution and Human Behavior 39:94-105.
In Press. Ervin D., Tuholske, C., and D. López-Carr. 2018.
"The Geography of Malnutrition."
Food and Place: A Critical Exploration, edited by Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando Bosco. Washington, DC: Rowman and Littlefield
Stieglitz, J., Trumble, B.C., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. In press.
"Marital violence and fertility in a relatively egalitarian high fertility population."
Nature Human Behaviour.
Howard Winant. Forthcoming 2018. 
"Global Raciality: Empire, PostColoniality, DeColoniality."
New York: Routledge, "A New Racial Studies Book."
Lopez-Carr, D., Kimbombo, R., Ondego, D., Asiimwe, W. 2018. 
"Health of the People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin."
(HOPE-LVB) Evaluation.
Charness, Gary, with Uri Gneezy and Austin Henderson. 2018. 
"Experimental Methods: Measuring Effort in Economics Experiments"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 149, May, 2018, 74-87.
Research Themes:
Telles, Edward and Florencia Torche. Forthcoming.
"Varieties of Indigeneity in Latin America."
Social Forces.
Lawson DW, Gibson MA. 2018.
"Polygynous marriage and child health in Sub-Saharan Africa: What is the evidence for harm?"
Demographic Research 39: 177-208.
Luo W, Katz DA, Hamilton DT, McKenney J, Jenness SM, Goodreau SM, Stekler JD, Rosenberg ES, Sullivan PS, Cassels S. 2018. 
"Development of an agent-based model to investigate the impact of HIV self-testing programs on men who have sex with men in Atlanta and Seattle."
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 4(2):e58. (PMCID: PMC6045793) 
X. Feng and A.T. Murray. 2018. 
"Spatial analytics for enhancing street light coverage of public spaces."
LEUKOS. 14, 13-23 (DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2017.1321486).
Deschenes, Olivier with A. Barreca, and M. Guldi. 2018.
"Maybe Next Month? Temperature Shocks, Climate Change, and Dynamic Adjustments in Birth Rates."
Demography, Volume 55, pp. 1269-1293
Luo W, Gao P, Cassels S. 2018. 
"A large-scale location-based social network to understanding the impact of human geo-social interaction patterns on vaccination strategies in an urbanized area."
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
S. Wang, S. Gao, X. Feng, A.T. Murray and M. Zeng. 2018. 
"A context-based geoprocessing framework for optimizing meetup location of multiple moving objects along road networks."
International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 32, 1368-1390 (DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2018.1431838).
Voth-Gaeddert, L. E., Stoker, M., Cornell, D. J., & Oerther, D. B. 2018. 
"What causes childhood stunting among children of San Vicente, Guatemala: Employing complimentary, system-analysis approaches"
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 1-6. 
Yetish, G., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2018.
"Sleep variability and nighttime activity regulate sleep patterns among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 166(3):590-600.
Gurven MD, Finch CE, Wann LS. 2018.
"Are intestinal worms nature's anti-atherosclerosis vaccine?"
European Heart Journal 2018; doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehy129
Charness, Garyand Greg DeAngelo. 2018.
"Law and Economics in the Laboratory"
Research Handbook on Behavioral Law and Economics.
Pisor, A., Gurven, M. 2018.
"When to diversify, and with whom? Choosing partners among out-group strangers in lowland Bolivia."
Evolution and Human Behavior 39(1):30-39.
Byrne, Janice, Salma Fattoum and Sarah Thébaud. 2018.
"A Suitable Boy? Gendered Roles and Hierarchies in Family Business Succession"
European Management Review. 
Research Themes:
Clauss, N., Byrd-Craven, J., & Kennison, S. M., & Chua, K. J. 2017.
"The roles of mothers’ partner satisfaction and mother-infant communication duration in mother-infant adrenocortical attunement."
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1-17.
Chua, K. J., Lukaszewski, A. W., Grant, D. M., & Sng, O. 2017.
"Human life history strategies: Calibrated to external or internal cues? "
Evolutionary Psychology, 15(1), 1-16.
Rios, V.M. 2017.
"Human Targets: Schools, Police, and the Culture of Control."
University of Chicago Press.
John R. Weeks. 2017. 
"Demographic Transition Theory. "
Bryan S. Turner, ed., The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory (Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell Publishing Co.). 
Blackwell, AD, Urlacher, SS, Beheim, B, von Rueden, C, Jaeggi, A, Stieglitz, J, Tumble, BC, Gurven, MD, Kaplan, H. 2017.
"Growth references for Tsimane forager-horticulturalists of the Bolivian Amazon."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 162(3) 441-461. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23128.
Charness, Gary (with Brianna Halladay). Forthcoming.
"Behavioral Economics and Experimental Economics: Cousins but not Twins."
Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy.
Research Themes:
Stieglitz, J., Trumble, B.C., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. 2017.
"Horticultural activity predicts later localized limb status in a contemporary preindustrial population."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163(3):425-436. + SUPPLEMENT
Cherness, Gary (with Marie Claire Villeval). 2017.
"Preserving Rank as a Social Norm."
Nature Human Behaviour, 1(7), Article 0137, July, 2017.
Research Themes:
Rios, V. M. 2017. 
"The consequences of the criminal justice pipeline on Black and Latino masculinity."
(Reprint) In Routledge Major Works Collection: Critical Criminology 
Research Themes:
Charness, Gary (with Aleksandr Alekseev and Uri Gneezy). 2017.
"Experimental Methods: When and Why Contextual Instructions May be Important."
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 134, February, 2017, 48-59.
Research Themes:
A.T. Murray. 2017.
"Regional analytics."
Annals of Regional Science 59, 1-13 (DOI: 10.1007/s00168-017-0825-6).
Y. Zhang, A.T. Murray and B.L. Turner. 2017.
"Optimizing green space locations to reduce daytime and nighttime urban heat island effects in Phoenix, Arizona."
Landscape and Urban Planning 165, 162-171 (DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.04.009).
Ervin D., Tuholske, C., and D. López-Carr. 2017. 
"Global Hunger."
Food and Place: A Critical Exploration, edited by Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando Bosco. Washington, DC: Rowman and Littlefield.
Holly J. McCammon, Verta Taylor, Jo Reger, and Rachel Einwohner. 2017.
"The Oxford Handbook of U. S. Women's Social Movement Activism."
Oxford University Press.
Research Themes:
A.T. Murray. 2017.
"GIS in regional research."
Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 2: Methodological Advance, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Science, edited by R. Jackson and P. Shaeffer, 169-180 (Springer).
Deschenes, Olivier with S. Gaines and A. Larsen. 2017. 
"Agricultural Pesticide Use and Adverse Birth Outcomes in the San Joaquin Valley of California."
NatureCommunications, 8(302), pp. 1-14.
Rios, V.M. 2017. 
"Ethnographies of Race, Crime, and Criminal Justice."
Annual Review of Sociology. 
S. McLafferty and A.T. Murray. 2017.
"Regional perspectives on public health."
Regional Research Frontiers- Vol. 1: Innovations, Regional Growth and Migration, edited by R. Jackson and P. Shaeffer, 161-174 (Springer).
English, P. B., Olmedo, L., Bejarano, E., Lugo, H., Murillo, E., Seto, E., Wong, M., King, G., Wilkie, A., Meltzer D., Carvlin, G., Jerrett, M., Northcross, A. 2017. 
"The imperial county community air monitoring network: A model for community-based environmental monitoring for public health action."
Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(7).
Tuholske, C., Tane, Z., López-Carr, D., Roberts, D., & Cassels, S. 2017.
"Thirty Years of Land Use/Cover Change in the Caribbean: Assessing the Relationship between Urbanization and Mangrove Loss in Roatán, Honduras"
Applied Geography, 88, 84-93.
Ervin, Daniel, Erin Hamilton, and David López-Carr. In press.
"Vulnerability and Resilience: Health, Health Care, and Health Research of Migrants."
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Kaplan, H., Trumble, B., Stieglitz, J., Narula, J., Gurven, M., Thomas, G. 2017. 
"Diet, atherosclerosis, and helminthic infection in Tsimane."
Lancet 390:2035.
Brooks, T., Roy-Burman Bloch, A., Tuholske, C, Busch, M., Bakkour, S., Stone, M., Linnen, J. M., Gao, K., Coleman, J., & Bloch, E. 2017.
"Real-Time Evolution of Zika Virus Disease Outbreak, Roatán, Honduras."
Emerging Infectious Disease-CDC, 23(8).
Sokolow, S.H., I.J. Jones, M. Jocque, D. La,, O. Cords, A. Knight, A. Lund, C.L. Wood, K.D. Lafferty, C.M. Hoover, and P.A. Collender, J. Remais, D. López-Carr, J. Fisk, M. Kuris, G. De Leo. 2017.
"Water, dams, and prawns: novel ecological solutions for the control and elimination of schistosomiasis."…  The Lancet, 389, p.S20.
Ervin, D., Lopez-Carr, D. 2017. 
"Linkages among Population, Food Production, and the Environment at Multiple Scales."
Journal of International & Global Studies, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p1-17. 17p.
Daniel Ervin, Erin Hamilton, and David López-Carr, eds. 2017 in press.  
"Special Issue on Migration and Health."
International Migration.
Garcia Aand Weigler E. 2017.
"Why We Yearn for the Simple Life. "The Sexual Allure of Simplicity.""
Published online: 
Dixon, Angela and Edward Telles. 2017. 
"Skin Color and Colorism: Global Research, Concepts, and Measurement."
Annual Review of Sociology 43(1):405-24.
Hodges-Simeon, CR, Prall, SP, Blackwell, AD, Gurven, MD, Gaulin, SJC. 2017.
"Adrenal maturation, nutritional status and mucosal immunity in Bolivian adolescents."
American Journal of Human Biology, in press.
Howard Winant. 2017. 
"World-Historical Du Bois."
Ethnic and Racial Studies Review,  Vol. 40, no. 3.
Gurven, M, Kaplan, H, Stieglitz, J, Trumble, B, Blackwell, AD, Beheim, B, Hooper, P. 2017.
"The Tsimane Health and Life History Project (THLHP): Integrating anthropology and biomedicine. Evolutionary Anthropology."
26(2) 54-73. DOI: 10.1002/evan.21515.
Kuwabara, Ko and Sarah Thébaud. 2017.
"When Beauty Doesn't Pay: Gender and Beauty Biases among Entrepreneurs in a Peer-to-peer Loan Market."
Social Forces 95(4): 1371-1398. 
Research Themes:
Kaplan, H., Thompson, R.C., Trumble, B.C., Wann, L.S., Allam, A.H., Beheim, B., Frohlich, B., Sutherland, M.L., Sutherland, J.D., Stieglitz, J., Eid Rodriguez, D., Michalik, D.E., Rowan, C.J., Lombardi, G.P., Bedi, R., Garcia, A.R., Min, J.K., Narula, J., Finch, C.E., Gurven, M., Thomas, G.S. 2017.
"Coronary atherosclerosis in indigenous South American Tsimane: a cross-sectional cohort study."
Lancet389(10080):1730-1739. + SUPPLEMENT
Charness, Gary (with Patrick Holder). Forthcoming.
"Charity in the Laboratory: Matching, Competition, and Group Membership."
Management Science.
Research Themes:
J. Yao and A.T. Murray. 2017.
"A spatial optimization approach for solving a multi-facility location problem with continuously distributed demand."
Innovations in Urban and Regional Systems - Contributions from GIS&T, Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling, edited by J.-C. Thill (Springer's Advances in Spatial Science Series), to appear.