Education and Health

Previous Health and Education

Nicole Thompson González

Nicole Thompson González
research associates
University of California, Santa Barbara
Assistant Professor

Nic Thompson González (she/they) is a behavioral ecologist and evolutionary primatologist in the Department of Anthropology. Their work draws from evolutionary biology, animal behavior, sociology, and public health to examine the multiple links between sociality, health, and biological fitness in human and non-human primates. Their work also centers life history theory as a framework to evaluate the costs and benefits of social relationships and community dynamics throughout the life course. They co-direct the Kakamega Monkey Project, a long term field site established in 1979 that studies the behavior, biology, and demography of wild blue monkeys. They also work as an investigator at the California National Primate Research Center on rhesus macaques and co-direct the Biobehavioral Health Laboratory at UCSB.

Ruth Morales

graduate student associates
Department of Economics
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Ruth Morales is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Economics at UC Santa Barbara. Before starting at UCSB, she earned both a B.A. and M.A. in economics from San Diego State University. Her primary research interests are in labor economics and public economics. She is especially interested in investigating outcomes related to education, crime, and immigration policies. Her current lines of research focus on the demographic effects of the Bracero Program and on the impact of college-level remedial education reform in the community college system.


Gabrielle Husted

graduate student associates
Department of Geography
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Gabrielle Husted is a PhD student in the Geography Department and the current Broom Center for Demography lab manager. Her research focuses on the interactivity of people, places, and environments (both built and natural) as they relate to public health challenges. Her specific interests include social determinants of health, environmental hazards, and health outcomes. Prior to beginning her graduate studies, Gabrielle earned a bachelor's of science in nursing from the University of Portland and has a background in oncology and public health.

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