Perceived discrimination and poor health: Accounting for self-blame complicates a well-established relationship.
Social Science and Medicine.
Previous Health and Education
Social Science and Medicine.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 63,69-76. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2015.12.003.
Journal of Political Economy.
American Economic Review.
Alan Murray is a Professor in the Department of Geography and leads the Wildfire Resilience Initiative ( He is editor of International Regional Science Review, associate editor for Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. His research and teaching interests include: geographic information science; spatial optimization; health informatics; urban growth and development; land use planning; urban, regional, and natural resource planning and development; and, infrastructure and transportation systems. He is the author of three books and over 300 research articles, book chapters and proceedings papers.
Grants, Awards and Distinctions:
Yardi Foundation. 2023-2026 Wildfire Resilience Initiative. Murray, A., L. Carvalho, C. Jones, D. Roberts, S. Sweeney and M. Moritz. $3,700,000.
Yardi Foundation. 2022-2023 Wildfire Resilience Initiative. Murray, A., L. Carvalho, C. Jones, D. Roberts and M. Moritz., $1,000,000.
National Science Foundation. 2017-2022. PREEVENTS Track 2: Understanding Extreme Fire Weather Hazards and Improving Resilience in Coastal Santa Barbara. Carvalho, L., A. Murray, C. Jones, D. Roberts and R. Church. $1,508,987.
USDA Forest Service / Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 2020-2021. The development of spatial optimization tools to support efforts to transition to fire resilient forest landscapes. Church, R. and A. Murray. $94,901.
National Institutes of Health. 2020-2022. Activity Spaces for HIV Risk and Prevention Among Diverse Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles. Cassels, S., A. Murray P. Gorbach and A. Vaughan. $401,769.
in The International Handbook of Food and Environment: Towards Sustainable Food Systems, edited by Colin Sage. London: Routledge.
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review (IER) 16(1): 63-76. 2015.
Global-e, 8(10): 1. 2014
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(3): 51-84.
Journal of Health Economics, 37: 232-247.