Population Health and Environment

Previous Population-Environment Interactions

Environment, Population, and Health Dynamics


Part I: Assessment of the State and Trends of the Global Environment. Chapter 1: Land.


Coordinating lead authors: T. Evans, C. Hunsberger; Lead authors: T. M. Aide, J. Albaladejo Montoro, S. M. Borras Jr., H. F. del Valle, T. Devisscher, J. Jabbour, S. Kant, D. Lopez-Carr, H. Masundire, N. G. Pricope (GEO Fellow) and R. Sanchez-Rodriguez; Contributing authors: M. T. Abdelhamid, B. Alfthan, F. Ayache, A. A. Berhe, C. Chinweze, J. Frelichova, L. Hislop, W. K. Pan, B.Schulte-Herbruggen, J. Smith, C. Souza Jr.,T. L. Timmins (GEO Fellow) and L. C. Zulu.


Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5). Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 65-96. 2012.

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Assessing the Utility of Satellite Imagery with Differing Spatial Resolutions for Deriving Proxy Measures of Slum Presence in Accra, Ghana


Justin Stoler, Dean Daniels, John R. Weeks, Douglas A. Stow, Lloyd L. Coulter, and Brian K. Finch.


GIScience & Remote Sensing, 49(1):31-52, 2012.

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