Population Health and Environment

Previous Population-Environment Interactions

Environment, Population, and Health Dynamics


Eco-labels convey reliable information on stock status to seafood consumers.


N.L. Gutiérrez, S.R. Valencia, T.A. Branch, D.J. Agnew, P. L. Bianchi, J. Cornejo-Donoso, C. Costello, O.Defeo, T.E. Essington, D.D. Hoggarth, A. E. Larsen, C. Ninnes, R. L. Selden, S.Sistla, A.D.M. Smith, A. Stern-Pirlot, S. J. Teck, J.T. Thorson, N.E.Williams.


PLoS One 7 (8) e43765. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043765.

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Coordinating lead authors: M. A. Levy and A. C. Morel; Lead authors: S. B. Adamo, J. Barr, C. P. McMullen, T. Dietz, D. Lopez-Carr and E. A. Rosa; Contributing authors: A. Crawford, E. R. Desombre, M. Gluschankoff, K. Goulias, J. Jabbour, Y. Kim, D. L. Debucquet, A. R. Moreno, S. Msangi, M. Paterson, B. Punsalmaa, R. Tomalty and C. Townsend.


Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5). Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 3-30. 2012.

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