Population Health and Environment

Previous Population-Environment Interactions

Environment, Population, and Health Dynamics


Chris Miljanich

Chris Miljanich
graduate student associates
Department of Political Science
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Chris is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science. His research focuses on how internal migration and demographic change affect elections, representation, political participation, and public policy. Current projects examine how black outmigration to suburbs impacts minority representation in traditionally white districts at the state and local level, and on how the spatial distribution of minority voters affects electoral outcomes. Additional research explores how humans interact with the natural environment, and Chris is currently a Crossroads Fellow at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management where he is part of a team examining public opinion toward Grizzly Bear reintroduction in California.

Current Fellowships:

Crossroads Fellow, Bren School for Environmental Science and Management. 

Broom Graduate Associate

Michelle DuBreuil

Michelle DuBreuil
graduate student associates
Department of Geography
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Michelle DuBreuil is a PhD student in the SDSU/UCSB Joint Doctoral Geography. Previously she worked with the CSUSM National Latino Research Center. Her research interests include environmentally induced migration, transnationalism, belonging, and identity construction. Future research will explore the most recent diaspora of transnational Haitian migrants, focusing on those arriving in Mexico and Canada post 2015. 

Broom Graduate Associate
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