Population Health and Environment

Previous Population-Environment Interactions

Environment, Population, and Health Dynamics


What do your neighbors think about you? How perceived neighborhood attitudes towards Latinos influence mental health among a pregnant Latina cohort.


†Chua, K. J., †Knorr, D., *Jimenez, J., *Rojas, V., *Francia, A., *Garcia, J. I., & Fox, M. 2023.


Journal of Racial and Ethnic Disparities. 1-12.

both authors contributed equally.

broom author

Kristine Chua

research associates
UC Santa Barbara
Postdoctoral Scholar

Kristine Joy Chua is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology at UC Santa Barbara. Her work integrates evolutionary and biocultural perspectives for understanding human pregnancy and maternal-fetal stress biology in populations experiencing social and health inequalities. She works closely with pregnant Filipina women in the Philippines and Filipina American mothers in Southern California. She also examines the role cultural practices play in shaping health norms. Currently, she is exploring how the bidirectional exchange of maternal and fetal cells is sustained during pregnancy, and how the maternal immune system maintains tolerance for these fetal cells using a mixed-methods approach. In addition to her academic work, she maintains her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through undergraduate mentorship, partnerships with K-12 educators, and collaborations with community stakeholders. She earned her BS in Psychobiology from UC Los Angeles, her MS in Psychology from Oklahoma State University, and her PhD from UC Los Angeles.

Katherine Sayre

research associates
Department of Anthropology
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Katie Sayre is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her work draws on theory and methodology from multiple disciplines, including anthropology, gerontology, public health, and demography. Her work explores how human lifestyles and biology interact over the life course and impact health during older adulthood, particularly in non-Western populations. She has previously examined the relationship between physical activity patterns and physical function during aging in groups of pastoralists and foragers in East Africa. Now, she works with the Tsimané Health and Life History Project, and focuses on how social relationships and communities impact both physical and cognitive health outcomes for older Tsimané women and men in Bolivia. She earned her BA in Anthropology and French at the University of Texas at Austin, her MS in Anthropology at the University of Arizona, and her PhD in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Southern California. 

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