
Kathryn Grace

Kathryn Grace
University of Minnesota
Assistant Professor

Kathryn Grace's research fits squarely within the field of Population Geography.  Her research highlights the role of context in various aspects related to maternal and child health—primarily reproductive health and family planning decision-making. Her geographic training (PhD geography) and quantitative background (M.A. statistics, MSPH biostatistics) enable her to bring a unique perspective to spatial demography through her use of a quantitative, mixed-disciplinary approach to the examination of the way that individual, family, or household outcomes are conditioned by place; including both the culture and the natural environment.

Grants, Awards and Distinctions:

NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences. 2012-2015. Examining the Links Between Agriculture and Human Health in a Context of Climate Change: A Case Study of Three West African Countries - Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. (with Co-I Greg Husak). $274,000.

UC Center for New Racial Studies (co-PI). 2013-14. Central American fertility in Los Angeles translation: Informing statistical models with qualitative context. $12,000

United States Geological Service. 2012-2018. Using Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data to Measure Cultivated Area and Land Use in High Fertility Countries. PI: Kathryn Grace Award $178,000

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Utah. 2012-2013. How Food Insecurity Impacts Contraceptive Use in Early Transitional Societies. PI: Kathryn Grace Award Period. $3,500


Grace, K., M. Brown and A. McNally. 2014. 
"Examining the link between food price and food insecurity: A multi-level analysis of maize price and birthweight in Kenya."
Food Policy, 46: 56-65.
Brown, M., K. Grace, K. G. Shively, K. Johnson, M. Carroll. 2014. 
"Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Household Survey Data to Assess Human Health and Nutrition Response to Environmental Change."
Population and Environment, 1-25.
Research Themes:
Grace, Kathryn and Stuart Sweeney. 2014.
"Pathways to marriage and cohabitation in Central America."
Demographic Research, 30: 6 (187-226). 
Sweeney, S., F. Davenport and K. Grace.
"Combining insights from quantile and ordinal regression: Child malnutrition in Guatemala."
Economics and Human Biology. Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2013, 164-177.
Grace, Kathryn and Stuart Sweeney
"Understanding stalling demographic transition in high-fertility countries: A case study of Guatemala"
Journal of Population Research. March 2013, Volume 30, Issue 1, 19-37.
Sweeney, S. and K. Grace.
"Regression Analysis of Anthropometry Data: A Simulation Study of a Two-Stage Estimator"
JSM Proceedings, Health Policy Statistics Section, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2012.
Grace, K.; F. Davenport; C. Funk; and A.M. Lerner.
"Child malnutrition and climate in Sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of recent trends in Kenya."
Applied Geography 35:405-413. 2012.
Kathryn Grace
"Against Abstinence-Only Education Abroad: Viewing Internet use During Study Abroad as a Possible Experience Enhancement"
Journal of Studies in International Education published online 18 October 2011.
Research Themes: