Graduate Student Fellow
U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Graduate Research Grant 2016-2018. $40,000.
Broom Center Graduate Student Research and Training Grant 2015. $1,800
Society of Women Geographers Pruitt National Dissertation Fellowship 2014-2015. $12,000
Broom Center Graduate Student Research and Training Grant 2014. $2,000
Mellon-Sawyer Graduate Fellow in Marine Environmental History 2013-2014. $22,200
Broom Center Graduate Student Research and Training Grant 2013. $1,250
Since 2012, Jessica has been an editorial board member of the peer-reviewed Journal of Environment and Development; from 2014-2016 she served as its Managing Editor.
Jessica has presented her research at the annual meetings of the American Association of Geographers (2013 and 2017) and the Population Association of America (2017), at the University of California Global Health Day (2014) and at the 8th Summer Institute on Migration and Health (2013). She also received funding from the Broom Center, the UC Center of Expertise on Migration and Health (COEMH), and the CU Population Center to attend workshops on environmental demography, and migration and health during the summer of 2013.
Post-doc at the Innovation Lab for Peanut (http://ftfpeanutlab.caes.uga.