2013/14 Schedule
All Seminars are on Mondays, from 2:00 - 3:30 pm, in North Hall 2111
(The Thormahlen Family Seminar Room).
All are welcome.
Monday October 7: Petra Persson (Stanford University, Economics) "Social Insurance and the Marriage Market" host: Maya Rossin-Slater
Monday October 21: Brenda Major (UCSB, Psychology) "Intergroup Relations and Health Disparities: A Social Psychological Perspective” host: Peter Kuhn
Monday November 4: Tom Vogl (Princeton University, Economics) “Differential Fertility, Human Capital, and Development” host: Heather Royer
Monday November 25: Greg Duncan (UC Irvine, Economics) "Increasing Inequality in Parent Incomes and Children’s Completed Schooling: Correlation or Causation?" host: Shelly Lundberg
Monday December 9: Dan Eisenberg (University of Washington, Anthropology) “Delayed paternal age of reproduction in humans is associated with longer telomeres across two generations of descendants” host: Michael Gurven
Notes: Monday Nov 11 is a university holiday.
Thanksgiving is Thurs Nov 28.
Monday January 13: Ron Lee (UC Berkeley) “Population aging and intergenerational transfers: a global perspective” host: David Lopez-Carr
Monday January 27: Raymond Wong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Sociology) "The Treiman Constant and Contemporary Changes in the American Occupational Structure" host: Maria Charles
Monday February 10: Sarah Thebaud (UCSB, Sociology) “Preferences, Policies and Possibilities: The Effects of Structural and Normative Constraints on Men’s and Women’s Work-Family Ideals” host: Peter Kuhn
Monday, February 24:
Monday, March 10: Bill Bielby (University of Illinois, Chicago, Sociology) “Not at My Expense: How Group Interests and Inequality Beliefs Shape Americans’ Views on Workplace Anti-discrimination Interventions” host: Maria Charles
Notes:Mon Jan 20 and Mon Feb 17 are university holidays.
Monday April 7: Kristin Turney (UCI, Sociology) “The Unequal Consequences of Mass Incarceration for Children” host: Sarah Thebaud
Monday April 21: Leslie McCall (Northwestern, Sociology) "The Undeserving Rich: American Beliefs about Inequality, Opportunity, and Redistribution" host: Maria Charles
Monday May 5: Jacinta Beehner (University of Michigan, Anthropology and Psychology) “Changes in female reproductive condition following the arrival of a new male in a wild primate” hosts: Aaron Blackwell and Michael Gurven
Monday May 19: David Plane (University of Arizona, Geography) “The Great Inversion? Spatial Age Dynamics of the Revival of U.S. Metropolitan Downtowns” host: Stuart Sweeney
Monday June 2: Carl Schmertmann (Florida State University, Economics) /sites/default/files/broom_docs/Schmertmann%20Zagheni%20Goldstein%20Myrskyla%20Cohort%20Fertility%20Forecasting_0.pdf“Bayesian Forecasting of Cohort Fertility” host: Stuart Sweeney
Note:Mon May 26 is a university holiday.