
Sean Reid

Department of Geography
UC Santa Barbara
Broom Center Affiliation(s)

Graduate Student Fellow

Sean Reid is an MA/PhD student in the Geography Department. Sean's research interests are broadly in urban and population dynamics and how they are influenced by events such as climate change, natural disasters, health hazards, and conflict. His current research is focused on migration of sexual minorities in the United States and contextual factors that influence their health outcomes. Sean received his undergraduate degree in geography from the University of Utah with a focus on GIS and remote sensing. Before beginning his graduate studies at UCSB, Sean was a research associate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he worked as part of the Population Dynamics Group.

Grants, Awards and Distinctions:

Clinical and Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research Training (CCRT) Program Fellow, 2022-2024

Population and Social Data Science Incubator Program, Summer 2022 

Research Program on Migration and Health (PIMSA) Dissertation Grant Award. Density, migration, and mobility of Mexican Latino Immigrant MSM in the United States. 2021-2022. PI, $2,000.


Paul, R., Reid, S., Coimbra Vieira, C., Wolfe, C., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., & Chunara, R. (2023)
"Methodological improvements in social vulnerability index construction reinforce role of wealth across international contexts (WP-2023-017; 0 ed., p. WP-2023-017)."
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. 
Cassels, S., Cerezo, A., Reid, S. C., Rivera, D. B., Loustalot, C., & Meltzer, D. (2023)
"Geographic mobility and its impact on sexual health and ongoing HIV transmission among migrant latinx men who have sex with men."
Social Science & Medicine, 320, 115635. 
Reid, S. C., Wang, V., Assaf, R. D., Kaloper, S., Murray, A. T., Shoptaw, S., Gorbach, P., & Cassels, S. (2023)
"Novel Location-Based Survey Using Cognitive Interviews to Assess Geographic Networks and Hotspots of Sex and Drug Use: Implementation and Validation Study."
JMIR Formative Research, 7(1), e45188.